Weapon Wednesday: Mastiff | September 22 2021

1 : Anonymous2021/09/22 11:59 ID: pt60bn

Welcome to Weapon Wednesday! This discussion thread focuses specifically on a randomly chosen weapon.

Today's Weapon discussion is focused around: Mastiff!

Discuss what you like or dislike about this weapon; how it compares to other weapons; your favorite skins; changes that you think would be beneficial; or anything else that you think would be of value to discuss regarding the Mastiff.

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2 : Anonymous2021/09/22 15:31 ID: hdusakj

Crazy that just a couple of seasons ago at the start of the year this gun was so busted if you didn't carry one you were actively putting yourself at a disadvantage and "Mastiff Legends" was the meme of the season. Now it's a placeholder until you get a EVA or PK.

ID: hduxdmk

Season 7 was literally Mastiff, Helmok and Horizon for a GG. You could two tap people with a Mastiff, but most of the time you didn’t even need that if you hit them with some Helmok shots.

3 : Anonymous2021/09/22 12:00 ID: hdu1i8b

You mean the 11 damage-inator

ID: hdv26u9

I must've missed that episode of Phineas and Ferb

4 : Anonymous2021/09/22 17:08 ID: hdv6owd

13 13 13 13 13 55 13 13 13 13

5 : Anonymous2021/09/22 18:09 ID: hdvfst5

It's alright. No point using it over the EVA though.

6 : Anonymous2021/09/22 13:51 ID: hdue8kf

my favourite peaking shotgun, and to be honest just seems strictly superior to the Peacekeeper. the damage can be inconsistent, but i’ll happily pick this weapon up if i’m playing Gibraltar or Caustic

ID: hdv3wdf

FINNALY someone who doesn’t miss shots then blames the gun

7 : Anonymous2021/09/22 15:52 ID: hduvi4c

I just use it because of the snes skin with the megaman-ish Jack Cooper

8 : Anonymous2021/09/22 12:03 ID: hdu1r40

I'll stick with the EVA-8, thank you. The Mastiff's damage output is way too inconsistent.

9 : Anonymous2021/09/22 18:46 ID: hdvl8jv


ID: hdvq8wn

exactly.....The community begged for nerfs and now they all feel underwhelming

10 : Anonymous2021/09/22 12:57 ID: hdu7ntx

Mastiff was a good weapon for care package.

ID: hduj3od

I feel like a shotgun should be on the Care package again. The Mastiff felt like a monster back then.

11 : Anonymous2021/09/22 18:22 ID: hdvhqsx

With shotgun you're either chipping headshots from midrange or looking for close-quarters at center-of-mass.
PK (and also every other weapon lmao) has a higher damage ceiling at midrange, and EVA is significantly better at the CQ/center-of-mass ape-style shotguns are so good at.

The horzontal spread gives it great opportunity for headshots and is forgiving at hitting moving targtets at midrange.

So, despite being the most satisfying shotgun to use by far, it's outclassed by its competators all the way down to it's reload time. Not bad or unusable, just outclassed, something that occurs naturally in game metas and shouldn't be looked down upon too hard.

It still does tons of damage in the right hands, and being able to get one or two shells reloaded in during downtime in fights is it's main strength. Shouldn't be used without ads.

ID: hdvir5z

Maybe I am using it wrong, but I always thought Mastiff performs relatively well at close range with no ADS. It also can be shot while reloading (I can't remember if the others can do that).

12 : Anonymous2021/09/22 14:30 ID: hdujjwz

if im running Eva-8, i like to keep 2 ammo stacks.

but Mastiff and Peacekeeper i like to keep a single ammo stack and only use the shotgun when im really gonna need it, so as a very situational secondary (however i will get another stack if i find one of the bigger backpacks)

13 : Anonymous2021/09/22 15:20 ID: hduqsoy

The worst shotgun

14 : Anonymous2021/09/22 14:45 ID: hdulodq

Of all the shotguns in this game, it’s definitely one of them.

ID: hdun734

So brave yet so controversial

ID: hdurmnb

It's really grown on me to the point that I acknowledge it's always an option if you're that way inclined.

15 : Anonymous2021/09/22 14:13 ID: hduh8pf

I think its actually pretty balanced right now. You can see in the comments some people hate it and some people prefer it to PK.

I think thats a pretty good spot for it to be in, where it is more down to user preference than it being a strictly better or worse choice.

Obviously, EVA- 8 is the top shotgun right now, but at times it is fun to beat a panicky Eva slammer with a few well timed mastiff taps.

