If doing squats costs stamina, it should reward strength experience

1 : Anonymous2022/02/26 16:53 ID: t21hk0

This new wipe has a lot of features that require you to keep an eye on your stamina throughout the raid and firefights. This new stamina cost for crouching is a complete negative to all aspects of stamina usage, mobility, and combat.

If this new feature is going to stay, a fair compromise would be rewarding strength experience, regardless of encumbrance. More stamina used due to encumbrance, the more experience gained.

Yes, this would be a new way to power level strength, and what of it? A viable way to up your strength quickly needs to be implemented. I'm level 38 with strength level 16 and I'm still over encumbrance when entering a raid with a gun, helmet, armor, and mags. Add any bit of loot, or a backup sidearm/PDW and the raid is going to be a fucking slog.

2 : Anonymous2022/02/26 18:38 ID: hyjlpvh

I have a few things to say:

I like that squatting takes stamina, I think it is realistic that standing up from prone/crouch with full gear would take a little stamina.

I totally agree that standing from prone/crouch should level strength, people literally do squats to build strength.

I would die laughing if I saw a gang of PMCs doing squats/burpees in raid like some zumba/pilates group in order to power level. I might even join them if I saw it

ID: hyjnm1a

I wholeheartedly agree with every one of your points

ID: hyjt6lh

crossfit squad jumping around factory screaming "PARKOUR!" into their mics

ID: hyjtkx7

Hell with the way BSG want the game to go we very well may get usable exercise equipment in the hideout

ID: hyk1ifc

After an hour of squats your PMC will walk like he's carrying 60+ kg. The effect will last 3 days. Gain 0.2 strength points.

ID: hyk984e

I've been saying it for a few wipes now, but there's an opportunity here for a quest to have you mark exercise equipment like the Shoreline basement gym.

You would have to mark the equipment so that it can be picked up and delivered to your hideout. Maybe you need a marker and have to pay a fee to make it happen, because really who would hall exercise equipment for you for free, let alone in a war torn country?

So you mark the equipment and maybe pay a little fee. Then the exercise equipment is delivered to your hideout to passively level your stats. There would be a new section of the Hideout called "Gym" or something. Or maybe it performs like the air filter. If you have it then it gives you a boost during raids. The concept is in there at least.

ID: hyk38jj

Not that I wouldn't love to run a PMC Zumba class, but it would break immersion for me. That's why squats should count double in the hideout.

ID: hyk4svf

Pestily already did news interviews early on with the new voip. We need a squad to go in and start broadcasting exercises to see who joins in.

ID: hykihfm

I played paintball for the first time in ages, I'm not in shape and holy shit my legs were killing me for days just from crouch peaking.

That said, thank you for the imagery of a line of PMC's doing squats out of rhythm.

ID: hykqa8l

One of my classes in law school was, essentially, the ins and outs of criminal law practice. Motion work, research, the nuts and bolts stuff. Part of criminal law is punishment so we went to the state prison nearest my law school (RJ Donovan Correctional Facility, where, among others, Sirhan Sirhan and the Menendez Brothers are currently housed).

While we were touring the yard of one of the housing blocks I saw a group of 6-8 of the most yoked up enormous dudes I have ever seen doing lunges on the pavement track around the perimeter of the yard. They took free weights out of prisons in CA about twenty years before I visited so these dudes got absolutely jacked up on body weight exercises alone.

ID: hyk80ke

Let’s make this happen

ID: hyka8xn

Much earlier on in Tarkov’s history you used to find pmc’s jumping on the spot in woods with a load of tbags in their gamma case leveling strength, that is until I shot them.

3 : Anonymous2022/02/26 18:04 ID: hyjgte5

I agree, maybe add a cap of how many times EXP is given from squats per raid.

ID: hyjh3k5

The current exp gain system prevents power leveling already. The more you try to gain in one raid, the less you gain overall. I recommend checking out the experience gain page on the wiki. It's a very thoughtfully designed system.

ID: hyju7lp

The more you try to gain in one raid, the less you gain overall.

Huh, no. The more you level a skill in one raid, the less efficient the leveling becomes. You still gain exp though

4 : Anonymous2022/02/26 19:00 ID: hyjp2c1

Project zomboid squatting experience farming when. s

5 : Anonymous2022/02/26 20:18 ID: hyk0esc

Me and my friend wanted a “workout space” in one of the raids, where its a protected safe area in raid where PMCs can just get jacked.

Imagine raiding then going “fuck it imma hit the suana” and just chilling with some PMC broa doing burpees and swimming in pools.

Add it now.

ID: hyk409a

It could be a hideout station.

Raid Interchange to bring back mannequin parts and dumbbells from the sporting goods stores.

Put together a home gym with the equipment and the mannequins become loadout templates with your spare rigs and armors.

It'd be a lot more fun than what I'm about to go to Interchange for: To hope to find two more CPU fans so I can hand them to Mechanic along with returning to him the GFX cards he gave me from other tasks to check off Farming 4. 🙁

ID: hyk5bln

As long as my bro can come over and help me do lifts, im in.

