I know its insanely early to he requesting this but could we get jack cooper as a legend

1 : Anonymous2019/02/05 19:54 ID: anhyzw
I know its insanely early to he requesting this but could we get jack cooper as a legend
2 : Anonymous2019/02/06 21:23 ID: efwcjku

30 years after TF2. He'd be an old man by the time Apex is set.

ID: eglrm2w


3 : Anonymous2019/02/07 12:19 ID: efxt5lq

Can we at least get a skin

4 : Anonymous2019/02/08 01:54 ID: efzmy9x

I reckon they want to keep story related stuff relatively vague. They could just throw continuity out the window and just chuck all the TF characters in here tho

5 : Anonymous2019/02/09 15:04 ID: eg3awxy

Keep reading tf2 as team fortress 2.

6 : Anonymous2019/03/08 05:23 ID: ei1v0hu

No. Apparently they've replaced him with a black girl. For some reason. And Disney killed off Han Solo and Luke Skywalker. See a pattern here?


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