16 : Anonymous2021/09/22 15:47 ID: hduumvg

The recoil pattern is so inconsistent i hope they reduce it a bit or give it a hop-up similar to choke.

17 : Anonymous2021/09/22 14:29 ID: hdujezl

Hitting with it just doesn't feel satisfying. Back in its glory days it was, obviously, way too strong. Now I'd rather pick up any other shotty except Mozam. PK is more inconsistent imo but when you hit your shots it feels really good, so at least it has that for itself. Mastiff doesn't.

18 : Anonymous2021/09/22 16:06 ID: hduxizd

Miss when this gun was a monster. Would rather it take the spot of the Triple Take and go back in the Care Package.

19 : Anonymous2021/09/22 12:55 ID: hdu7bys

it's just outclassed by the eva-8 in everything but max damage per hit. and because of the spread pattern you're not getting all pellets to hit unless you're point blank. to the point where i forgot 88 was it's max damage and not 77. anything it does better than the eva, the pk does way better.

and they can't buff it because then it threatens to invalidate the pk. and all things considering i don't think the eva needs another nerf

20 : Anonymous2021/09/22 17:55 ID: hdvdo1h

Needs better legendary skins

21 : Anonymous2021/09/22 12:19 ID: hdu3gdu

probably my least favourite shotty, i always seem to hit one good shot then 9s until i die. eva is still good, but i wish they'd buff the PK and Stiff to be viable alternatives, rather than nerfing the Eva until it becomes as shit as every other shotty

ID: hduhrhl

i feel you on the mastiff experience. i think it could use an über slight buff, because i dont want a return of the s7 stiff. but i definitely dont think the pk needs a buff. you can still two pump people with it, but its very hard. i like the pk being a precision shotty.

22 : Anonymous2021/09/22 14:50 ID: hdumgzr

It's probably still my favorite shotgun. It's different from the EVA8, it's really good for jiggle peeking and quick bursts. I just can't get used to the PK, because I'm so accustomed to quickchoking the Mastiff. And the fact that it reloads each shell is huge for fights with a lot of pressure on you, because you can instantly have another shot loaded

23 : Anonymous2021/09/22 15:32 ID: hdushrv

Eh it’s underrated but still the worst shotty imo. Doesn’t have the range of the mozam, the consistency of the Eva, or the potential of the PK.

Not terrible off drop but not a gun I’m running all game, especially if I have any other option.

24 : Anonymous2021/09/22 16:08 ID: hduxukm

As a Gears of War fan, I like using the mastiff. Using the peak, quick aim pop shot approach feels very natural to me akin to the gnasher. I agree it has weaknesses compared to the other shotguns, like rate of fire and range. I think being able to shoot at any point during the reload once it has at least one bullet makes up for some of its weaknesses as that gives you that extra edge in a close range fight where you and your opponent have traded damage.

25 : Anonymous2021/09/22 20:08 ID: hdvwl94

Just a place holder until you find and Eva-8 or a pk, they should replace it with the triple take

ID: hdw6131

honestly i prefer it to PK but maybe i just suck with PK

but i agree it should be replaced with the triple take that gun does not belong to the care package an i miss having a OP care package shotgun

26 : Anonymous2021/09/22 13:15 ID: hdu9rij

I'd rather melee than pick this weapon

27 : Anonymous2021/09/22 23:05 ID: hdwc00z

Quick ads with mastiff after youve cracked shields=$$$$$$$$

28 : Anonymous2021/09/22 23:25 ID: hdwek37

The mastiff yeahhh!

I haven't used it since season 8

29 : Anonymous2021/09/22 16:31 ID: hdv17bm

It's the middle-ground flexible "Mario" shotgun. It doesnt have the burst damage of the PK, but it has better DPS. It doesnt have the DPS of the EVA-8, but it has better burst damage. It cant reload all of its shots as quickly as they can, but it can reload one or two shots faster than they can, to tack on a finishing shot more quickly. So it's flexible in a lot of ways. Except range. Mozambique and PK have better range flexibility.

I find it comforting to have that middle ground of DPS potential and burst potential (a PK will let you down DPS-wise and an EVA will let you down burst-wise) but I will say that the burst damage difference between the Mastiff and EVA doesnt seem quite big enough, so overall the EVA seems more practical.

But the Mastiff is definitely super usable in my eyes. I assume a lot of the negativity towards it is people who have just never gotten familiar with it and prefer to blame the gun rather than trying to understand it.