I def think mannequins should be added since multiple people have brought it up as a fix to many issues, such as

Let mannequins wear “preset kits” so that you can have kits ready to run and stash away later kits. Let us see Clothing options in game on mannequins Probably more im forgetting but, mannequins seem like a great idea. Fees like it would be simple too, replace current mannequins with ones that are interactable and physics based and let us steal their parts for our use.
6 : Anonymous2022/02/26 17:18 ID: hyja1qq

I’m level 21, just got the game a month ago, and I think my endurance skill is like lvl 4 and my strength is lvl 9, because every single raid I go into, I start ‘heavy’. By the time I get any lvl 4 armor, a 762 weapon, helmet, and some pocket meds, I’m heavy. So my endurance skill doesn’t even really level up. It’s kinda whack.

In terms of armor protection, cheap, light, effective, pick 2. Since I’m new, poor, and don’t have lvl 3 traders yet, cheap, heavy, and somewhat effective gear is my only real choice.

ID: hyjaeic

The weight system has been a work in progress for a long time, and seems to me, no closer to a solution that works well mechanically, keeps combat well paced, and is fun/isn't terrible.

Seems like the only way you can level your endurance is to run pistols and maybe a backpack.

ID: hykcx1r

As someone who almost always maxes endurance each wipe, you just dont wear armour haha

ID: hyjuhfv

You can have a full top-tier kit and be underweight to level endurance from the start of a raid. You do not need to resort to taking only a pistol and a backpack.

ID: hyjtv81

That use to piss me off too. I hate going into raids over weight but it does get better. Eventually your strength will level up to the point you won't be over weight going into raids. And you will unlock better armor, that's lighter weight, like the MMAC, and then next thing you know, you zooming around the map.

Highly suggest you build your Air filter in hideout as always have a air filter in as it levels up your physical skills by an extra 40%. The Air filter is bugged out since the last patch but BSG will fix it. Your Library in hideout will level up your mental skills by 30%.

If you really want to cheese it. Buy a SJ6 and go into Woods naked. Pop the SJ6 and sprint all the way to your stamina is at zero. You will level up endurance very fast

ID: hyk5uo6

Even better, start underweight, buy and insure a bunch of the 5 shell shotgun mags from jager to get overweight, pop sj6, run out stam bar, drop shells, run out stam bar. This way you can level both stam and strength.

ID: hyjre9w

Huh...You must be doing something completely different than me. I am level 26 and my Str is 27 and my endurance is 21.
Of course I am popping 250k worth of stims every raid for my grind so that may have something to do with it.

ID: hyk69iw

I was wrong, I think i mixed up my scav numbers. My PMC currently is 11 endurance, 8 strength, so it's not as bad as I thought. Yeah I don't know anything about stims, I heard there is a mission to turn in a bunch of found-in-raid stims so i've just been saving them.

7 : Anonymous2022/02/26 19:56 ID: hyjx8yh

I've played pretty normal most of wipe, not doing any cheesing or anything, most of mid wipe I'd say I was running troopers and ulachs, with like a trizip minimum. Then later mostly gzhels and the tiger big bag.. I got elite level strength and level 38 endurance. I never even got close any other wipes.. I feel like they've got it right. I'm level 51

8 : Anonymous2022/02/26 21:31 ID: hykanzo

This should be more generalized:

If any action is impacted by soft skills, performing that action should grant some XP. Balance this using diminishing returns or whatever but it's asinine that I don't gain strength xp by jumping.

ID: hykckzf

right they just need to balance out the diminishing returns. But for sure doing something sound modify the softskill as it will because a built in uniqueness depending on play style.

9 : Anonymous2022/02/26 20:37 ID: hyk33xp

As a new player to this game, it’s astounding how much stamina matters. Learned the hard way you can’t hard scope an angle too long or your breathing becomes so labored it’s pointless. Really liking this game, even though I’m complete and utter ass at it

10 : Anonymous2022/02/26 21:28 ID: hykabpg

My PMC bout to have a dumpy

11 : Anonymous2022/02/26 18:24 ID: hyjjoqs

Good idea..

12 : Anonymous2022/02/26 19:45 ID: hyjvoba

Imagining a CrossFit session in factory hosted by tagilla rn

13 : Anonymous2022/02/26 20:37 ID: hyk31di

Cant wait to see all the PMC's doing squats somewhere hidden in the map

14 : Anonymous2022/02/26 21:27 ID: hyka759

I agree, but I also see it as an easy way to cheese strength XP, and with the community this game has....it would happen instantly....Kinda sad honestly

15 : Anonymous2022/02/26 21:48 ID: hykd318

I want my character to have an absolute dump truck of an ass by lvl 20

16 : Anonymous2022/02/26 21:56 ID: hyke7uq

I wanna go into raid and do squats for the full 35minutes. Then I want to jump to the top of interchange with my new beefcake legs.

