- Screw zodiac signs… What do you call this?
The “shit they have red” armor
Or, alternatively known as,
“How the hell do they already have red” armor
ID: hequiikID: heqwu3oI had a squad I played with in gold one the other day that didn't even know you could upgrade your armor from crafting stations
ID: herco9tAlso, the crafting station will repair your shield. So if you have time then save the heals
ID: her5kxmI have squads in mid plat that still don't know how to jumpmaster.
ID: her5l33They probably saw it one time, realized it's way too expensive for most people to be used other then when you're within 100 damage already, then forgot about it.
Though it's definitely something that isn't used much. I use wingman shotgun a lot of the time so I never need to save it for ammo down the road, so I just spend all my materials on my shield after I grab bats.
The only time I see it is when the enemy has it. So I guess I call it, “How in the hell? We are only 3 minutes into the damn game!”
ID: heqwbauI run away if we still white or blue armour and the enemy is on red
ID: her1e1sNot only is it a good indicator of them having an advantage, but obviously they're pretty fucking good compared to everyone else if they've already got a red and your mates have a white.
I'd bail ASAP.
A guy I play with calls them Apex and it always throws me off.
(Edit: First time ever getting this many upvotes on a comment. Kind of made my day. Thank you all!)
ID: her1hznthat guy has apex
ID: her94wfi also have apex
ID: hercqj5One time I was playing ranked on World edge And the match basically Just started or too early to get Red evo My teammates shot a enemy (wraith lol) and she already had red evo and we all went “how the hell does she have red evo” they ended up pushing and compromising our position so we tried to run away but ultimately killed us
ID: her3dz1Why? I can’t imagine it really saves any time, not to mention like you said it’s kinda confusing.
ID: herctz6He probably thinks he sounds cool and knowledgeable, not trashing on his personal preference but I know many people that embellish their vocabulary to sound smarter.
ID: herlfgoSame or “he’s got pred” and I’m just like uh WHAT?
ID: herc4skThis makes zero sense and it just ruined my day
ID: hernuzdPedantic time: it makes more than zero sense. They're Apex shields in the sense of being the beefiest shield available PLUS being a shield you get by beating up other people, plus they're red which is associated with Apex preds.
But it's still weird. Just call em red.
"aw shit they gotta- nvm im down"
ID: hernfhsYep most accurate hahahah
Red shield
ID: heqlkg3Red armor
EDIT: hehe i start war
ID: heqp0xiRed balz
ID: heqlx8hEvo shield
ID: heqlo8qI have a habit of calling armors shields
Plot armour
ID: heqnot0That got a pretty good laugh outta me ngl
Red evo
ID: heqwra8Just curious, did you start playing the game prior to the introduction of Evo Shields? I did and I also call it a red evo and wonder if people who started playing after their introduction are more likely to just call it a shield
ID: heqy6e8Yeah I think you're right. I starred season 2. People who started in season 4-5 Know the difference . Season 6+ probably have no idea.
ID: heqyfcyIts just "red" for me, jesus I remember when it was leaked in s2 and I was thinking "thats too op they would never add that"
ID: hequca2Same
ID: heqteemFinally someone who only say the color
green sheild
ID: heqh0noPOV: ur colourblind
ID: heqson8Deuteranopia is a son of a bitch
red shirt
ID: heqrk3tWe should all start calling it this. Sometimes it feels like it's a button up for how long it takes to grab it out of the box
"este wn tiene rojo"
Red evo. Am i supposed to call it someone else?
ID: heqpbz1I say red shield lol
ID: heqqt1tWell, that is understandable
Red amour and what else do you call it
When I have it. I call it hope.
When enemies have it...I do that seen from venom 2. "Oh shit" runs away "That is a red one!" Proceeds to run away
My group call them red body, as well as the rest of the shields "Purple body here" or "cracked a path blue body."
Dark Grey Evo, i'm colour blind.
The "fuck they have red shield" shield.
Red evo
Most accurate so far.