Thank you for everything Ryan!!!

1 : Anonymous2021/10/29 14:15 ID: qidt4i
Thank you for everything Ryan!!!
2 : Anonymous2021/10/29 15:36 ID: hiivuwt

This is a list of links to comments made by Respawn developers in this thread:

Comment by rkrigney:

Fuck Fs, let's get your best memes in the chat

Comment by rkrigney:

lmao poor Rogue. I hope that man finds a redemption arc with this sub. I've never seen someone get roasted so brutally for one (admittedly) shitty moment on stream

Comment by rkrigney:

I'm the one on the left

Comment by rkrigney:

Listen you whippersnapper, I'm 30, which means I'm basically a boomer, so when I say memes I mean "funny posts" not "reposting complaints that we've all seen 10,000 times"

Comment by rkrigney:

This is actually god-tier. I mean, the tasteful thickness of it.

Comment by rkrigney:

Not me! But I wish 'em luck. Lotta good people there.

Comment by rkrigney:

Yeah I have no horse in the race, but I know that very simple and easy-to-repost narratives about people on Reddit tend to stick around forever. I always like to see people figure out a way to subvert peoples' previous understanding of them and earn a new narrative. Maybe he'll figure it out and ear...

Comment by rkrigney:

Nah, every video game subreddit is like this lol

You either learn to love it and ride the wave, or you leave it altogether

I still got the juice left in me

Comment by rkrigney:

I'd buy this skin

Comment by rkrigney:

You’re right, the Animal Crossing sub was lit last year too

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3 : Anonymous2021/10/29 15:35 ID: hiivs0g

Fuck Fs, let's get your best memes in the chat

ID: hiiy6g3

This one I made a while back

ID: hiiyt28

This is actually god-tier. I mean, the tasteful thickness of it.

ID: hij29ml

Ah man this is a classic

ID: hij6evd

New York matinee called this a playful, yet mysterious little gif.

ID: hijapu2

Oh shit I remember that. Good shit.

ID: hiiwjxm

Please say you're bamboozling us

ID: hiixe5t

I'm the one on the left

ID: hijc51h

I gotchu

ID: hiji7v6

I'd buy this skin

ID: hik3t49

Oscar Mike, gentlemen.

ID: hiiwkpn

Either this or this

ID: hiix728

lmao poor Rogue. I hope that man finds a redemption arc with this sub. I've never seen someone get roasted so brutally for one (admittedly) shitty moment on stream

ID: hiiym23

I don't have any memes but good luck man!

ID: hijhkol

here is a very accurate representation of my skill level in this game

ID: hij168u

Loved it when you called out the main sub!

ID: hiivzv0

The fucking big dick energy in this

ID: hij0s0l

No meme, No F's, Best of fucking luck man, and new start ups are Pog, hope whatever it is is something I'm interested in, because you are an amazing comms guy, and you being in charge of marketing makes me trust it inherently

ID: hij690p

All the best for your future endeavors, Ryan and thank you for everything!

Also, hope you’ll stay subbed to the circlejerk subreddit

ID: hijrzst

Heres one I have been thinking about all day so I made it Best of luck in your new job m8!

4 : Anonymous2021/10/29 15:09 ID: hiirurs

A while back someone linked this company site where hella exRespawn people went to. Can’t remember the company but I wonder if RK is going there..

ID: hij0mnw

Not me! But I wish 'em luck. Lotta good people there.

5 : Anonymous2021/10/29 15:31 ID: hiiv6au

It seems like most of the original team that's worked on apex is gone now.

ID: hiivppm

That's just how it is when a big game is over 2.5 years since release

ID: hiizm7p

Plus dev time. It’s probably been close to 3.5/4 for the OG devs

6 : Anonymous2021/10/29 17:18 ID: hijbjkw

Damnit, Ryan was one of the few that were communicating with us in any capacity

7 : Anonymous2021/10/29 14:59 ID: hiiqc62

Why are more people slowly leaving respawn entertainment?

ID: hiiwxbn

You basically handicap your lifetime earnings over time by staying in one place. Gone are the days of working 40 years in one company

ID: hiiz4po

Especially if that one place is in game dev which already has lower salaries than the rest of software

ID: hiitlfc

Can only speak for software engineering, but people are leaving jobs for new ones because the market is very hot right now. The increase in compensation from jumping is pretty absurd right now.

ID: hij6koj

Yeah this absolutely isn't a "Respawn" thing, this is the entire job market at the moment.

ID: hij7l6j

Yeah, the entire job market is white hot right now.

