I wish the game had like a drop-down for each gunfight that shows how many hits landed in each individual person, and also how many hits you received from each person. Obviously in the post game screen.

1 : Anonymous2022/02/17 18:07 ID: suv777

So I feel like the game already collects this information anyways, and when using shotguns specifically it’s annoying when I get into multiple gunfights and then the guy that kills me eats what feels like 6 shells. And then it’ll say I had 27 hits across 3-4 kills but i it’s impossible to know who got hit with how many pellets.

2 : Anonymous2022/02/17 19:38 ID: hxcka3c

No. - Nikita

ID: hxd4ujg

"Game is not supposed to be fun"

3 : Anonymous2022/02/17 21:32 ID: hxd25bk

I had an idea a while ago where you could pay therapist like 50,000 for an autopsy. It would work similar to insurance where after the raid has ended you get a detailed report of hits, incoming and outgoing, and see a killcam.

ID: hxd6tl2

I'm with you up until killcam.

That shit should never be in Tarkov.

ID: hxd9lmf

Why? When kill cams came to pubg it became super easy to find hackers and report them. If it’s after the raid is over who cares?

ID: hxd9tyj

Make it a quest where you have to set up security cameras all over every map you’d like to have kill cams on and make it like a 1-2 hour delayed video sent by therapist or prapor

4 : Anonymous2022/02/17 18:19 ID: hxc7fti

This would give players who play in groups a larger advantage. If you are in a 2v2 and you see that you did 400 dmg and shot at both of them you don't know if you did 200 to each or if one of them is sub 100 hp. This is an unfair advantage in a fight its the same reason that if kill cams were to ever be added (which they wont and imo shouldn't) then it would have to be until after the raid timer completes otherwise you could tell your teammates where they were.

ID: hxc84ud

Okay then yeah make it an after match report that only comes up after the server closes like you mentioned.

ID: hxc8pwb

That's a lot of extra load on the servers

ID: hxcne1i

But… if that was your only gunfight and you’re in a 2v1 you get that unfair advantage anyways. Say I spawn in with my friend on factory and we spawn triangle. We get rushed by one he kills me and I hit him 300 to armour 150 to body. It’s the exact same thing it just gets muddy when there’s more than one person. Why even tell us these stats at all if they’re worried about unfair advantages.

ID: hxco2k3

If you're asking me I don't think you should see any stats. But just because its unfair in one case, why add unfairness to other cases too?

ID: hxcyz8s

You know damn well no matter what the after raid report says, your dead teammate is going to say "dude he is literally 1 shot"

5 : Anonymous2022/02/17 18:18 ID: hxc7c8h

I agree

6 : Anonymous2022/02/17 21:28 ID: hxd1i39

In an interview with Rengwar, The Cycle: Frontier said they will be doing this. I *think* it'll be cool.

7 : Anonymous2022/02/17 23:09 ID: hxdh6gz

If it is on the end game screen, then you can give specific info for your mates, like how much hp the enemy has

An end game message after raid would be nice with all the details tho

ID: hxdjqsb

Yeah I realized shortly after posting this that my main gripe is with shotgun hit stats. Specifically when I kill 2 or more enemies and they give me numbers like 25 hits for 600 to the body. Trying to decipher how many of my shots landed per person with those numbers it might as well be in mandarin because they do nothing for me. But on the other hand, in most situations with guns that shoot a single projectile I can recall how many shots I landed because 1 trigger pull = one hit so I can at least roughly figure it out. The post game stats thing is interesting but I can see why they wouldn’t do it immediately post death. Possibly a better system would be for there to be a more detailed tab in your character screen that shows raid history (PMC only) which would essentially just become available once the session has ended and would have all of your raids in there.

8 : Anonymous2022/02/17 23:14 ID: hxdhwvz

Sometimes I have a gunfight with someone where nobody dies and the guy fucks off or whatever and curiosity makes me leave the raid without shooting anyone else just to see how much damage I did.

ID: hxdlt48

Dude this is me at least once a day.

9 : Anonymous2022/02/17 23:18 ID: hxdiiz8

I'll often fight a scav from a distance further away than maybe I should have and be like, wow, I used a LOT of ammo, I wonder how many hit, I hope I don't find any more scavs

10 : Anonymous2022/02/17 18:32 ID: hxc9ond

Why is it so hard to understand that if they didn't die you didn't hit them enough in the right spots what does it matter how much you hit them you lost the fight move on. I don't get why people want this so bad

ID: hxcmk46

No the point is not that I need to know how close they were to dying I don’t care about that I’d just like a better way to know if the problem is my accuracy or if the problem is penetration because it’s literally impossible to figure it out if you’ve been in other fights with shotguns. I don’t even care if they tell me how much health I took from him I just wanna know if I was missing wildly or not.

ID: hxcvpjh

I like the idea, but isnt it clear that it was a penetration issue if like 400 damage is blocked by armor? Or am i missing something?

ID: hxcqkhl

It’s called wanting to learn and understand what happened in a fight.

ID: hxcc7qj

Because knowing if they had a ton of health vs if they are about to die is specific feedback that can change up your gameplan/setup.

ID: hxcwnr9

I wanna know if my friend stole my fucking kill or if I just peppered the armor. It wouldn't be question if that was the only action you see, but if you get a few scav kills then it's harder to differentiate.

ID: hxd7h6y

Not harder. Literally impossible. I had a factory run a couple days ago I got 11 kills two of them were PMCs. I died to a guy chilling in forklifts with 4 minutes left and I was going for Cellars. Using a MP-155 the stats gave me like 1200 damage to body 300something to armour for like 80something hits landed. But I unloaded an entire 8 round tube into the last guy (or so I thought) and I have no way of knowing if all of my armour shots were on him or if I just missed a lot.

ID: hxd6t6w

You improve over time by playing the game, but you improve faster when you play the game, analyze your mistakes, and actively change your strategies for next time. While this game isn't meant to be a pure competitive experience, even in Tarkov a replay system and/or detailed stats would help players improve their gameplay. It's not the necessity it would be in a competitive shooter, but it undeniably would be nice to have.

ID: hxdh2pd

Stfu theres no reason to know how much blood you lost or your most damaged area so this wouldnt be the worst idea to have as a feedback.

11 : Anonymous2022/02/17 21:08 ID: hxcygii

Yeah and I also think it should show exactly how many bullets is left in you mag, and the game should play a "thud" sound everytime you hit someone, and you should run faster with your knife out too.

ID: hxcz36s

Y’all act like I’m asking for killcams and auto sentry turrets and respawns all I want is useful stats for hit counts with shotguns. No sure how that is hard to understand.

ID: hxd1dl7

Most people in this sub are miserable pretentious douche bags. Don't worry about it lol


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