change my mind

1 : Anonymous2022/02/25 19:58 ID: t1cxgi
change my mind
2 : Anonymous2022/02/25 20:07 ID: hyf9ozu

After Lifeline gets the buff to respawn mates in her care package. Complete with cool respawn animation from inside care package where you watch the panels open and then you pop out and resume battle.

ID: hyfo7jx

I like that one. Sad to not get loot (when a teammate is down) but it’s still a nice buff overall.

ID: hyg4dle

Her cp loot is meh anyways

ID: hyfs54g

She sort of has that, she gets mobile respawn beacon out of her care package, if she has her teammates banner.

I know it's not the same, but it's always something.

ID: hyfaj55

I had a pickup system in mind for most legends, like a buff initiated only via a pickup.

Wattson - Shield +50%
Lifeline - HP +50%
Bloodhound - Scan on pick up
Wraith - Picks you up from inside the void
Revenant - 5 second totem effect, player gets downed instead of teleported or auto killed
Crypto - Auto EMP if drone is out
etc etc, I'm sure you could get creative with a lot of these characters.

ID: hyfavt1

Sorry but these are really unnecessary and would draw fights out more. No effects for any character is better than these suggestions

ID: hyfgjfm

You could, and those, already unbalanced characters, would be Even more unbalanaced.

ID: hyfn4wd

Crypto - Auto EMP if drone is out

You serious right now?

ID: hyfp6ob

What rank are you

ID: hyfgn9z

Wattson and lifeline are balanced imo, keeps lifeline a support and gives Wattson another support like thing. But wraith would just be better mirage, that would be so op that you can’t shoot them or see them

ID: hyg24iy

Honestly… terrible suggestions

ID: hyfy6n0

Wraith rezzing in the void? You mean a literally free rez? That’s 10x worse than lifelines rez shield.

ID: hyfs82p

I don’t understand all the downvotes. Ya these ideas aren’t useful but they are neat ideas and I enjoyed reading them and thinking about them

3 : Anonymous2022/02/25 20:03 ID: hyf93ad

She doesn't need a 4th passive

ID: hyfg8qi

What’s the third?

Passive shield regen

Ult Accel stacking

Is it rezzing?

ID: hyfgg1l

2 ult accels, ult accel insant recharges shield, passive shield regeneration. Technically the ult accel passives combine as one, but theyre separate

4 : Anonymous2022/02/25 20:32 ID: hyfddsp

My friend, a Wattson Main, had the same idea. And I still shut it down.

This is just a bad idea overall. Having half of your shields back from a revive is just broken af, and would make the gold bag useless. Maybe having one bar of their shield being charged, but half is overdoing it.

ID: hyfior9

love wattson and totally agree it’d be busted , The buttery smooth fences pre season 10 on the other hand…

ID: hyfi433

Gold bag restores shield and health. This idea only restores shield. So you’ll still have like 10-20 health but also like 2 shield bars. That’s a quarter of a mag. It’s not op but it’s not that great either. It’s perfect. Although as I said in my comment, one shield bar would be good. Not half shield

ID: hyfiabe

you right, you right.

5 : Anonymous2022/02/25 20:19 ID: hyfbhcz


6 : Anonymous2022/02/25 21:17 ID: hyfkciu

The issue is that if she also has a gold bag, her teammates will revive with full shields and half health.

The current thing she needs is a fence fix. The nodes won’t even place down half of the time and get blocked off by nothing. This is a recent issue.

That and her pylon. I was standing next to one not getting shields. Last night a duo wrecked me with a grenade yet my pylon could have blocked it but didn’t.

ID: hyfz4bg

Maybe the pylon run out of shields

7 : Anonymous2022/02/25 20:41 ID: hyfewdk

you wanna give her a permanent gold bag for a passive?

ID: hyft5ta

This post would’ve fucking killed me if I was lifeline main

ID: hyfp6ki

Hold bag gives you like 50 hp ad well man's over here just giving shield although one bar would be good

8 : Anonymous2022/02/25 21:22 ID: hyfl1te

user tries not to suggest the most shittiest suggestion possible challenge (difficulty impossible)

ID: hyftmnq

I actually have this really nice idea for a Crypto passive…

ID: hyg2a3h


9 : Anonymous2022/02/25 21:04 ID: hyfidn0

I'm a Wattson main and don't want this.

