Patch changelog

1 : Anonymous2021/08/09 12:36 ID: p10l3p

Escape from Tarkov Official, [09.08.21 14:34]

Tomorrow, at 10:00 Moscow time, we plan to start installing patch The installation will take approximately 4 hours, but may be extended if necessary. The game will be unavailable during this time.

Preliminary patch notes for patch!

List of changes:

Added a Fence reputation increase when successfully exiting any location as a Player Scav.

PMC-Scav cooperation extracts are now permanently available on all locations.

Adjusted Tagilla’s melee sounds.

Added Sorting Table on the Scav item turn-in screen.

Added new quests for high-level players.

Added the ability to change PMC voices in the Sound settings tab. You can change the voice at any time while out of raid

Various AI fixes.

Added the ability to use the Flea Market to search and buy items from Traders for players below level 20.

Dogtags will now be sorted by their levels.

Added a 30% discount on all items bought from Fence on maximum loyalty level.

Added the “Very Low” graphics preset.

List of fixes:

Raindrops are now correctly displayed on all hand models.

Fixed the loot spawn in the lockers on Interchange.

Fixed a bug due to which in some cases the after raid healing menu was missing.

Ammo box names now correctly display their contents.

The actual crafting time in the Scav case now changes correctly based on reputation with Fence.

Fixed a bug that caused a blank screen when examining modules on the weapon preset screen.

Fixed a bug that wouldn't let open an offer if clicking on the offer ID in any window beside the Flea Market screen.

Fixed a camera shake that appeared when trying to crawl up on an inclined surface.

Players no longer fall into geometry when reaching the junction of two inclined surfaces.

Raiders can no longer sprint with blacked-out legs.

Fence reputation will no longer increase when you kill a Player Scav that killed another Player Scav who was killing Scavs.

Players can no longer slide off ledges while prone.

Fixed a bug when players couldn’t turn while prone on elevated surfaces.

Added the missing wall in the underground area on the “Factory” location.

Removed the ability to look through the wall near the door next to the cars on the “Factory” location.

Removed the ability to look through the wall in the underground areas on the “Reserve” location.

Backpack and chest rig straps are now correctly displayed on the PMC head selection screen.

Fixed the flickering lights from lamps in the underground tunnels in the extended areas of the “Factory” location.

Fixed the flickering lights from lamps from specific distances on the “Customs” location.

Player head model “Hudson” is now correctly displayed with balaclavas and masks.

Fixed several issues with lighting on the “The Lab” location.

Fixed the Scav spawn in the open area next to repair and maintenance building on the “Reserve” location.

Fixed the air filter working time in the Hideout.

Fixed the probability of Scavs spawning next to players on all locations.

Fixed the possibility of stashing a quest item on the location while the item was moved into the quest items stash.

Fixed the probability of Scavs spawning inside the geometry

Insurance icon (the orange rectangle) will no longer disappear after a reconnect.

Sounds are now correctly overlapped in some of the rooms on the “Shoreline” location.

Fixed the double animation while equipping Mk47 Mutant.

The gas station fire on the “Shoreline” location now deals damage again.

Fixed the incorrect display of the Daypack backpack straps.

Fixed the possibility of players spawning outside the map on the “The Lab” location.

Cultists can now melee players while moving.

Adjusted the ability of equipping the SIG ROMEO8T sight on some rails.

Fixed the freezes while moving through tabs and filters on Trader screens.

Fixed the logic of the notification about exceeding the number of items before loading into the raid.

Fixed the issue with typing cyrillic symbols in the “player name” screen.

Quick melee hits can no longer be performed with no stamina.

Fixed the displacement of the aiming reticle in the collimator on the PL-15 pistol after firing all rounds.

Dead bodies will no longer fall through the ground on the “Interchange” location.

The progression value of the "Endurance" skill in the raid will no longer change after players reconnect to the raid.

2 : Anonymous2021/08/09 12:45 ID: h8a3gej

*Fixed the freezes while moving through tabs and filters on Trader screens.

oh baby lets go

ID: h8a778a

I noticed recently that streamers i watch dont seem to have this issue and I have been since trying to figure out why my system does it.

Does it freeze ip pretty bad for you? Ill have stutters like 2-3 seconds long

ID: h8aatgm

Apparently there's a thing with change the menu background from The Lab, back to Factory, might help.

3 : Anonymous2021/08/09 12:49 ID: h8a3w9a

Added the ability to use the flea market to search and buy items from traders for players below level 20.

Massive QOL changes in this patch but this one is huge

ID: h8aemqe

I'm casual as fuck, just hit lvl 10 last night. This change is soooo nice cuz I hate being blocked out of menu features I've always used in previous wipes just cuz I don't grind raids enough..

ID: h8akv30

Weapon modding here I come!

ID: h8amlr2

I'm over level 20 now but am wondering if this works with the "edit preset" feature for you?

ID: h8aqs9y

I recently hit 20 but would have loved this pre-20. Takes me almost 20 minutes to mod just one gun trying to find each specific part at each trader while cross referencing the wiki and other guides out there.

4 : Anonymous2021/08/09 12:47 ID: h8a3qik

Prone bug fixed and menu freezes fixed too, nice patch 😀

ID: h8a7glc

I thought the prone not turning was a feature so hyped now!!!

ID: h8abo26

Same. Doing sbih was real pain in the ass I tell you hwat

5 : Anonymous2021/08/09 12:41 ID: h8a322a

Added a Fence reputation increase when successfully exiting any location as a Player Scav.


