Arena Mode Thursday | February 3rd, 2022

1 : Anonymous2022/02/03 08:00 ID: sjdlva

Welcome to Arena Mode Thursday! This thread is your place for specific discussion regarding Arena Mode.

Discuss what you like or dislike about this Arena mode; advantages or disadvantages of certain legends in this mode; how it compares to Battle Royale; your favorite loadouts to use; the different maps, or anything else you think would be of value to discuss regarding Arena Mode.

Moderation in daily threads is more relaxed, but please stay on topic, be respectful of others and remember our rules

Suggestions or feedback for these daily posts? Message Modmail!

2 : Anonymous2022/02/03 10:25 ID: hvejbnr

Only recently realised how good arenas is for getting the weapon based challenges done

3 : Anonymous2022/02/03 14:14 ID: hvf6ocu

I don't play arenas often but I smacked a couple games yesterday and half of the games had opponents lagging out the ass -- like unhittable glitchy movement

4 : Anonymous2022/02/03 19:29 ID: hvgl32u

I know the subject has been touched upon in previous comments, however, it was mostly complaints and no clear explanation. When I'm playing Ranked Arenas how is RP determined? I am only in Gold 3 but will do 1800 to 2400 damage with multiple kills, "yes I know kills don't matter to RP in arenas" but my buddy who is also gold 3 will do less in every metric and gain 30 or more points while i get a 18 or less. I cannot fathom how this is accurate. We were playing together and he passed me in rank with me always doing better in our matches. Any clarity would be much appreciated.

5 : Anonymous2022/02/03 22:25 ID: hvhcst5

The mode isn't well liked by a lot of the community, but thats fine because it doesn't take many to populate the game.

With that in mind, I'd love to see the mode streamlined a bit for the people who do play. There is too much time waiting for the match to start, waiting between rounds and waiting for ruined matches to end considering its supposed to be an action only mode.

If its a 3v2, let me leave, even if I'm on the bigger team. I don't want to waste 5-6 minutes fighting a team that can't win but is intent on playing hide and seek for the 0-3.

6 : Anonymous2022/02/03 20:02 ID: hvgqfzb

What a fuking joke that they really put the "prestige" Bloodhound skin behind a 170$ Collection Event paywall. Respawn will never stop their greedy bullshit, haha.

Oh and Arenas is still boring and infested with truly terrible matchmaking.

ID: hvh3sa7

It's gonna go to the Heirloom shop after the event

ID: hvh97hh

Which means you then have to gamble on casino packs for 500$, how great!

7 : Anonymous2022/02/03 14:16 ID: hvf70ku

Dogshit servers on PC yesterday, several games in a row the whole server was lagging and rubber banding

8 : Anonymous2022/02/03 08:22 ID: hve9r0c

Arena mode sucks ass.

9 : Anonymous2022/02/03 09:15 ID: hvedyr2

A Lifeline killed herself in spawn yesterday because my friend, playing Mirage, revived me not the Lifeline. I've never seen such pettiness. Just full of either utter noobs or the biggest try hard sweats.

EDIT LL wasn't down just me

ID: hveejiz

tbf surely it makes more sense to revive the lifeline first...

ID: hvef7tg

No she didn't die. I went down my friend was playing Mirage with gold backpack he revived me we won. She then types a message "I can revive him thanks" then kills herself with thermite in spawn.

ID: hveea6m

or maybe you two would leave her out and she got tired of the lack of teamwork

so many times I've not been revived when I was winning us rounds and instead they revived their friend who didn't have even half the amount of damage I had. despite them being the weakest player, they act like friendship would break if they pick to help the more useful player in the match

when I played with my teammate, we don't single out the third player just because they're a stranger

ID: hvefdcf

Lmao had absolutely nothing to do with it. She got salty she didn't get the res. She lliterally sent a message "I can revive him thanks" then kills herself. We didn't leave her out we pinged where we going, responded to LL's pings and shared the bats

Lifeline wasn't downed so he didn't ignore her.

10 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:09 ID: hvfo2d0

Didn’t this sub decide that Arenas discussion post would be changed to something else?

Also my main problem with arenas is - it would’ve been a better mode if you could match against your friends - like 2 teams of 2/3 stack friends playing against one another. In BR you can’t do that. But I would love to play against my friends in Apex so much.

