It can’t be that bad right?

1 : Anonymous2021/07/05 14:54 ID: oe90j7
It can't be that bad right?
2 : Anonymous2021/07/05 16:02 ID: h451na8

Hey, Ada was originally planned to be the one who rescued Ethan from the church in Village, so she’s not THAT far gone, at least we know the creators aren’t done with her yet, unlike our girl Jill

ID: h45shgt

I’m still pissed ada didn’t cameo in village

ID: h45v5kv

Same, but I’d put money on her showing up in Mia’s DLC

ID: h455ey0

I know but..was discarded

(Mad as hell when I learn bout it)

3 : Anonymous2021/07/05 17:21 ID: h45b1zf

Honestly Rebecca is the most forgotten. I mean good lord she is just a distant memory now.

ID: h45bzpc

there are many forgotten characters in RE games 🙁

ID: h45c3gy

True, but none so undeserving. I doubt most miss Ark Thompson.

ID: h4665dn

Shes not forgotten, she's just not a character likely to turn up in the games due to her story.

They used her in the stage show. (Which is canon for some reason.) And followed up with one of the animated movies

She is a researcher at a university in Australia, and makes T-Virus cures.

Given we've not seen any T-Virus for years in the RE games there's probsbly not much reason to bring her back in. And since she left STARS straight after RE1 she's presumably not ever coming back as a combat character.

ID: h45nfcd

I’m not trying to meme here but who was Rebecca lol what game was she in?

ID: h45nzmg

Rebecca Chambers from Resident Evil Zero, Resident Evil 1 and REmake. She was a major playable character but she basically dropped off the earth after those games.

4 : Anonymous2021/07/05 16:39 ID: h455zuc

To be fair, Jill was a main character in 3 games and had an important role in 5. Ada only had a guest role in 2, half a game in 4 and a campaign in 6, aside from one movie. Claire was main character in 3 games, a movie and the new miniseries.

ID: h458plf

I think most want new apparitions. Remakes are not exactly brand new games plot wise.

RE5 was released in 2009. This was the last time Jill played a role.

Claire well the upcoming tv series. Ada was close but discarded.

The movie in November is Jill moment I guess tho movies idk if count.

ID: h4593ic

You are right, her return is long overdue. The last news about her status is in rev 2, where she tells barry in an e-mail that she is going through some tests due to wesker experimenting on her, and that happens even before RE6.

5 : Anonymous2021/07/05 18:38 ID: h45k2xt

after RE5 Jill just disappeared

6 : Anonymous2021/07/05 18:58 ID: h45mhfk

The r34 artists beg to differ.

ID: h462qci

....ok you win .

7 : Anonymous2021/07/05 19:14 ID: h45oeoy

Rebecca must be buried underneath the sand.

ID: h45thgo

She was in a movie tho

8 : Anonymous2021/07/05 19:02 ID: h45n010

it depends on the character’s profession. Rebecca works in the lab and Barry works as a consultant so they are not likely to be seen in action again.

ID: h4621kh

Rebecca could be a protag of a game where she is the survivor of a lab outbreak.

Not gonna happen... but still...

9 : Anonymous2021/07/05 21:04 ID: h461dne

I like the Ethan winters kind of what seemed like reboot to the series. New character New game play (first person) Mold instead of zombies but still horror and awesome villains. It’s for sure been refreshing and the tie in to the actual game is pretty awesome I thought it was it’s own stand alone thing this whole time.

10 : Anonymous2021/07/05 18:24 ID: h45ifrn

Claire is not even close to forgotten. Jill, Barry, Rebecca, Hunk, Billy... those are forgotten.

As for Ada, it seems that she's doomed to appear only when Leon is in the spotlight, never on her own and that's a shame.

ID: h45mol8

If anything, Barry beat the odds and was a main character in Rev2. Someone at Capcom must have REALLY liked Barry for that to happen. Jill will likely show up once Capcom can figure out if 7 and 8 link to the main story or if it is an AU thing. Hunk literally shows up all the time and since he was a minigame character initially, that is likely where he will stay forever. But yeah, Becky and Billy are swimming with the Anglers.

ID: h45njlc

Meme is more about a role or usage in the current games/series.

Chris /Ethan : RE8

Leon mc in Infinite darkness.

Claire side character in infinite darkness.

11 : Anonymous2021/07/05 20:21 ID: h45wb9l

I like to think she just quit after those instances. I’ve Only played remake and might play zero, but she seems way too innocent to keep going.

12 : Anonymous2021/07/05 15:54 ID: h450nj0

Sadly true.

13 : Anonymous2021/07/05 23:20 ID: h46gn9w

More like Rebecca

14 : Anonymous2021/07/05 22:22 ID: h46a7u9

"I'm not gonna die on you, and leave you in a cold, cruel Carlos-less world."

Capcom gave us this line knowing damn well that they would leave us in a cold, cruel Carlos-less world after RE3R lmao. I should be used to it by now but so many characters like Carlos deserve a comeback to the present day story imo... Jill and Claire definitely have priority but I'd also love to see other characters return.

15 : Anonymous2021/07/05 21:04 ID: h461det

The only RE protags left are myself, Leon, and Ethan. We don't know what happened to Jill - Chris Redfield, RE: Village

Edit: Honestly I blame the change from survival horror to action horror. Men are more marketable for action games than women I'm afraid.