17 : Anonymous2022/02/26 22:48 ID: hyklkyb

Im waiting for a treadmill/weight rack upgrade to the hideout. If I can farm bitcoin, you would think I can hit the gym.

18 : Anonymous2022/02/26 17:08 ID: hyj8gw5

I have definitely less STR than that and my kits are basically below my encumbrance level by about 2-6 kg every raid. Maybe try using different cbunations of armor and rigs or armored rigs to find a happy medium until you can start wearing heavier gear.

Also by going in over weight you immediately start STR leveling but limit yourself in any endurance leveling.

Its honestly not that difficult to have high tier kits that will perform well in a fight that don't leave you encumbered from raid start.

ID: hyj922s

I'm not worried about my kits.

In concerned that this new feature gives nothing back to the players.

It only hinders combat and mobility even more, with nothing to show for it.

ID: hyjd5y4

I don't get your logic. The feature is meant to make you slower in combat. Why do you need something in return? I'm very confused about your imagined give and take relationship with the game.

19 : Anonymous2022/02/26 19:25 ID: hyjsook

I speak for BSG, i relay the message: fuck you

20 : Anonymous2022/02/26 22:08 ID: hykfvrc

The game doesn’t owe you anything? Fair compromise? What?

Anyway, then people would just crouch up and down a lot for some xp, and that would be optimal at times. The dev has a responsibility to control what would be best so players don’t optimize the fun out of stuff

ID: hykhaux

Maybe a skill that isn't strength then, but a skill that correlates and reduces penalties for stamina cost, maybe it also increases stand/crouch/prone speed, so we can matrix just like the scavs do

21 : Anonymous2022/02/26 18:33 ID: hyjl457

I have a viable way for you to level up strength, go into raids with some proper door kicker gear on. I spawn nearly every raid yellow, and I'm level 37 with 26 strength, I would say over the entire wipe I've thrown an average of less than 1 grenade per raid.

ID: hyjllcx

Ah the classic "YoU'rE nOt PlAyInG tHe GaMe PrOpErLy"

So I play differently, that's my problem, and those are my consequences. However, the issue with the stamina usage persists regardless, maybe that was the point of my post to begin with?

ID: hykbphy

You can play your way, playing your way levels up endurance and lets you sprint around more, playing my weight let's me bring more gear without getting penalized and carry more out, both are completely fine.

The point of my comment was that, that is nikita's intended strength leveling method, going into gear heavy and sprinting with it is how he expects you to have it the required levels for whatever strength is tied to, and for your own enjoyment.

I agree with your post btw, I just disagree with your comment of strength leveling too slow, as it clearly does not, you simply have to play the intended way to increase it.

ID: hyk9icm

You can’t expect to level strength and stam when you’re not doing anything to level them up. Sprint around more, go in with gear in the yellow. I’m level 39 and have much higher strength than you. Stop crab walking around and it’ll level up.

22 : Anonymous2022/02/26 19:36 ID: hyjucty

That would either make it harder to actual level strength or it would be easily abuseable

24 : Anonymous2022/02/26 21:29 ID: hykah1v

How are you that low? I’m lvl 35 with 36 strength

25 : Anonymous2022/02/26 23:11 ID: hykoqel

I'm 37 with 16,lol

26 : Anonymous2022/02/26 23:17 ID: hykpmdr

Damn lol run thicker kits bro

27 : Anonymous2022/02/26 23:25 ID: hykqp3u

Im level 46 with lv 42 strength. Not sure how everyone is having trouble leveling it. I come into every raid overweight just with the gear i use. Ive had to start bringing a couple stacks of magnum nowadays since my weight limit has gone up and what used to make me overweight doesnt anymore

28 : Anonymous2022/02/26 23:30 ID: hykrdo6

I was thinking if they just took away the stam-interrupt that standing up from a crouch does, if it was possible to separate that from the delay that you have whenever you stop sprinting, that could make the stand up thing a lot less annoying. I'm so used to just crouching down and standing up willy nilly, it really fucks up my stam/stam regen sometimes, even 30 levels in heh

29 : Anonymous2022/02/26 19:20 ID: hyjs1dg

But then people will level those like in oblivion, just standing around for 20 min in raid jumping and sprinting in a corner.

30 : Anonymous2022/02/26 19:30 ID: hyjti21

the game already prevents this, it only allows a set amount of leveling of a skill before diminishing returns kick in hard

31 : Anonymous2022/02/26 19:39 ID: hyjur3e

They reduce after a set amount of time not doing the action in question though. But it's also not unknown for players just to go into a raid power level a couple skills and then leave to reset and do it over again which incentivizes poor play patterns in my opinion.

Even with a thriving player base that mentality makes raids feel dead long before the player base starts to get bored and move on to other games.

32 : Anonymous2022/02/26 20:29 ID: hyk1wvi

As opposed to leveling by carrying a doc case full of SAS drives on beta or a backpack full of shotgun ammo, which obviously are much better, amirite?

33 : Anonymous2022/02/26 20:45 ID: hyk46lh

I mean, it's the same thing, but ones braindead and ones one brain cell


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