Cheater/hacker discussion megathread

1 : Anonymous2021/07/12 15:41 ID: oitusk

We have a very large influx of posts centered around the cheating issue right now. Several posts have been made requesting that we make a megathread. In an effort to prevent this from drowning out all the other discussions, please make posts about this issue here.

As usual, please keep it civil.
Accusing people of cheating is not allowed here. Please edit names from videos and restrain yourselves from trying to put their names on blast here.

2 : Anonymous2021/07/19 16:44 ID: h5rqnxw

If you have definitive proof of a cheater, submit it via ticket.

How to submit a suspected cheater ticket via the launcher.

3 : Anonymous2021/07/12 17:22 ID: h4xx7b9

run crappy kits, never see a soul... put lvl 4/5 armor + supressed weapon. fight off half the server while you're hiding in a bush.

ID: h4ymbqf

Yep. Pistol runs and literally run trough the middle of the map. Spawn with good equipment and i get found in the most random spots sorting my looted stuff lol

ID: h4yvzv3

Seriously, I cant' hide ANYWHERE with a decent kit this wipe. I have put my PMC is the most remote spots and corners on maps, I won't move a pixel, I get hunted down within a few minutes and 1 tapped to the eyes with crap ammo. But man, I run in with just a pistol to do a quest, not a soul bothers me.

ID: h512twv

Damn, my friend and I did a shit loot Interchange run to rush tech. We ended up patrolling the map looking to die but ended up extracting without seeing a player. We did see 2 scavs but heard no shots the entire raid.

ID: h50nfuc

This 100% dude. I wear lvl 6 and altyn and all of a sudden I'm copping rat attacks from most of the server. My playstyle does no change depending on my gear but the amount of God tier gamers I run into sure does.

ID: h4zeybf

Funny that you mention that, as I just had this EXACT experience on Shoreline. Was basically naked doing several raids with a garbage AKM for the Punisher 1. Get to the second part and I have to use a suppressed weapon and some decent armor. I spawn at the stupid dam area and run straight inside into the back room and chill for a few minutes to let scavs spawn. About 5 minutes in a couple of guys sprint straight at me. They don't check any rooms or anything. One just sprints straight through the whole building opening all the doors up that I closed(I didn't loot anything and he ignored it all) ran straight up to the room I was in(with the door open). Suddenly one guy starts wall banging me nonstop through the outside wall while the other guy shoots me from through the doorway. Really interesting how they didn't check anything at all and just kind of knew to sprint right where I was...

ID: h4yykpp

Have experienced this alot this wipe

4 : Anonymous2021/07/12 16:03 ID: h4xl24i

Allow kill-cams AFTER the raid timer hits 0.

Allow players with experience/helpful community members to view reports/killcams and use a vote to shadow-ban players (like other valve games). Then these subjects are now in a queue for review from BE/BSG themselves. (To help prevent false positives)

This puts them into a server after flagged, where they cant ruin other normal players games. They would be paired with other cheaters alike, and removed access from the flea market.

ID: h524v1q

What about just banning hack service buyers. Just ban everyone for the rest of the wipe who is in a group with a hacker. 95% hackers are gone cause they no longer make a profit. But how will BSG profit from hackers rebuying the game every single month 1-3 times then?

5 : Anonymous2021/07/12 16:01 ID: h4xkqpx

Also wtf is up with the weird "G QUN XXXXXXX" names that are looking for a group? I keep reporting their name when I see them in the list, but what is this about?

ID: h4xrtp7

G = GUA = "cheat/hack"

QUN = QQ group = chat groups on Chinese software QQ

and the number "xxxxxx" followed is the number for that chat group where they sell the hacks

This is an old type of "marketing" even back to the days of PUBG....

Basically, this user itself is meant to be some kind of marketing for their hacks: they team up with you, show you what their hacks can do, then expect you to go to that group chat to buy their hacks...

ID: h4xylfh

Welp fuck, I made my name “Gqun-420” this wipe as a meme because my friends and I kept seeing those accounts in the labs lobby last season. Now I feel terrible about it.

Edit: changed my name.

ID: h4y0o4v


In the early days of apex most lobbies were filled with these type of groups.

I think the big one was called doyu or something to that effect.

ID: h4y18hb

lol remember when the voice chat in the pubg lobbies was just full of bots playing recordings advertising hacks?

ID: h4ylz7e

Got killed by one in woods today and was at a loss at how... Now it makes sense. Every single game today I've been headshot.