ID: hij6iqy

Can confirm from the hardware engineering side as well. Companies poach engineers from others, then the original company poaches them back since there aren’t enough to go around lol.

ID: hiiufi1

Its happening in every company everywhere. Market movement is all. Better deals with other companies, or just looking to expand their career. Happening a lot this past year in Jagex and other communities as well.

ID: hij9075

You stagnate if you stay too long at the same company. New hirings offer new perspectives, new people, more salary, more experience and new business opportunities.

ID: hijek0v

Because they worked on a huge success of a game, which gives them leverage for higher paying jobs/promotions? Kinda simple really

8 : Anonymous2021/10/29 14:42 ID: hiinshj

Oh, that’s why he let loose about two weeks ago. If he did accidentally cross a line, he was on his way out anyway. I still think that “kick rocks” response was deserved

Link for those asking

ID: hijtd2x

That was a great thread.

ID: hiiooe9

It was well deserved. I hope that guy is still kicking rocks down the street

ID: hijcd4d

The "hurt box" is a poignant metaphor

9 : Anonymous2021/10/29 15:26 ID: hiiuevd

This is a loss for the community. Ryan has been consistently the only dev to interact with the community in positive ways. This will likely set dev/community relations back a whole lot.

10 : Anonymous2021/10/29 17:06 ID: hij9ocv


go kick rocks! 😉 nah but good luck out there legend! <3

11 : Anonymous2021/10/29 16:12 ID: hij1f2o

Ryan, is this community being toxic as all hell a contributing factor to you leaving?

ID: hijag78

Nah, every video game subreddit is like this lol

You either learn to love it and ride the wave, or you leave it altogether

I still got the juice left in me

ID: hijj9cj

While I’ll admit that I get frustrated with the game from time to time, I won’t act like I don’t have a blast playing with my friends. And then getting my shit pushed in by Captain Gfuel who somehow has 3 Krabers. Best of luck with your future endeavors my dude. It’s been real.

ID: hijjjnd

That's great to hear. I really feel for you guys with all the bitching on here

12 : Anonymous2021/10/29 14:52 ID: hiip92z

He was a really nice guy. The playerbase can't even take a bit of sarcasam referring to your average wattson main. Im ready for downvotes but its sad seeing such a nice guy leave.

ID: hiivuyt

But, a plus could be the rise of some new game studio, with people like him in it… that would be great

14 : Anonymous2021/10/29 19:19 ID: hiju40w

Ryan is a good guy. Best of luck to him with his next chapter!

15 : Anonymous2021/10/29 16:47 ID: hij6u4f



16 : Anonymous2021/10/29 16:22 ID: hij2uwe

Damn yesterday was the first day I learned about this guy. RIP. Good luck in the greener pastures

17 : Anonymous2021/10/29 19:59 ID: hik089e

Thank you Ryan for all you have done for us, for listening to our constant whining as well as addressing our genuine concerns. You are amazing and I wish you all the best.

18 : Anonymous2021/10/29 17:17 ID: hijbh76

Good luck man. Startups are always fun. Clean slate.

19 : Anonymous2021/10/29 17:30 ID: hijdhib

I'm sad but it's best for him

20 : Anonymous2021/10/29 18:15 ID: hijkhrr

Thank you and good luck on your next endeavor!

21 : Anonymous2021/10/29 19:14 ID: hijtec4

Good luck. Have fun. Don't die (or kick rocks).

22 : Anonymous2021/10/29 19:30 ID: hijvt2c

“That’s been like that for two days...

23 : Anonymous2021/10/29 19:35 ID: hijwi4t

I hope he is going to doc disrespect studio

24 : Anonymous2021/10/29 20:02 ID: hik0r94


25 : Anonymous2021/10/29 20:20 ID: hik3hml

Well fucking miss you,Apex wont be the same without sich a developer

26 : Anonymous2021/10/29 20:32 ID: hik5dr5

No ones left developing this game it seems.

27 : Anonymous2021/10/29 20:45 ID: hik775e

So long fellow Rigney

28 : Anonymous2021/10/29 21:00 ID: hik9gi6

Ryan is an absolute champ. Thanks for everything man <3

29 : Anonymous2021/10/29 21:52 ID: hikgxyu

Just wait until Hideouts leaves. The clusterfuck that'll happen with that.

30 : Anonymous2021/10/29 23:20 ID: hiksvl8

He’s Dutch too??

31 : Anonymous2021/10/29 16:57 ID: hij8bty

Him leaving may just be the explanation as to why people have felt the game just keeps slowly getting worse and worse recently, I have high hopes for S11 tho.


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