Tarkov Fun Fact – The inventory images for On Sling and On Back in Tarkov are the same with the AK 74 from Contract Wars, their previous game, and features the iconic double taped mags

1 : Anonymous2021/06/27 18:39 ID: o92x1i
Tarkov Fun Fact - The inventory images for On Sling and On Back in Tarkov are the same with the AK 74 from Contract Wars, their previous game, and features the iconic double taped mags
2 : Anonymous2021/06/27 18:51 ID: h38lv7c

There is a whole barn from contract wars in woods expansion.

ID: h38n02k

That was such a cool throwback for me

ID: h38tkic

Same, the prokill chain, old_sawmill on woods, the map names, the whole lore, black division coming in, many of the guns...

I started playing CW when I was around 12 y/o, got myself to level 62 there and had everything unlocked

I will never forget the time I almost got a legendary kill, only to be killed by a guy that entered my team just to see were I was and went back to the other team to kill me...

Fun times

3 : Anonymous2021/06/27 19:59 ID: h38u6nk

At some point in early testing, the game was literally a more polished contract wars. I also have in mind that they pretty much abandoned CW and are pretty scummy about how they did that. EFTs assets look the same but with much higher LoD.

ID: h38uxvu

Well yeah, I remember seeing it posted in 2014 by trainfender (nikita) and was called russia2028, I mean it still looked good. As for CW yes that games is theoretically done but you can still play it on the launcher they have and it has a few players left since it has VERY basic computer requirements so many people with bad specs still play it but it has a cheater problem - and I don't mean like eft or any normal game I mean you know...bad. Then there was Contract Wars 2.0 wich flopped and was rebranded to Hired Ops and now it is free to play but they completely revamped everything. That game is ok and gets regular updates but it's still doing very poor as player bases go, because they kinda flopped the release but it might have a chance to resurface one day

ID: h39nwi4

That makes a lot of sense, games fun as hell and feels good, but ill be damned if it's not missing something (Hired ops)

ID: h38wdvj

Abandoned? Maybe it's just done? Don't way it's not done because it still has bugs, there is no such thing as a bug free game.

ID: h38wha0

Maybe it's just done?

CW is surely not "done" in any possible form.

4 : Anonymous2021/06/27 18:50 ID: h38lt1i

They share assets, I dunno if you knew that and were just pointing out this cool thing or not though!

ID: h38vlba

Oh I knew from the beginning, I learned from EfT since I was playing CW a long while ago, but I just remembered that now and tought it'd be cool to share it with the community and maybe some new people would learn the history of the games

ID: h38yh66

Sheet, i remember when i was on kongregate and they did a whole contest of who would discover the title of an upcoming project. They where launching eft and we got the cinematic trailer. So many memories.

5 : Anonymous2021/06/27 23:40 ID: h39jor7

I remember playing contract wars, good game, I remember scouring the internet for any unity 3d fps. Begone comes to mind.

6 : Anonymous2021/06/27 21:53 ID: h397w8m

The two images you have shown are not the same

ID: h39gaku

Man you must be great fun at parties.


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