ID: hvforgu

Same. I can organize a 3v3 with RL people I know. Would love that.

11 : Anonymous2022/02/03 20:43 ID: hvgwmyf

Talking about Ranked arenas, The matchmaking is absolute garbage, the higher rank u are the worst it is in every fking possible way to either get an “equal” match or gain/lose a fair amount of points, it gets really frustating really quick, killing your will to play it more than a match or two

12 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:09 ID: hvfo3uy

Encore is the worst fucking map in this mode, 0 cover 24/7 poke fest

ID: hvfqc6w

I despise Encore so much, its the only map where i consider it a true long range pokefest, if you decide to attack from low ground you are toast.

even Phaserunner is not as Open or exposed.

14 : Anonymous2022/02/03 12:51 ID: hvewipd

This game would be so much better without LMGs, both arena and BR, theyre such a boring crutch.

15 : Anonymous2022/02/03 13:42 ID: hvf2g40

Cut the charge rifle while we’re at it

16 : Anonymous2022/02/03 14:16 ID: hvf719u

Who even dies to a charge rifle in arenas?

17 : Anonymous2022/02/03 14:16 ID: hvf6y8i

Low skill brackets complain about LMGs because it allows the player to miss some shots and adjust.

In arenas its not much of an issue unless its a level 3 devo in the hands of a good player, other than that every LMG is perfectly outplayable by any other gun.

In high level arenas The wingman is much more of an issue.

18 : Anonymous2022/02/03 14:18 ID: hvf7b7m

Yeah I was more meaning for BR but this sub has no general discussion, so I included Arenas in my comment. Rampage after fucking rampage like can we just not.

19 : Anonymous2022/02/03 14:52 ID: hvfc5zt

Respawn devs have an absolute LMG fetish I swear, like half the guns in the roster are LMGs and they all take it in turns being overpowered for a season before a tiny tweak downward.

Real life LMG: High ammo capacity suppressive fire weapon for squad support with "roughly on target" levels of accuracy designed to pin enemies into a fixed location.

Apex legends LMG: High ammo capacity high damage mid to long range fully automatic sniper rifle with no discernible recoil and full squad wipe capabilities.

Respawn, after 9 solid months of broken OP LMG after LMG: *sigh* .. Guess we'll knock 1 damage off the Rampage per shot. Oh also in this patch: Spitfire damage increased by 37 points per shot, L-Star no longer consumes energy ammo while firing! We hope you'll enjoy these changes! :)))))))))

20 : Anonymous2022/02/03 15:31 ID: hvfhzcn

4 of 28 guns is not nearly half.

21 : Anonymous2022/02/03 18:24 ID: hvgaj47

"half the guns"

Literally four of them and one is CP

"All being overpowered"

LSTAR has sucked since launch other than like a 2 week window that destroyed it again, Spitfire got crated, devotions only good with a turbo. Rampage is the only even somewhat consistently good LMG

22 : Anonymous2022/02/03 13:25 ID: hvf0d7q


23 : Anonymous2022/02/03 13:37 ID: hvf1xdz

they're literally a crutch and are fucking boring dude, don't like me expressing that scroll past.

24 : Anonymous2022/02/03 08:46 ID: hvebovw

I love arenas. The matchmaking makes it pretty pissy though. I’ll always have a significantly higher stats than my team. I’m not even that good at this game so i know it’s gotta be cause they’re new.

25 : Anonymous2022/02/03 14:28 ID: hvf8pxh

for everyone that doesn't like arenas, I'd ask why you think it sucks because outside of bad matchmaking, I haven't heard any actual argument

26 : Anonymous2022/02/03 14:57 ID: hvfcu6x

I heard someone complaining about it takes too long to start each round. Mf apparently buys his shit so quick that the 20 remaining seconds is agonizing for him

27 : Anonymous2022/02/03 18:40 ID: hvgd78t

The bad matchmaking is an argument. For a mode that only has to find 6 people it really is fucking garbage.

28 : Anonymous2022/02/03 15:07 ID: hvfe91y

Its the same every time. Poke damage until you get someone one shot or downed. Then you push. Repeat this process until you win/lose.

