- Thoughts? They are both v2 cases, but one is JDS 40 and the other is 50. The front silver shell wouldn't fit on my internals, so I went for two toned.
Looks like a Pokèball. Love it!
ID: gq3fxh8 -
Looks fresh af
Nice, looks like it came that way
Don't quite dig it. Maybe gray and blue would look nicer, but the idea is good.
ID: gq4jwt5I think that would be a nice combo, I know it's a different shade of blue but makes me think of the new shock blue Xbox controller
Looks great.
When it comes to shells, I compare the two and see if I can snap off or cut away any plastic that keeps them from closing. So far that has allowed me to mismatch shells between a few different models including V1 and V2 controllers with no issues.
ID: gq3tytsThat's a useful tip. I have a v1 white shell coming which comes with white option/share/dpad and touch bar. I thought I ordered the V2 version so was just going to just use the bits which came with it. I might see if I can make use of the shell too. Thank you
Nintendo Zapper vibes, very retro
I'm not gonna be rude but, judging upon the material, does it get oily or sweaty. Because when I usually play my hands sweat too much and the controller starts slipping a bit.
Looks great, but why are there those spaces between the plates?
Go Bucks!
Nice. I just did this with a couple of mine.
Swapped the black and titanium fronts and backs.
ID: gq3fy7kOoh that's a nice combo
I never understand caring about how your controller looks, if it's not in my hands when I play it's in a drawer.
ID: gq3p3r6I have wall mounts for my controllers actually
It's a controller. Does it matter how it looks?
ID: gq3hzcfI mean you're right, it does a job regardless of colour. I just like alternate appearances, makes it more unique
Dualshock, I choose you!