(Edit: for anyone who doesnt know, the Mastiff is like the Mozambique and unlike the EVA: ADS-ing tightens the spread a lot. So unless you're at like melee range, you should quick scope it for better damage. This does give it a higher learning curve than EVA I suppose.)

ID: hdv3m1r

Well said. I've actually been having the most success with a mastiff out of any of the shotguns lately and was having trouble articulating just what it was about the gun that felt better than the others, especially since it seems like everyone has written it off since the S9 nerf. I think you nailed it with the flexibility and feeling like it's less situational than an EVA or PK. So many times where I would have died if I needed to reload a full mag, but dropped behind cover to reload 1-2 shells and finished the fight. It's definitely less forgiving than the EVA in panic situations but if you're comfortable using cover during fights and can hit your shoulder peeks I feel like it's still a fantastic secondary option.

ID: hdv7f6f

As 6ou mentioned the single reloading of the mastiff is its biggest perk imo

30 : Anonymous2021/09/22 14:23 ID: hduim53

I cannot hit over 11 with this


ID: hduml6y

use base iron sights, aim at the target while ADSing, dont shoot until the enemy is right in the middle of the square.

you will probably take a long time to succesfully pull it off, but try it until you build muscle memory, after some time, you will be doing flick shots with it.

ID: hduxv4x

If you're trying to aim it you're doing it wrong

31 : Anonymous2021/09/22 15:28 ID: hdury50

My personal favorite shotgun. High rate of fire, decent damage, and single bullet reload. What more could you want?

ID: hdv0t4j

And it’s the only one that really feels like a shotgun

32 : Anonymous2021/09/22 12:15 ID: hdu2yew

I can bet the art division of respawn are the only ones actually working their asses to death

My dudes can catch a break, skins, holosprays, animations, heirlooms, banners, etc.

Poor guys

I like the mastiff

33 : Anonymous2021/09/22 13:50 ID: hdue4a3

ok so heres my 2 cents on mastiff and the other shotguns;

theres 2 roles for shotguns;

1.panic secondary (forgiving, decent firerate, eqsy to do ok damage with and fast to reload and pull out)

2.close range burst (needs most pellets to hit, does very little damage if you dont get a good accurate shot but incredible burst id you do, trades risk for reward, is slow to pull out/reload. more of a primary than a secondary)

Eva is firmly in the first category, mozam in the first category but near the center, mastiff in the second category but closer to the center, and pk all the way to the left.

both eva and mozam do their job really well, and eva might even be a bit too strong right now. These types of shotguns dont really have direct competition in their niche. Maybe smg's

Precision close range burst shotguns compete with smg's and sniper rifles though. Why would you use a weapon that requires you to get really close AND have precise aim, when both snipers and smg's have more dps, less risk, and more versatile range while requiring the same precision? Unless ofcourse the 1 shot burst damage of the shotgun does such significant damage that its worth all the downsides. But then you either get complaints about people being deleted in 1 click, or these shotguns become too versatile.

I think respawn should look at a way yo make these "heavy shotguns" stronger without straight up increasing their damage or firerate. E.g. increased slowdown/knockback effects, a bleed effect, some cool hop ups like a mastiff hop up that makes its shots vertical instead of horizontal and a pk hop up that allows you to "slam fire" it for a few seconds. maybe the slam fire hop up can also be for the wingman, would add some interesting dynamics to these guns.

34 : Anonymous2021/09/22 14:38 ID: hdukog6

Its really not that bad. I’m not gonna go out of my way to look for a mastiff but it’s a great gun for a crowded place off drop. 2-3 taps is going to knock down anyone with blue or white especially when everyone is scrambling for weapons and ammo. It’s faster rate of fire than the PK makes it more ideal in this situation if all you have is a shotgun

I think the Peacekeeper is better for late game when most people have blue, purple, or red. It compliments better with an automatic weapon (AR or SMG). After you’ve cracked someone, whip out a PK to finish Them off since the bullet spread is more choked than a mastiff.

All in all, the Mastiff gets a bad rap. Yes the damage can be inconsistent but there’s times where I’ll pop off for like 3 or 4 knocks with it early in a game.

35 : Anonymous2021/09/22 16:07 ID: hduxr3l

Mastiff is only decent because of the spread. Damage potential is a lot lower, but the spread makes up for your noodle aim

36 : Anonymous2021/09/22 19:10 ID: hdvoumz

Best bubble fight shotgun, needing to ADS to get good hits can be annoying though.


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