29 : Anonymous2022/02/03 15:13 ID: hvffb32

I play a lot of arenas. Here’s why people may think it sucks:

The matchmaking can be very bad at times, especially when solo queue. Something something me and 2 bronze vs pred stack. Games like this are common for me and others. The buy menu is complex. If you don’t know what you’re buying ahead of time it can be frustrating for new players. Also if you buy the wrong things it can cost you a round. Rounds are mostly a poke-fest, which not a lot of people enjoy. If you’re knocked it will put your team at a disadvantage. This plus complex buy menu definitely compounds the effects from matchmaking. The maps get old quick. There are only a handful in rotation at a time, and we’ve had phase runner and party crasher in since the beginning.

Ultimately it’s a lot of things which add up to not really being a fun experience for everyone. BR is already high stakes. I think most people want a low stakes mode to round things out.

30 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:36 ID: hvfsdrx

Limited abilities is what kills Arenas for me.

31 : Anonymous2022/02/03 21:03 ID: hvgzm30

I'd argue that people who play arenas and say it's a poke fest haven't actually played that much arenas. albeit yes there are times when it's just straight poking, there are other times when depending on how the other team is playing, the midfield is lethal. arenas imo is all about adapting and learning how to fight different playstyles. but I can agree agree on your other points. some of it is just how those fights go. I'd say it's akin to a late game, 5th-end circle standoff

32 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:42 ID: hvftitd

it's very repetitive. by removing the random elements of the br and replacing the huge map with a small play area you make the game very boring, very quickly. the playstyle is also slow and boring as hell without and kind of objective to force teams to be more dynamic, it ends up with every round taking place in one of two locations

also the character balance we have in br doesn't seem to work as well with the arenas, where certain legends become more powerful due to game design and maybe oversights from the balance team

then you get to the mm problems. i get sweats and better players in my br games too, but i don't have to face them 5 rounds in a row etc, and might never see them at all.

33 : Anonymous2022/02/03 20:14 ID: hvgs9b9

character balance is definitely an issue in arenas

34 : Anonymous2022/02/03 19:55 ID: hvgpafa

In my own experience I had wanted something less competitive than the current BR mode to mess around in. When it was all said and done, you could argue that arenas is even more competitive and sweaty. Akin to the trials of Osiris in Destiny. So a lot of people just went straight back to BR off that alone.

35 : Anonymous2022/02/03 20:14 ID: hvgs740

that makes sense to me, trials were definitely a sweat fest snd matchmaking for that wasn't much better in d1. haven't played d2 at all

36 : Anonymous2022/02/03 14:37 ID: hvf9yo4

The matchmaking is enough to destroy the game mode alone, but since you asked:

The maps are boring, they’ve gone for the dead balanced symmetrical approach instead of what makes apex fun, the complexity of the environments. Where are the zip line buildings that make for intense battles? Where’s the exciting built up spaces?

Running out of the gate your choices on where to push are: go left, go right. Your decisions are limited right off the bat, your opponents will have gone one of the two ways and then you fight.

Low level guns having filthy iron sights is annoying for the first round. Why do I have to get crafting shit, why can’t I just pick the load out I want and fight?

SO MUCH down time. A round can last as little as 30 seconds and then you spend 45 picking the same gun again and standing a barrier waiting while your premade duo squad mates shit on you and punch your character.

The game mode lacks variety.

In my opinion the single biggest thing it needs is to just have maps that are big carved out chunks of the real maps, with all the fun things that makes them enjoyable. Just rip out Fragment East and make it a map, allow for a super quick (sub 5 second) air drop instead of the two specific starting points, so you can pick and choose tactics and mix things up.

37 : Anonymous2022/02/03 18:04 ID: hvg7792

just rip out Fragment East and make it a map.

A round can last as little as 30 seconds and then you spend 45 picking the same gun again

not to be mean, but you sound like you land fragment and die repeatedly and want that experience in arenas, if your rounds last as little as 30 seconds of combat, then you or your team are doing something very wrong.

38 : Anonymous2022/02/03 14:56 ID: hvfcr9z

??? It’s said every single week in this thread.