6 : Anonymous2021/07/13 21:32 ID: h5319n6

Congrats your last banwave lasted a few hours. Reserve full of Jiang's lvl 1's right now

7 : Anonymous2021/07/13 06:47 ID: h50f67a

Honestly this wipe, I've seen way more cheaters compared to any other wipe I was in. Yes there were some times where desync may or may not have assisted me / another player. But some of the shit that is done is so blatant that it's not even funny. RMT and carries alone allow these cheaters to make so much money. People who pay for RMT and carries should be the ones getting perma-banned too. If they aren't, then of course cheaters will just be able to make an account given how much money they make. Perma banning people who buy RMT and buy carries will make a large dent IMO.

8 : Anonymous2021/07/12 15:55 ID: h4xk90y

All I have to say is that BSG needs to come with something because people get away with it too easily

9 : Anonymous2021/07/12 18:11 ID: h4y3qp9

Sometimes I wonder if the report function even does anything. I wonder if they put it in there just to make us feel like we are doing something.

10 : Anonymous2021/07/13 14:13 ID: h51ebpz

All that i can say is if you run an altyn, hexgrid… you REALLY know whos cheating. I dont think people can laser a kedr-b 18-19 bullets to the face shield while i am running.

Thank god for lvl 5 armor this wipe, cant wait for a ban wave.

ID: h52ozet

Yeah when I run tier 5+ shit I notice a lot more pvp and sus deaths.

11 : Anonymous2021/07/13 14:21 ID: h51fct8

As someone now on their fifth (maybe sixth?) wipe, I don’t think it has never been this bad. Right now we are on par with the vacuum hacks of two wipes ago, when Labs was completely unplayable. It may even be worse. It’s extremely going into a raid and actually having to worry if I’m just going to be head/eyes right off the bat. It sucks having to essentially quarantine certain maps.

12 : Anonymous2021/07/14 13:40 ID: h55iojs

Wish there was something like Counter-Strike's Prime Matchmaking and trust factor, basically old accounts with tons of hours get a higher standing and likely get matched with other high-trust players, also have a phone number be a requirement to use it. It's not hard to get a new phone number, but it might add another layer of security

13 : Anonymous2021/07/14 01:13 ID: h53rc6p

yall call me when theres a ban wave. shits outta control

14 : Anonymous2021/07/12 21:46 ID: h4yvdox

I’ve run into more cheaters since the start of this wipe than I have in my entire +2yrs/1600hrs of playing.

ID: h50hwhf

Same mate and there’s so many people out here defending the fact there are barely any its a joke.

ID: h510osz

I've heard someone say that a lot of times these kind of posts get posted in cheating discords and then they come and say shit like that.

ID: h514jtt

Yep same.

Last wipe when someone cried 'cheaters' I'd be like 'yeah ok' having run into less than 5 blatant cheaters in my 600 or so raids.

This wipe... Holy shit. I get it. And I'm sorry.

15 : Anonymous2021/07/12 16:39 ID: h4xrfvp

If instead of going after the cheat/cheater bsg started targeting the rmt consumer then I imagine cheating would drastically disappear...

From my own research it seems like a majority of cheats that are undetected are quite expensive and the only reason these cheaters are able to keep using them are because of the income from rmt. So why not scorched earth it and take away the resources from the cheater (those that pay for rmt)

16 : Anonymous2021/07/12 16:00 ID: h4xknwz

How to stop a large portion and the worse of the hacking would be to go after the players paying the cheaters (RMT). When a RMT cheater gets a ban, everyone who matched with them gets a 1 day ban along with a warning, if they then match and play with a second RTM account after that they get a week (or longer) ban along with a final notice that next time they lose the account. Then if they do it again ban them also. Once the cash flow to the cheaters stops or slows down they will go to a different game they can make money with.

Edit to clear up. By matching I mean went into the raid as a pre made group.

ID: h4xl6mr

There was thread with this suggestion I think it's the only way, go after RMT buyers, real accounts people care about.

Don't know how much traction that thread got, but would be nice to at least have a discussion from BSG what they think about it.

I don't even think it's very hard technical implementation, anyone who handled some larger data sets could do it easily.

ID: h4yne5g

Yea been saying this for a long time, BSG needs to go after the potatoes paying the cheaters. As long as these bots are allowed to roam free, the cheaters will never stop.

17 : Anonymous2021/07/12 15:50 ID: h4xjlxa

Its bad atm imo. All ya have to do is hide in inny underground and wait till you get randomly ran up on

ID: h4yjgqq

yep, 100% this. I urge anyone who doesn't think there's currently a cheater problem to go give it a try for a few raids.

