Free Talk Weekend | February 18th, 2022

1 : Anonymous2022/02/18 08:00 ID: svcjkx

Welcome to Free Talk Weekend! There are no specific discussion topics for Weekends. As such, moderation is more relaxed regarding specific and content within the thread.

What's on your mind? How's your week in Apex? How have your Apex games been going lately? Want to show off your stats or banners? Need some help or want to give out some pointers? Anything you want to talk about that wasn't brought up in a previous thread or did you miss a specific discussion topic earlier this week? Talk about it here!

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Game Mode (casual/duos/ranked/firing range)

If ranked, what rank?

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2 : Anonymous2022/02/18 11:48 ID: hxfomnx

Waiting for fps fix

3 : Anonymous2022/02/18 09:37 ID: hxfeivi

I’m unable to play this game almost a week and a half after release because the FPS are so bad on PS4. Are they going to extend the ranked split? Like how in the fuck is this not fixed…

ID: hxfkxvd

"give them 3 XP starts. Those console peasants will love us"

4 : Anonymous2022/02/18 11:47 ID: hxfoiwa

I hope we get a fix on last gen console fps.

5 : Anonymous2022/02/18 08:58 ID: hxfboz7

The game is crashing every 3 matches for me, no error code, crashes straight to desktop. Has anyone found a fix? PC.

ID: hxfdn4b

Yup, same for me.

ID: hxfmf4z

Yes, for me it tends to happen right before we jump ship

ID: hxfuy7a

happens to me too

6 : Anonymous2022/02/18 19:24 ID: hxhfv03

Olympus is unplayable for me on PS4, so much framerate drops

ID: hxhhs7x

Fr how are more people not complaining. It's literally unplayable on ranked.

7 : Anonymous2022/02/18 13:20 ID: hxfxtum

Pls fix the servers!! The game lag a lot.

8 : Anonymous2022/02/18 16:24 ID: hxgnno1

If you ever doubted that Respawn doesn't give a shit at all about Arenas, consider that they added hammerpoints to 3 guns and didn't touch the pricing at all lmao

9 : Anonymous2022/02/18 16:19 ID: hxgmuxa

Leaver ban for control, I beg

10 : Anonymous2022/02/18 08:01 ID: hxf7e64

Free Prime skin better than the "Prestiege" skin. LMAO

11 : Anonymous2022/02/18 09:03 ID: hxfc2bm

I remember there being a few "leaks" about the next gen console upgrades coming today the 18th, looking like that wasn't true either.

It'd be really great if they could get that going...

12 : Anonymous2022/02/18 17:29 ID: hxgxwef

Im so glad leaving counts as a loss now so when I get put into trios alone 9/10 times I get punished for it too!!!!

13 : Anonymous2022/02/18 18:36 ID: hxh8gtw

I'll be competing in a local tourney but some known Apac names are gonna be there. Kisansss and squad plus dreamfire(ALGS APAC S winners). This is like my 4th tourney so far but i'm gonna fight them tomorrow, I'm so excited.

14 : Anonymous2022/02/18 19:37 ID: hxhhu5y

Still no update on the ps4 fps issue?

15 : Anonymous2022/02/18 12:38 ID: hxftbk5

I’m a complete scrub at this game but I’m having so much fun! I’m In love with pubs too! I thought I would have to play rank to get some juice out of the game but no! Pubs are sweaty

16 : Anonymous2022/02/18 13:05 ID: hxfw54k

Having a lot of connection issues in the European Servers since the season dropped. Lots of packet loss even though my connection is fine. I'm basically forced to play in Middle East servers and that's not great because it's fairly empty at certain times

17 : Anonymous2022/02/18 15:06 ID: hxgbt6w

This game has great movement, gunplay and other things but it’s nearly impossible to actually enjoy these things when the servers are ruining it

18 : Anonymous2022/02/18 17:23 ID: hxgwzko

I think control is over rated I’ve played 10 games and only one of them I had a full team but the other team didn’t. The servers need some work to keep the game balanced 3v9 isn’t fun

19 : Anonymous2022/02/18 09:17 ID: hxfd3j1

How many problems will it take for Respawn to fix their game instead of adding new shit? From the Taxi bug that still hasn’t been patched yet, awful audio, I’m genuinely so confused what Respawn is doing, like is their office just full of incompetent people? Do none of the devs who play the game and experience a bug, not have a problem with that? Like it’s insane how lazy Respawn seems

ID: hxfdd92

Gun stickers.

20 : Anonymous2022/02/18 12:36 ID: hxft21f

Is it just me or did they nerf the spread on the Mozambique?

ID: hxftpl3

I feel this. I feel like I only hit with 2 or 3 when they are in melee range. Same with Mastiff, pellet spread seems much wider.

21 : Anonymous2022/02/18 14:17 ID: hxg4z4y

Games fun and I'm glad to be back on Olympus but Jesus these PC FPS issues need resolving. I thought my computer was about to die on me

22 : Anonymous2022/02/18 15:11 ID: hxgch69

Its even more laggier now than before wtf

23 : Anonymous2022/02/18 16:33 ID: hxgp43p

Every game I lack a team mate. Has happened in the last 6 games I’ve played…

24 : Anonymous2022/02/18 19:03 ID: hxhcrr8

can you please fix the low performance issues the game is literally unplayable and i’m trying to play the ranked season

25 : Anonymous2022/02/18 21:31 ID: hxhyym1

I grew up mostly playing arena shooters like Unreal Tournament and Quake 3 on PC. I also played other shooters but that's where I sunk most of my time.