Basically…it’s slow. There’s hardly any reason to move around the map since there’s no objective, so it turns into poke wars. Pushing is nearly impossible if the two teams are of equal skill, so you just wait for a random ass knock in your poke wars or for the circle to close. There’s also no good reason not to deathball, which again makes the mode less enjoyable. Too much downtime overall. And THEN on top of all that, the matchmaking is complete ass. And why is it complete ass? Because no one plays this game mode (inb4 SpanishDipshit responds). And why does no one play this game mode? Because it isn’t fun. Simple as that. It’s just not good. Cool for the people that like it, but the mode should be scrapped.

39 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:13 ID: hvfoplm

I'm new to the term "deathball"....what does that mean in Apex?

40 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:53 ID: hvfv87k

Because it doesn't solve the issue for people that aren't into BR, and enjoy traditional TDM/domination modes.
That problem is wait times. Arenas is frustrating because the rounds are short but not at the same time. We do not want to have wait around to start another game/round after we die. People want to jump right back into action. In Arenas after you die you still have to stick around to watch your teammates, then you have to wait for purchases in the begining of each round. There are long annoying luls. People want continuous gameplay.

41 : Anonymous2022/02/03 20:04 ID: hvgqltq

I'd argue that apex at its core has always been a battle royale game. if you aren't into br then you don't need the devs to cater to your wants. they provided an alternative that focuses on gunskill and teamplay. I'd consider it akin to a late game circle where you're in a standoff with another team. if that's not your style, I'm not saying you should pick another game, but don't be mad at the alternative they gave you. they gave an inch and people wanting arenas to swap for control are asking for a mile imo. it's a team based game and the more tdm/domination style you introduce then further it gets from that as that's by far a more individual mode (no doubt people will complain about 3stacks going sweat mode on it for an easy shut down from the timer after 3 zones get capped)

42 : Anonymous2022/02/03 14:41 ID: hvfag7y

The bad matchmaking argument is weird too. People die 3 times in a row in fragment but freak out with bad matches. At least I always have a gun and if we lose, I also didnt have spend time picking a poi and dropping. You do have the in between rounds gun pick time but I dont find it too bad. Ar the end I want better matchmaking too, but I dint find it unplayable compared to br.

43 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:39 ID: hvfsxpt

Because the people I fight in fragment are usually around my skill level too, Arenas I am constantly outmatched by people with 12-30x my stats.

I am stuck silver, literally, and Arenas consistantly puts me against the purple motherfuckers.

44 : Anonymous2022/02/03 14:59 ID: hvfd25o

This gamemode is pretty fun but it is getting boring fast after playing 10 matches. Like there is no objective, arena gameplay is just poking until 1 person is down and than rushing to the enemy team to win the round (arenas = poke wars), also the matches are so predictable that it mostly will end up as 3-0 or 0-3 (boring for the winners and for the losers), so I rarely get in a suddendead match.

45 : Anonymous2022/02/03 11:56 ID: hveqwsl

Zero redeeming qualities about this mode. I'm very confident that the only reason it's around is because noobs that just installed the game will play it because BR seems scary to them

46 : Anonymous2022/02/03 15:00 ID: hvfdbdh

The amount of level 3s that I would get on my teams that didn’t even know stuff as basic as the heal button (literally was asked this) was insane. The game mode is complete dogass and should be scrapped.

47 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:40 ID: hvft67p

if control stays please make it a replacement for arenas. this game mode just hasn't really worked

48 : Anonymous2022/02/03 09:36 ID: hvefjnf

Don't really play Arenas apart from warming up if the map is Overflow or Habitat 4. Phase Runner, Party Crasher and Encore don't do it for me- not sure if it's the map design or the colour palette.

*Really* looking forward to Control, where hopefully 3 teams will help balance out matchmaking.

49 : Anonymous2022/02/03 14:59 ID: hvfd5mf

Ugh I hate Phase Runner. Take the portal thing, dumped in a really shitty place to fight 3v3 with crap all usable cover, enemy squad will 100% of the time have a Fuse who spent 1000 materials on grenades just for you.

50 : Anonymous2022/02/03 19:55 ID: hvgpcgg

As that Fuse... "lol"

I buy Ulti every other round, get to the portal ASAP, and then dump it on the other team as they're coming out of the portal. ez.

51 : Anonymous2022/02/03 10:24 ID: hvej72y

dislike- the rank points you get after winning, need 500wins for badge likes- gives me practice games for ranked br before jumping on.


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