18 : Anonymous2021/07/12 17:14 ID: h4xw1l9

I just want simple shit to be honest... Like an after raid theater mode so I can see how I died and from the perspective of who killed me. There's no reason other than allocating time to actually implement it to not add this. It wouldn't be usable information in raid because you don't get access to it until the raid is over, it would let new or inexperienced players see how more experienced players play, and if it's a hacker you get that peace of mind knowing your report will be legitimate. Literally all positives and no negatives.

ID: h50e3ox

This would honestly be amazing. Do I think they will do it, no. Reminds me of watching my games over in COD or Halo in the good ole Halo 3 days.

19 : Anonymous2021/07/13 04:59 ID: h506udf

Just got wall banged on resort to the face with .366 eko, as did teammate, bye-bye 500k kit. I'm sure it's been asked alot but does anyone know if these guys will actually be banned? It's so blatant so they must get so many reports, but he was level 27. Seriously pisses me off in a game with so many lows that occur normally they can't lower the amount of cheaters.

20 : Anonymous2021/07/18 13:30 ID: h5mmu9d

Done. Fucking done. Every PMC raid I do, being the chicken shit rat that I am, I get killed from unknown locations whilst prone in a bush, or killed from insane ranges without any noise, or get run up and full auto'd whilse prone in a hole under a bush. The game is chock full of cheaters and they seem to be doing nothing about it.

It's such a shame because this game has given me the best combat gameplay of my life. Now it's just absolutely unplayable.

21 : Anonymous2021/07/18 19:23 ID: h5nz5ov

Anyone here remembers Siege before battleye?
This game made me realize how many europeans casually cheat.
Every and I mean every mid-tier+ ranked game had some guy with british, french or german accent just waiting with his hacks on for any fishy kill-cam to toggle them.

You killed someone by spamming a wall? You bet yourself this guy is writing "oh i see how it is" in chat, alt-tabbing right now and you are gonna get shot through the floor every round from now on.
He toggles and now your random teammates go "oh I see how it is", they alt-tab and so do you - but you just to watch youtube, because there is just nothing else to do while idiots click on eachother through walls with rage flowing through their veins even stronger than the soylent they just gulped down.

You gotta be oblivious to not think that Tarkov has equally as much or even more incentives to cheat in than comp games like r6, csgo or ow.

22 : Anonymous2021/07/12 16:20 ID: h4xp03v

How many of you have seen cheaters on maps which aren’t reserve and labs. I’ve seen a fair few on interchange. It’s kinda driving me nuts

ID: h4y18go

Lots on Shoreline, a couple on Customs.

ID: h4y3uwo

Pestily says he's scared to run Interchange and Reserve now because it's so bad. DrLupo and Tim just ran into someone who killed them both head-eyes at the exact same time on Shoreline.

Doesn't seem to be near as many on Customs.

ID: h4z1fa0

Interchange is horrible. but honestly I've been seeing quite a lot on Customs too. I think it has good key spawns plus marked, at this point in the wipe, can be pretty juicy.

ID: h4y0acs

Ran into 2 cheaters for sure yesterday out of maybe 15 or 20 raids. Given that I play on us central servers that ratio seems pretty high.

ID: h4xqknb

Ran into 1 blatant cheater on customs. Shot me through construction metal wall and through a bus window. Name was some thing like "reportIcheat".

ID: h4y621g

3 on customs myself, 1 last wipe and 2 this wipe, in almost back to back raids.

For this wipe he (EFTMemey I think was his name? Something similar to that) head-eye's 3 of us in three different spots with 855 within seconds, the second was a GQUN username using a silenced ultima shotgun shooting ap20 and head-eyes two of us before he died to me prefiring the corner. He also happened to kill 2 other PMCs in the area too before my two buddies died to him

23 : Anonymous2021/07/13 03:48 ID: h500hk5

I understand how nuanced this game is and how difficult it can be to truly claim that you were killed by a hacker, however, due to the games nuance and feel, if you have been playing long enough it is quite easy to tell when you are killed by someone with 3rd party information.

24 : Anonymous2021/07/14 04:26 ID: h54bixm

I think they should start getting a bit drastic and also banning people who are matching with confirmed cheaters, not just RMT. Nothing to crazy to start, maybe like a 1 day ban, then 3 day, then 1 week, etc. Let their friends start holding them accountable or outcast them.

25 : Anonymous2021/07/14 05:17 ID: h54fx0u

Killed by someone using radar today on Customs. Made no noise, dude knew exactly where I was


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