10 : Anonymous2022/02/25 20:27 ID: hyfcpaj

Make gold pack half irrelevant for an unneeded buff, of course.

11 : Anonymous2022/02/25 20:31 ID: hyfdcmk

I mean if they buff her sad little shield regen in her passive, i’d be on board. But i say she should only be able to charge like a cell or less worth. I mean she does have a pretty cool pickup animation

12 : Anonymous2022/02/25 20:55 ID: hyfgyh6

So basically a built in gold bag? Yeah nah

13 : Anonymous2022/02/25 21:10 ID: hyfj7po

I’m a Wattson main and even I think this is a bad idea. Half of purple or red armour teamed with the bit of health you normally get would be more than enough for a lot of players to finish off a squad with the rest of their team instantly.

I do think Wattson should be able to scan where the next ring is though, since she designed it and all.

14 : Anonymous2022/02/25 21:25 ID: hyflhj4

Do people suggesting thing like these ever think twice before posting? Wattson is fine as it is, just fix the fence placement issues and wattson is now in a good spot.

15 : Anonymous2022/02/25 21:17 ID: hyfkee7

Other legends barely have one passive and you want to give her a third one?

16 : Anonymous2022/02/25 21:31 ID: hyfmfni

If octane picks someone up, should they have half their health?

17 : Anonymous2022/02/25 21:03 ID: hyfi98s

I main Wattson and was about to say this is a bad idea, but my teammates leave immediately anyway so this would change nothing. Jokes aside, this is a bad idea

18 : Anonymous2022/02/25 21:13 ID: hyfjqu8

That’s a good idea …. for a new support legend

19 : Anonymous2022/02/25 20:38 ID: hyfeb4h

No… she does enough already. Now lifeline hmmmm. Use me as a lifeline should revive you one syringe from full health

20 : Anonymous2022/02/25 21:33 ID: hyfmrea

Make it one bar, or passively charge their shields after being revived for a set period of time (up to two bars), which is still broken unless the regen time is quite slow.

Another option is simply a quicker revive time since she’s already got the cool animation for it. She doesn’t need a buff that will skyrocket her to the top of the meta. Seemingly small changes can have a big impact on the meta.

She does need a small buff or rework though, probably to her tactical. She’s got enough going on with her passives.

A cool rework could be something like shock nodes, which are more visible and have a bigger hitbox with an HP pool, similar to Caustic’s gas trap. Enemies within a short range would take damage to their shields based on proximity to the nodes. It only require one to work and placing two or more would create a fence, which would deal slightly more shield damage and stun the enemy (similar to the current fences but weaker since they would only damage shields). It would have a longer cooldown than the current fences and a nerf to how many nodes you could hold at once. I don’t think Wattson is bad, but she’s not great aggressively and this could make her more viable when pushing a fight while still keeping her as primarily a defensive legend. Wattson also seems to be all about shields so might as well go all out.

Of course I’m not a dev and this is probably a terrible idea but it’s fun to imagine.

21 : Anonymous2022/02/25 20:54 ID: hyfgtlp

I can't.

22 : Anonymous2022/02/25 20:58 ID: hyfhe0n

Then what will the level 4 pack do?

23 : Anonymous2022/02/25 21:00 ID: hyfhsg7

Or they could just fix her tactical placement issues

24 : Anonymous2022/02/25 21:02 ID: hyfhzqi

I’d say 1/8th or 1/4 if this was added but it would make golden backpack obsolete

25 : Anonymous2022/02/25 21:11 ID: hyfjffe

This class passive got scrapped

26 : Anonymous2022/02/25 21:23 ID: hyfl9o2

How about if it just makes them feel kinda tingly

27 : Anonymous2022/02/25 21:26 ID: hyflo1q

Golden pack back could be a deciding factor in final circle

28 : Anonymous2022/02/25 21:29 ID: hyfm85n

Sounds like a plat 4 player to me

29 : Anonymous2022/02/25 21:30 ID: hyfm8yx



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