Dota 2 FSR uses a slider to exact percent scaling you want!

1 : Anonymous2021/06/24 04:13 ID: o6tb98
Dota 2 FSR uses a slider to exact percent scaling you want!
2 : Anonymous2021/06/24 04:15 ID: h2umdfr

The render resolution slider was there already but still a better implementation than a fixed number.

ID: h2umncr

Now it uses FSR to scale it if u check the box.

I took pictures here

ID: h2w8705

Not sure if one of the updates fixed it, but there was a bug earlier where you could choose 40% with FSR which then "worked" but went back up to 50% without telling you.

Everything else seems to work well though

3 : Anonymous2021/06/24 05:16 ID: h2urpuk

I took screenshots at every 10% here and also compared with 10% RIS and 60% RIS added on top.

Comparison slider here.

ID: h2uwccf

Nice, 90% looks much better than Native. 80% slightly better.

Whats the perf diff on 90/80% vs Native?

Ultra Quality would be 77% so this is Ultra Ultra Quality which is what I'd love to see more of as option for it.

ID: h2ux3su

I have a 6800xt so I cannot really test performance at 1440p as I am CPU bottlenecked.

I get like 200-220 FPS at Native or at 90% in the area I tested (I don't play the game so im not sure if thers a specific gpu intensive area)

My GPU usage drops but its not really able to measure performance. I actually would use 99% because it increases the game quality if I did play this game.

I am going to go to bed but tomorrow I will test with VSR to upscale to 4k or higher to test performance gains.

ID: h2vvkmx

Why are you turning RIS on at all.... FSR already includes a sharpening pass in addition to the edge enhancement pass.

ID: h2w1riv

To make the image more sharper. From my observation people do love a sharp image, even if it has sharpening artifacts. Also, the sharpening strength in FSR is not really strong imo. They should give us a slider to control the sharpening strength.

ID: h2w68au

Because it helps. A high % RIS on top of the sub-Ultra Quality FSR significantly improved the look of overall blurriness on my 1080p monitor while I was testing it out in Riftbreaker. Losing a few twigs on the trees didn't matter nearly as much when the entire screen wasn't a blurry garbled mess, thanks to RIS.

ID: h2velby

What is RIS?

ID: h2veqtd

Radeon image sharpening I think

4 : Anonymous2021/06/24 05:22 ID: h2us7p4

If the checkbox is disabled at 100% slide it a little to the left and it will still be at 100% but the checkbox will be enabled.

ID: h2whi6v

Probably rounding and actually running at, say, 99.5% or whatever?

5 : Anonymous2021/06/24 04:22 ID: h2un1sj

do we know what number correlates to amd's presets? ultra/quality/balanced/perf

ID: h2unnri

ultra quality = 80%

performance = 50%

ID: h2unpzg

nice, so 90 is ultra instinct huh..

6 : Anonymous2021/06/24 09:30 ID: h2v8t2j

Dota 2's anti-aliasing is FXAA, I would turn it off in all circumstances, but definitely for using FSR.

Edit: oh, you can't disable it for FSR, that's sad

ID: h2vrby8

Yeah sadly u cannot turn it off which is a little sad but sharpening kinda reduces its badness.

7 : Anonymous2021/06/24 10:41 ID: h2vdei2

i think it is broken, if i get 60fps on 1080p native, when i set fsr 90% i lose 10% of fps. I lose 10% even if i set 99% fsr.
Only if i set for example 80% or less, i get more fps, but the quality is much worse.

I think it is broken, it is too heavy, for this reason i can't advise fsr on this game, because the native is better overall, mostly if you can set ris from radeon control panel.

ID: h2vnrxu

This could have to do with the work that the upscaling has to do and how it affects performance.

On a modern high-end GPU, FSR costs about 6-8% performance from the scaling, meaning that you have to gain at least 10% of performance with the reduction of render resolution for it to give you an actual performance uplift of 2-4%.

Now if you have an older card, the scaling could cost you 10-12% instead, now you need to gain ~12% to not loose performance in the end

ID: h2vo5jj

if i set 4k and 50%, it costs me nearly 50% of fps, if i compare the native 1080(i don't know if it is normal). simply it is not enough to prefer fsr instead of native. I can't use sharpening because on win 7 i just can't for some stupid reason, but if i could, i only use sharpening in this case at least.

ID: h2vhwug

I’m sure what is going on for you, but on my GTX 680 and intel CPU setting the game render quality to 69% and using FSR gives me almost double the FPS in Dota 2 it’s actually incredible

8 : Anonymous2021/06/24 08:31 ID: h2v59xo

I checked yesterday and the option wasn't there?

ID: h2w5z7n

It was updated today.

9 : Anonymous2021/06/24 10:49 ID: h2vdyu2

40% FSR and non-FSR looked exactly the same.
How about FPS? Is it same as well?

10 : Anonymous2021/06/24 11:42 ID: h2vhzj9

That's one step closer to seeing FSR combined with dynamic resolution scaling, which would be neat.

11 : Anonymous2021/06/24 16:34 ID: h2wgpcj

Tried this out, much perfer the ability to adjust FSR on a percent basis like here rather than 4 predefined settings. Hard to tell a difference in this game for me though as i'm CPU bound in DOTA 2.


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