- Deathloop PS5 File Size Revealed and It Is Surprisingly Small (16.1 GB.)
“Deathloop was initially set to launch in August but the game was slightly pushed ahead to September.”
Shouldn’t that be “pushed back” or am I crazy?
ID: h3o928mID: h3oc8hvWell, if something is pushed back it’s pushed further to the back of the calendar.
Laughs in Activision
ID: h3ndq70slaps roof of cod we could fit 15 of those in here
ID: h3nez3zMw 2019 with all the modes is unironically 15 deathloops
I downloaded the 4K texture pack for Shadow of War yesterday. Just that was 20GB
What sorcery is this!?
Idk whether to be amazed or shocked.
ID: h3nr1gmThe game is current gen only as far as I know. If developers use the powers of the fast SSDs in the new consoles game will get smaller in size.
Still pretty suprised about a 16gb sized game.
ID: h3nxg34It’s more that I think it has hardware to decompress files very quickly in run time. Certain files/file types can be efficiently compressed so you can get up to an 8x space saving.
ID: h3o3tqwNot to downplay what Arkane have done here, but Sekiro was about 15gb iirc.
ID: h3mrk95From what we've seen it seems to be a small map with a lot of variables so there's not a lot of assets to take up space.
ID: h3mu3ctArkane said it was larger and more dense than anything they did in Dishonored so idk how accurate your statement is
The final Arkane game ever on Playstation ...
ID: h3mwyvtExactly my thinking, Prey and Dishonored series are some of my all time favs
I’m planning to just sub to Gamepass for the release of Arkane/Doom games and play them that way, then cancel after
ID: h3njm51I'm gonna do that too, I don't have a good pc or xbox but I have a good internet connection and gamepass streaming to pc is out now so I'll just play some games like that. Mostly exclusives and those that come out as free there and I dont necessarily want to play it on my PS for trophies and such.
ID: h3o9jn8That's my plan with Starfield
ID: h3n22rtI’ll be honest. I can live without playing Doom.
But if they get Prey 2…..
ID: h3ny3eaPrey kind of sold badly so I doubt we will see another Prey.
ID: h3n0hi0I was really interested in buying Ghostwire and Deathloop but honestly don't wanna get too invested in a series I'll never get to play again...
ID: h3n5oqlI’ve avoided trailers and leaks and any news because I want to go in mostly blind, but from what I’ve gathered, we are trying to escape the timeloop in Deathloop. I don’t know about Ghostwire, but it’s hard for me to imagine a Deathloop sequel.
Honestly, I say this is a good sign.
Usually, what tooks a lot of space are audio/video. Everything that's scripted, everything where you don't play and just watch. I view this as a hint that this is indeed a gameplay-focussed game with player-agency, not a scripted wannabe movie.
Compare it with other gameplay-driven games:
Breath of the Wild: 13 GB Dark Souls: 8 GB Shadow of the Colossus Remake: 14 GBID: h3ojrfuIsn't Deathloop 4k though? None that you listed are anywhere near that graphic quality.
I feel like if this game stays exclusive, it will stop getting support very early on, since Microsoft owns them.
Wow! That is surprising.
If Arkane Studios can get their footprint so small, why the hell can't Activision do it with Call of Duty.
ID: h3nax6sI mean, you simply can’t compare two games like that. They’re using completely different engines, assets, subsystems, programming techniques, etc.
Now, is CoD being ballooned out of control? Absolutely - I think it’s ridiculous that CoD is that big and it should be unacceptable. But you simply can’t say “well X game can do that, why can’t game Y?” because there are a countless number of things that affect a game’s file size
ID: h3o8eadCod does it on purpose at this point. They make it so that you cant have 2 cod games installed at the same time so they can milk you for all your worth on the game theyre focusing on.
ID: h3n56zdUncompressed audio to squeeze every bit of performance out of the game.
ID: h3nr4obHelps with performance to have the files be uncompressed. MW is by no means a small game but would be way smaller in size if it would have been a current gen exclusive game.
After reading through comments. File size doesn't say anything about how big the game is in scope and there are so many factors that influence file size. It litterly says nothing about the game itself.
Hopefully this can buck the trend of me not liking Arkane Lyon's games (Dishonored) but loving Arkane Austin's games (Prey)
Dishonored was the Game of the decade for me and I'm very, very, VERYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, excited for this game.
Deathloop is gonna be ok. What I'm really waiting for is TIMESPLITTERS!
ID: h3o7x8bI think the whole universe will flip if we get another timesplitters. We would be better off crossing the streams, figuring out the three seashells, or becoming NEO.
that ps5 compression though.
Kraken's doing its thing.
Prepare for a 40 gig day1 patch.
I haven't been following this game super closely but isn't it just one small map with a bunch of moving parts, a la Hitman? Not surprised it's that small. Wonder if this could be a red flag concerning the amount of content in the game...
ID: h3nrf8cBorderlands 2 has like 13gb and look at how much content there is. Its all about how well you can reuse assets without copy pasting everything. In BL2 guns have textures from some walls for example, something you would never notice if you weren't looking for it.
File size =/= content.
Edit: Don't forget that the game literally has millions of guns.
ID: h3mvf9pLarge maps are over rated. Id rather a dense interesting map
ID: h3mrwe0I don’t think it’s a red flag at all, cod takes up hundreds of gb and I wouldn’t say it’s overflowing with content
ID: h3n380lIn the end, how many games with huge file sizes are the result of a wide range of content and not 4k or greater textures and audio?
ID: h3nvl9gFile size isn't indicative of content.
Just look at Dark Souls Remastered or The Surge 2 both coming in at around 7.5gb on PS4. And both games have plenty of content.
According to howlongtobeat DS Remastered takes ~40 hours to beat and The Surge 2 takes 25 hours. All of that is assuming of course that you are decently good at those games. A struggling player can take much longer.
ID: h3mxwvfPeople really need to stop equating filesize to content. Such a shortsighted ignorant view.
Arkane games especially are all about its game systems. Not some shitty expansive open world that takes 15mins to ride a horse across. Thats not content.
ID: h3oahf5Ikr Breath of the Wild is only 13GB big lol and it’s absolutely massive. I can never understand this mindset.
When will the "surprisingly small file size" posts be over? We all know there is no more need for data redundancy in new-gen games so the size of the install is ALWAYS going be dramatically less than expected. For EVERY game.
ID: h3oqxdaI think it’s still the shock. I mean Cerny did say this would happen but in this case, it’s a pretty dramatic size decrease than what we’re used to seeing. Just give it time.
That’s what she said
I did a double take there. I'm really curious what the PC file size will be, and eventually Xbox since I know PS5 has some special compression going on.
Don't support Xbox studios.
Isn't it funny that when a date gets "pushed back" it moves forward in time, and if a date is "brought forward" then it has gone back in time.