Thoughts? They are both v2 cases, but one is JDS 40 and the other is 50. The front silver shell wouldn’t fit on my internals, so I went for two toned.

1 : Anonymous2021/03/07 12:11 ID: lzphcy
Thoughts? They are both v2 cases, but one is JDS 40 and the other is 50. The front silver shell wouldn't fit on my internals, so I went for two toned.
2 : Anonymous2021/03/07 12:40 ID: gq3by0m

Looks like a Pokèball. Love it!

ID: gq3fxh8

Dualshock, I choose you!

3 : Anonymous2021/03/07 12:47 ID: gq3cfuj

Looks fresh af

4 : Anonymous2021/03/07 13:07 ID: gq3dxos

Nice, looks like it came that way

5 : Anonymous2021/03/07 15:29 ID: gq3r2fd

Don't quite dig it. Maybe gray and blue would look nicer, but the idea is good.

ID: gq4jwt5

I think that would be a nice combo, I know it's a different shade of blue but makes me think of the new shock blue Xbox controller

6 : Anonymous2021/03/07 15:45 ID: gq3sra0

Looks great.

When it comes to shells, I compare the two and see if I can snap off or cut away any plastic that keeps them from closing. So far that has allowed me to mismatch shells between a few different models including V1 and V2 controllers with no issues.

ID: gq3tyts

That's a useful tip. I have a v1 white shell coming which comes with white option/share/dpad and touch bar. I thought I ordered the V2 version so was just going to just use the bits which came with it. I might see if I can make use of the shell too. Thank you

7 : Anonymous2021/03/07 16:09 ID: gq3vmtz


8 : Anonymous2021/03/07 16:56 ID: gq413eg

Nintendo Zapper vibes, very retro

9 : Anonymous2021/03/07 21:17 ID: gq51q69

I'm not gonna be rude but, judging upon the material, does it get oily or sweaty. Because when I usually play my hands sweat too much and the controller starts slipping a bit.

10 : Anonymous2021/03/07 22:17 ID: gq5abud

Looks great, but why are there those spaces between the plates?

11 : Anonymous2021/03/08 01:18 ID: gq5uyb6

Go Bucks!

12 : Anonymous2021/03/07 12:32 ID: gq3bfe2

Nice. I just did this with a couple of mine.

Swapped the black and titanium fronts and backs.

ID: gq3fy7k

Ooh that's a nice combo

13 : Anonymous2021/03/07 14:08 ID: gq3j2jl

I never understand caring about how your controller looks, if it's not in my hands when I play it's in a drawer.

ID: gq3p3r6

I have wall mounts for my controllers actually

14 : Anonymous2021/03/07 13:35 ID: gq3g7hh

It's a controller. Does it matter how it looks?

ID: gq3hzcf

I mean you're right, it does a job regardless of colour. I just like alternate appearances, makes it more unique


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