It is now confirmed that Maggie’s drill can go through Gibby shields

1 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:07 ID: sjmx8b
It is now confirmed that Maggie’s drill can go through Gibby shields
2 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:30 ID: hvfrjv3

Does it go through double layer of Rampart walls ?

3 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:12 ID: hvfohlm

About god damn time Gibby had a viable counter. Wonder what the cooldown and range is like…

ID: hvfs277

Probably the same as fuse's but it has only one charge

ID: hvfw0zb

I've played a shit load of Gibby and I'm happy there's a counter now. Hopefully it'll introduce some more variety to the comp meta.

ID: hvfx9dn

It will for sure change the comp meta.. a lot of teams will be running her for just this reason.

ID: hvfw96o

Hey remember when they said they didn't want to make it so you had to pick a character to counter another?

Guess that design choice went out the window.

ID: hvfy43a

It’s really never been fully true though. You’ve never had to run a legend to be a counter but bloodhound countered Bangalore from Day 1. Wattson counters fuse, gibby, bang, valk. Crypto counters Caustic and Wattson.

ID: hvfx7fj

Don’t worry, it also counters Rampart!

Poor Rampart

ID: hvfx3sv

I GUESS the opposite would be to make Gibby's dome breakable by anyone, and i dont think they want that either.

4 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:25 ID: hvfqoax

Maggie: you're already dead.

ID: hvg0z1y


5 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:34 ID: hvfs6m4

Gibraltar: My shield, my life Maggie: My drill, my kill

ID: hvg8bzw

The Baron: My Arrakis. My Dune.

ID: hvghkuj

god i don't know why but the way he says it in the movie just gives me shivers but at the same time its fucking cool

ID: hvgxzva
6 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:48 ID: hvfuhym

If you shoot gibby's arm shield with it, does it bleed through the shield

ID: hvfw738

Will it even stick to his shield or will it bounce off? What happens if you lower your shield and it is stuck?

ID: hvgloci

Hmm. I'm pretty sure they removed objects sticking to Gibby shields a while ago, so it's possible that it will just bounce off.

ID: hvgbfkv

if that's the case it'd be sick. Although couldn't you stick Gibby with an arc star anyways?

7 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:25 ID: hvfqkrh


ID: hvfsw79

They also, for the sake of these trailers, either have the guys at low health or stage the damage

I know the accuracy mid air isn’t nearly as good as it is in these “check out the hero abilities videos”

ID: hvftcbo

it will be OP for the first week more than likely as is the custom.

ID: hvfrxuo

That my concern

ID: hvfs2oy

I am assuming it is roughly equivalent to thermite but that it has a different damage radius.

ID: hvfxm91

Probably not enough to down the opponent on it's own, but can down a weak enemy or dissuade someone from trying to res.

8 : Anonymous2022/02/03 17:58 ID: hvg65xx

Its fine, it probably deals like 10 dmg, Everyone is always 1shot in these

ID: hvgjlqd

Yeah and I doubt it'll make the entire bubble dangerous. It'll probably be like 3 m from the wall it's hitting so you still got the rest of the bubble to play with.

9 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:41 ID: hvftbd5

sad bruddah noises

ID: hvfy7xl


10 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:42 ID: hvftdwv

I love this so much. Gibby has been so strong in ranked, so nice to finally have a counter.

11 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:30 ID: hvfrf76

Thank fucking God.That bubble needed some reliable counter.

ID: hvg0edq

I know I'm more excited now

12 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:33 ID: hvfrwpq

I give it 1 week until people complain about this complaining it's "meta" and "too OP" like every other ult and passive that's been introduced in this game.

ID: hvfsuq9

I can imagine her tactical to be fucking annoying for door plays

ID: hvft9in

And then it's getting nerfed into uselessness

13 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:35 ID: hvfsabt

It will counter the bubble a bit but not much. I see in comp play, players seems to play the sides and behind the bubble alot. Will stop bubble rez for sure though.

ID: hvfv35p

That's a good point. They might just play behind and around the bubble more often now. We'll have to wait and see

ID: hvg846e

There are times where you need to be in the bubble though. Think an enemy Gibby ult or maybe you are being pinched. It's cool the drill will counter these scenarios.

14 : Anonymous2022/02/03 17:02 ID: hvfwr5u

If they were going to add this, I don’t understand how it wouldn’t balance out Life Line’s res shield.

“Oh you’re seriously gonna try and res them in front of me ??? Take a thermite blow torch to the face, Get shit on ”

Edit: I only just now realized how much of a thirst monster this would make Maggie. As soon as she downs you she just pops her tactical and your knockdown shield (and your life) is no more…

ID: hvg6ztv

That would be hilarious. They’d probably need to finally add some way to stop yourself being rezzed by the drone though.

ID: hvgddh4

Mainly because lifeline would have a single hard counter, which would be annoying to play against for her, and everyone else still would get fucked.

15 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:13 ID: hvfop1f

rip defensive legends

16 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:57 ID: hvfvwie

It can go through freaking building walls too! I wonder the what they radius of damage will be

17 : Anonymous2022/02/03 17:06 ID: hvfxgs1

People who understand game design will know this is absolutely not how you nerf something overpowered.

18 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:55 ID: hvfvoxk

Rampart mains out here need to be on suicide watch after seeing this.

ID: hvg1d7s

I wonder if they made the turret mobile because they knew it soon wouldn't be safe behind a wall

ID: hvg12rj


Too late

19 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:55 ID: hvfvmdv

Finally Gibby gets "nerfed" without getting nerfed

20 : Anonymous2022/02/03 16:21 ID: hvfpzdd

I swear the developers took a good long look at The Competitive Scene, and said man… how funny if we nerf caustic and then release a specific Gibby-Counter, and make her extremely necessary for future ALGS team Comps… i’m calling it now, she will be Meta for quite some time.

ID: hvftujo

Heavily doubt she’ll be NECESSARY in algs unless her numbers are dummy broken


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