16 : Anonymous2021/07/05 19:04 ID: h45n6eu

Sheva is somehow lower than Jill/Ada:(

ID: h461xrn

Sheva was replaced with Helena so fast that it basically confirmed the theory that Sheva solely existed to make RE5's initial reaction (in which the game was portrayed as a white man being chased around by and gunning down disease ridden racial stereotypes... yeah that was not very cashmoney) go away

17 : Anonymous2021/07/05 18:24 ID: h45ihbu

Lmaoooo what about sherry sheva or my personal favorite helena

ID: h45kr41

I think we can add a new level in sea deepness (Mariana trench).

ID: h461ep6


18 : Anonymous2021/07/05 20:05 ID: h45uga4

And Billy Cohen is somewhere under the silt.

19 : Anonymous2021/07/05 19:21 ID: h45p6an

Ada has gotten better treatment than Claire and Jill from 2004 to when the Revelations games dropped.

20 : Anonymous2021/07/05 17:26 ID: h45bk8j

maybe a game with all the characters, like RE6 but this time with more horror elements or somewhat like RE2R.

How much time gap is between RE6 & RE7 ? if its a longer period then surely we all would be curious to know what happened to other characters

ID: h45dls4

The big issue for Capcom is that our old cast is just too seasoned for BOW fighting and horror I think.

Capcom either nerf them seriously or power up bow drastically....and I think neither option will be likeable for the fans.

I think spin-offs are the safest route.

ID: h45izfi

So i guess they should do a team up game with old characters against some big threat, and then give them proper endings, and then can continue to bring new characters, this way fans would settle down about OG characters

ID: h45f3hq

there is chronologically a four year time gap between 6 and 7. (2013 and 2017)

21 : Anonymous2021/07/05 18:37 ID: h45k0hr

All character appearance including CGI movie

Chris - RE1, CVX, REV1, RE5, RE6, RE7, RE8, Vendetta

Jill - RE1, RE3, REV1, RE5

Barry - RE1, RE GAIDEN, REV2

Rebecca - RE0, RE1, Vendetta

Leon - RE2, RE4, RE6, Degeneration, Damnation, Vendetta

Claire - RE2, CVX, REV2, Degeneration

Ada - RE2, RE4, RE6, Damnation

Sherry - RE2, RE6

Ethan - RE7, RE8

Ethan only has two appearances for you to put him there. Chris is the real spotlight hogger.

22 : Anonymous2021/07/05 18:02 ID: h45fv3z

Tbf no one has a chance against Chris.

23 : Anonymous2021/07/05 19:35 ID: h45qvxv

I'm ready to receive my downvotes because...

I don't like Chris and Ada.

But there are some others characters (that I would love to see again at least) to add to that list:

Rebecca Chambers Billy Coen Sheva Alomar Jack Krauser Nikolai Zinoviev (I would love to see him brought back as a main vilain since he survived in RE3 remake) HUNK (why so low? it's not in an specific order, chill) Barry Burton
24 : Anonymous2021/07/05 18:56 ID: h45m6se

I don't get the complaining about Jill, she literally just had a game 1 year ago, it's not a main game, but she's still the main character. I know she's been missing storyline-wise since RE5, but so have been all other characters except for Chris since 2012, so you might as well just put all of them underwater.

ID: h45pt7x

Remakes are fine but we want present TL games with Jill and Claire not spinoffs

25 : Anonymous2021/07/05 16:28 ID: h454p7y

I'm sensing a pattern here...

ID: h4569y7

Leon hasn't been in a main game since 2012. Ada will probably make DLC for 8. If you count remakes then claire and jill aren't neglected at all.

ID: h45mbl4

I put Leon up there due infinite darkness .

26 : Anonymous2021/07/05 22:55 ID: h46dxzo

And here I am just wanting Bruce McGivern to get even a mention in a new game.

28 : Anonymous2021/07/05 22:49 ID: h46d9sh

Jill had like 3 or 4 of her own games...ada is whack....and Barry barely gets any respect

29 : Anonymous2021/07/05 22:41 ID: h46ccda

Where is my boy Krauser

30 : Anonymous2021/07/05 22:37 ID: h46bypi

I'm fine with not reusing characters. The series is about global bio threats. Returning to the same characters could have the same effect as with Star Wars, where the universe ends up feeling very small.

31 : Anonymous2021/07/05 22:23 ID: h46abza

What do you mean Leon he hasn’t been here since re6

32 : Anonymous2021/07/05 20:04 ID: h45u8wn

I made a meme like this

33 : Anonymous2021/07/05 21:19 ID: h4632vd

There are several. Some add more characters tho.

I did mine more simple(plus no one put Ethan).

34 : Anonymous2021/07/05 22:02 ID: h467y1v

Ah nice

35 : Anonymous2021/07/05 19:56 ID: h45tak4

Sheva xoxox

36 : Anonymous2021/07/05 19:48 ID: h45sey2

Rebecca is under the dirt underwater…

37 : Anonymous2021/07/05 21:44 ID: h465xqi

I want another Jill, in zero-suit costume, game. Delete the RE3make character model and empty the recycle bin. Got to be Original REmake, RE5 and Revelations version of Jill.

38 : Anonymous2021/07/05 20:09 ID: h45uu8y

Wut about Rebecca

39 : Anonymous2021/07/05 20:16 ID: h45vnd4

I was thinking the same, lol.

40 : Anonymous2021/07/05 17:50 ID: h45eh8w

Jill just had her own game again. It was a remake, but still.


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