‘Fallout 76: Steel Reign’—Bethesda Says Please Give Game a Chance After Hard Lessons

1 : Anonymous2021/07/07 23:17 ID: ofunm5
'Fallout 76: Steel Reign'—Bethesda Says Please Give Game a Chance After Hard Lessons
2 : Anonymous2021/07/07 23:29 ID: h4ew7e7

No, I don’t think I will.

ID: h4ez88a

No, I don't think I will.

3 : Anonymous2021/07/07 23:30 ID: h4ewbwz

The game is 30fps, looks like dogshit and plays worse. There's nothing fun about doing bad Fallout sidequests in a bland version of Fallout 4s map where everything is spread apart for "big map" purposes.

4 : Anonymous2021/07/07 23:35 ID: h4ewxqr

NOPE you've hurt me to many times Bethesda, I loved you and you just hurt me.

5 : Anonymous2021/07/07 23:22 ID: h4ever1


6 : Anonymous2021/07/07 23:37 ID: h4ex9f7

No interest in an online looter shooter fallout

7 : Anonymous2021/07/07 23:28 ID: h4ew54w

I'm Busy.

" Furiously replaying Fallout 4 "

8 : Anonymous2021/07/07 23:22 ID: h4evg5l

"And I whispered back, 'No.'"

9 : Anonymous2021/07/07 23:23 ID: h4evibr

Lol no

10 : Anonymous2021/07/07 23:24 ID: h4evpex

Hard no.

11 : Anonymous2021/07/07 23:49 ID: h4eyn8g

I think he means come buy virtual currency, and that’s a pass for me. I’ve watched enough gameplay of this game and it’s never made me feel like I want to play it. I’m admittedly still salty about them selling to MS even though I own a new Xbox, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

12 : Anonymous2021/07/07 23:25 ID: h4evsks

I think am good, they released it half finished to get revenue at full price, added costly cosmetics over content.

So many great games out there there is no need to go back to broken half arsed attempts.

I pre-ordered that mess.. quickest trade in I have ever done.

13 : Anonymous2021/07/07 23:26 ID: h4evxt6

And the community says please take your devs off that dumpster fire project and actually make Elder Scrolls 6. Not that anyone on PS5 gets to play it.

14 : Anonymous2021/07/07 23:48 ID: h4eyh6q

To echo the sentiments of many people here, no. Tired of being asked to pay money for shit that is at best 1/2 finished for full price money and then being marketed to with shitty cosmetics and over priced DLC, doubly so when they claim the DLC is an "expansion".

Finish games properly the first time and people will bend over backwards to give you money instead of having to beg consumers to buy your shit you keep shoveling out. The worst part about it is that as new consumers come into the market, they can keep getting away with this shitty anti-consumer crap.

In conclusion, fuck off and go die in a fire.


Pissed off gamers the world over

15 : Anonymous2021/07/07 23:51 ID: h4eywfd

Give it a PS5 update and I'll consider it

16 : Anonymous2021/07/07 23:54 ID: h4ez63p


17 : Anonymous2021/07/07 23:56 ID: h4ezf6x

If you would’ve focused more on Elder Scrolls 6 and not this pile of wasted potential then the game wouldn’t still be in a design phase after all these years.


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