ID: h8aaptz

Though I'm curious to know whether this will also be the case for scavs that instigate scav-on-scav violence. I feel like exfil rep should only be limited to those who didn't lose rep by attacking other scavs.

ID: h8av81t

I suspect that the rep gain is going to be 0.01, which means that if they kill a player scav, they'd have to extract quite a few raids to make it worth it even then. It helps the good folks more in the long run than the traitor scavs.

ID: h8afa6r

Yes. This.

ID: h8abm9c

Hopefully you don't get the karma if you've already lost karma that raid for killing an innocent scav.

6 : Anonymous2021/08/09 13:13 ID: h8a6isn

No mention of weird insurance costs?

ID: h8at293

This has been one of my biggest hang ups this wipe. I feel like I’m being punished for progressing. It shouldn’t cost 100k+ to insure a mediocre loadout at LL4…

7 : Anonymous2021/08/09 13:06 ID: h8a5req

Dog tags sorted by level. Thank the lords, that drove me mental.

ID: h8a6mrr

Same. I've always wondered what the actual sorting logic was.

8 : Anonymous2021/08/09 12:44 ID: h8a3e7j

Added the ability to change PMC voices in the Sound settings tab. You can change the voice at any time while out of raid.


Added a Fence reputation increase when successfully exiting any location as a Player Scav.

Love this 🙂

ID: h8a6zgg

changing voicelines is huge, they needed to bring it back long ago. give me hopes that it will fix the bug with loud BEAR breathing with faceshields

ID: h8af4fm

Don't fuckin know shit!

9 : Anonymous2021/08/09 13:08 ID: h8a5xk6

The real question about the extract scav karma is, do you only get that increase if you haven't killed any scavs that raid? That would make sense, but if it's just for an extract I see scav on scav violence upticking

ID: h8acatx

I hope they implemented that. It would just be common sense that if you were marked as evil that game, you don't gain karma.

10 : Anonymous2021/08/09 15:27 ID: h8anjr7

Fixed a bug when players couldn’t turn while prone on elevated surfaces.

fuck yeaaaaaa

11 : Anonymous2021/08/09 12:43 ID: h8a39sy

Remember when everything would fall through the ground on interchange? Lol it was loot roulette if you were trying to drop something to a friend. Spent many hours under Idea looking for that lion that fell through and we never learned our lesson.

ID: h8a64b5

I found a WTRig with a full keybar in the garage once. A while later I figured out why it was there...

ID: h8aqdbk


12 : Anonymous2021/08/09 12:54 ID: h8a4huw

These are some solid changes. Damnn

13 : Anonymous2021/08/09 16:15 ID: h8au973

I'm a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude

14 : Anonymous2021/08/09 13:04 ID: h8a5igi

But what if you kill a player scav that killed a player scav that killed a player scav who was killing scavs?

ID: h8a6gqy

While this question sounds silly, it is a legitimate one. I assume you gain reputation

ID: h8ac2vu

Surely it's like you're killing Batman, who killed a Criminal, who killed a normal person.

I would expect you would get negative karma for killing in this case, unless you're the joker?

15 : Anonymous2021/08/09 12:42 ID: h8a37ck

*Fixed the loot spawn in the lockers on Interchange.

Nooooooooo muh bitcoins

ID: h8a3s3v

It was so OP, gonna miss it

16 : Anonymous2021/08/09 15:37 ID: h8aoxbn

There's at least 5 changes that are directly taken from posts on the sub. That's pretty cool.

17 : Anonymous2021/08/09 13:04 ID: h8a5gxg

Finally I can get my fence rep up. Hoping this doesn’t incentivize player scavs to be more hostile though.

ID: h8aa0ar

Well if you’re a passive scav at least you get something for the raids you don’t get betrayed.

ID: h8adsca

True. Still The scav play this wipe has grown on me. I like how people are playing scavs now. But we’ll see what happens

18 : Anonymous2021/08/09 12:45 ID: h8a3h6z

Added the ability to use the Flea Market to search and buy items from Traders for players below level 20.

Now that i just need 1500 Xp to get to lvl 20 -.-

But now you can actually use presets before 20 and have required search *thumps up*.

19 : Anonymous2021/08/09 12:43 ID: h8a3a5m

Added new quests for high-level players.


ID: h8a3lxo

New quest - kill PMCs with led slugs while both legs are broken and you've huffed some wd-40

ID: h8aacau

Kill Reshala with a golden gun while he is aiming at you with his golden gun...5000 times

ID: h8a439l

Kill Killa 100 more times, while dehydrated

ID: h8acbe4

Jaeger: that's still gonna be a -0.02 from me dawg

20 : Anonymous2021/08/09 12:56 ID: h8a4oaj

I am very excited for scav karma changes!

21 : Anonymous2021/08/09 13:10 ID: h8a67bi

Sounds are now correctly overlapped in some of the rooms on the “Shoreline” location.

Resort PvP is back on the menu boys! (hopefully)

Edit: also really excited for more late game quests! Hopefully they add some more to Reserve outside the bunker. More labs quests would also be awesome

22 : Anonymous2021/08/09 13:56 ID: h8abjtf

When are they going to make it so I don't have to restart the game every time construction is finished in the hideout? The timer always hit's zero but you can't install it until after you restart the game. Or is this something that only happens to me?

ID: h8ag038

It isn’t just you. Just ensure you report the bug.


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