In the past few years I've been playing Apex on PS4 and I consider myself fairly competent. I recently got a decent spec PC and was pretty excited to get back into PC gaming in general but I was specifically looking forward to playing Apex with a keyboard and mouse.

HOO BOY I certainly overestimated how much those PC gaming skills stuck around. I am straight traaash. Hopefully my drills in the firing range will pay off but in the meantime, thank goodness for Control as a mode for practicing with tons of respawns and very little consequences.

26 : Anonymous2022/02/18 21:35 ID: hxhzlwh

Has anyone else crash a lot since S12 launch? I've crashed 4-5 times a day whereas S8-S11 I haven't crashed a single time.

27 : Anonymous2022/02/18 09:50 ID: hxffhxu

Pubs is now miserable af and ranked is just full of smurfs every game. Every. Game. That is all.

28 : Anonymous2022/02/18 08:57 ID: hxfbm9y

People who leave control after getting a little resistance.are biggest cowards of all time.

ID: hxg1550

Yeah. And people that sit out of B to afraid to go in and attack are also cowards.

It's super annoying when you go cap the ennemy base flag and you realize that your teammate are stil unable to move towards B.

29 : Anonymous2022/02/18 11:04 ID: hxfl1bl

Is audio bugging for others? I literally can not hear people behind me

30 : Anonymous2022/02/18 13:59 ID: hxg2ldh

Anyone also having a bad experience on Ranked Arenas due to AFK players? I’m bronze I on ps4 in East US. I’m on a 10-game losing streak. In all of those games, someone on my team goes afk or just goes off on their own. It’s been weird. I know I’m not that good but I’ve had better experiences.

Much better luck in trios this season. It’s been fun!

31 : Anonymous2022/02/18 15:17 ID: hxgdexo

Control with more maps(with all of them in rotation at all times) and loadouts rotating more often. That is the dream, please don't let it die

32 : Anonymous2022/02/18 15:26 ID: hxgeqo6

Can anyone give me a rundown on the characters past rampart? I left this game 2 years ago and I just downloaded it again.

ID: hxgk793

-Horizon- Was op off launch, but now I’m a healthy spot. Good for getting the high ground but maybe still outclassed by path and Valk. Good team comp: Fuse, Caustic, Horizion.

-Fuse- Terrible launch, along with the 30-30. After a few buffs, Fuse can a viable legend for any team. Still a glass cannon though

-Valk- A flying legend who had a few glitches with her ult on launch, but nonetheless still a meta legend and is found in ranked for her ults amazing rotation ability. Rivals Path for best movement in the game. Good team comp: Valk, Gibby, Caustic

-Seer- Was ridiculous off launch and had several nerds to his kit. Seer is still outclassed by Bloodhound players for wall hacks, but a good seer that utilizes the heartbeat sensor passive is a dangerous threat. Good Team comp: Seer, Rev, Octane

-Ash- Came out alongside a new weapon in the CAR and a new map. A more aggressive wraith with a one way portal, Ash can get the high ground on any team in an instance. A solid legend that doesn’t really challenge the meta, but is still popular. Good team comp: Ash, Rev, Rampart

-Mad Maggie- The newest legend, Mad Maggie has a passive that many players love, moving sprint speed while holding a shotgun. A tactical that can make doorplay in ur advantage, Mad Maggie is a lot of fun. Good Team comp: Maggie, Octane, path

33 : Anonymous2022/02/18 16:35 ID: hxgpez3

Every pub game ends the same. Me with if lucky one rando i had to carry that did not insta quit vs a master or pred stack.

34 : Anonymous2022/02/18 20:54 ID: hxhtfon

Is there hammerpoint in game? Swear never saw one since S12 started

35 : Anonymous2022/02/18 21:00 ID: hxhubnd

Matchmaking, server and fps.

36 : Anonymous2022/02/18 13:32 ID: hxfz99d

The main menus are lagging now on ps4? Also... Still consistently 30fps...for a week now.

ID: hxgtpgt

What you expect from this dogshit company. Only thing they bothered to fix is their store so that the sad addicts can buy the new skin.

37 : Anonymous2022/02/18 20:28 ID: hxhph7j

The fact that ranked is easier than pubs until you get to diamond is alarming. Pubs matchmaking is really exhausting

38 : Anonymous2022/02/18 19:37 ID: hxhhvld

Worst season ever for console players

39 : Anonymous2022/02/18 12:19 ID: hxfrdye

Ranked needs to allow people to derank out of platinum, the number of people who reach Plat and then just treat it like pubs because they're too shit to ever conceivable rank beyond there is way too high right now.

40 : Anonymous2022/02/18 08:10 ID: hxf845j

Is anybody else having issues with apex packs not being rewarded?

41 : Anonymous2022/02/18 08:37 ID: hxfa4sm

Hammerpoint RE-45 is a monster, unfortunately I rarely find the hop-up if it's not in a replicator.


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