Mastiff is hitting

1 : Anonymous2021/06/22 12:46 ID: o5mblp
Mastiff is hitting
2 : Anonymous2021/06/22 13:52 ID: h2ngtpf

The mastiff experience

ID: h2opto5

the apex experience*

ID: h2o1mbd

Look at people trying to make excuses, the servers are garbage.

ID: h2oik18

That is part of the experience, yes.

ID: h2olios

What excuse was that exactly?

3 : Anonymous2021/06/22 15:34 ID: h2ntprn

Meanwhile Titanfall mastiff killing a pilot in 1 shot

ID: h2o7inb

From 50 meters away

ID: h2o7jq2

50 meters is 54.68 yards

ID: h2p2rrs

With MIND bullets

ID: h2oqw43

If it wasn't for the fact that every enemy is shooting me across the map with a CAR I would still be rocking the mastiff lmso

ID: h2oxql0

Laughing my sack off?

4 : Anonymous2021/06/22 15:25 ID: h2nsj0n

Same thing happened to me today with a peacekeeper. Point blank, charged up, fired hit for 8 damage....

ID: h2onvrx

I was running An Eva in an arenas match, it just went right through the guy, like legit he just became untouchable for a millisecond

ID: h2obk3q

Yup, hardly any feeling worse than perfectly executing a point-blank dead-center headshot with Mastiff Or PeaceKeeper and getting 8-12 damage. Had this happen a dozen times before I finally put down shotguns for good.

ID: h2owxie

Meanwhile the enemy who isn‘t even looking in my direction hits me with his Peacekeeper so hard the pellets vaporize every single strand of my DNA

5 : Anonymous2021/06/22 13:09 ID: h2nbwa0

I’ll never understand people who say the Mastiff is good. This is always how it treats me.

ID: h2o6ub9

The Mozambique is more reliable than the mastiff at this point

ID: h2op6ft

Same with the Eva 8. Auto like Mozambique and tighter grouping of bullets

ID: h2ohh6c

It literally is, the least amount of damage for the Mozambique to do would be 15, so if you don’t want to roll the dice with the mastiff and get maybe 8 damage 3 out of 5 shots then the Mozambique will be more reliable than that

ID: h2nspsa

It's spread is a literal flat line. Even barrel stuffing people you usually miss a least a couple pellets. It was good back when it was a drop gun because each pellet did ridiculous damage, now I would 100% rather have any other gun.

ID: h2obts9

The pellet spread is so incredibly stupid. I know Apex isn’t supposed to be realistic by any means but why would a shotgun ever exist where the spread is a horizontal line.

6 : Anonymous2021/06/22 16:04 ID: h2nxrfg

Shotguns in apex are so inconsistent with damage

ID: h2oqwqv

fr, I buy PK a lot in arenas and every time I do it's a gamble. For the whole round it's either hitting 8 or 100 damage on every shot.

ID: h2orys9

Just buy mozi level 3 bolt… just trust me on this.

Can start off with it and a battery. Next round can do the same and add a scout. It honestly slaps in arenas.

Edit: I mean. Don’t use it. Do t listen to me. I’m trash.

7 : Anonymous2021/06/22 17:34 ID: h2o9sg8

I’ve noticed this game has just been shit the past week! Insane lag, and rubberbanding

ID: h2okss9

Same here man

ID: h2ot4ay

I was wondering if my Xbox was shitting out or something, I've been getting terrible lag recently even though I just upgraded to fiber internet.

ID: h2p1qc9

Check the video in this bug report. If that's what you're experiencing, it's a bug that seems to be affecting mostly base Xbox consoles since the start of Season 9 and (at least in my case) has made the game completely unplayable.

If that is indeed your experience, please consider adding any relevant info to that bug report (or create your own). I'm blown away that this issue isn't at the absolute top of the subreddit every day, and I'm trying to get more visibility to prompt attention from devs.

ID: h2p0t4u

Anyone else getting Prediction Errors?? I’ve never had the problem before this week and it almost makes it unplayable

ID: h2p28fu

I wish I was... I have 2 videos saying there is no prediction error which clearly explains the games failure to compute with my system. No FPS drops or ping issues in the videos. Just terrible connection (all of a sudden) MAGICALLY against a smurfing Lifeline... she lagged right through my bullet pattern and my bullets didn’t even have hit markers half the time! Season 9 is a shithole but these past 2 weeks are just getting EVEN WORSE! Even the loot pool doesn’t make sense.

8 : Anonymous2021/06/22 17:35 ID: h2o9wvt

Iv been experiencing some real questionable deaths recently in Apex. I play on console, so highly unlikely to be cheaters. But something isn’t right…

ID: h2oisgz


ID: h2ojf88

Most likely. Still very annoying

ID: h2oqunc

I'm on the original xbox and the screen freezes are ridiculous.

ID: h2p6lhb

original xbox

Excuse me, what?

ID: h2ouyxl

Ive seen people using the r-301 in single fire mode shooting faster than auto. Pretty sure some people use strike packs

9 : Anonymous2021/06/22 14:22 ID: h2nkip4

Mastiff belongs back in the Care Package. We don't need 4 shotguns in the game, especially 2 slow firing, supposed to be heavy hitting shotguns that function identically. Mastiff should be a PK but with an instant choke. Give it more damage and put it back in the care package.

ID: h2o5br2

We just need s0 care package.

ID: h2nqyne

The Mastiff actually does function as a "moderate" range shotgun. Its ADS pellets are really tight, and you'll land 3-5 on a person at ranges an uncharged peacekeeper will only hit 1-2. Now this isn't great, since non-shotguns will still beat out the mastiff but if you've got some cover you can do much faster cover dancing than a peacekeeper would allow. It also fires faster than the Peacekeeper in general so though at very close ranges it tends to do slightly less per shot the only real downside is that you have to ADS with it.

ID: h2nssvk

Everything you said is fair, but that sounds like the perfect shotgun to buff and stick in a care package. I'm not hating on the Mastiff, but there's so much overlap between it and the PK that it doesn't make sense to me to have them both as ground loot. It would be like having the r301 and the Flatline both take light ammo. Or taking the Kraber out of the care package and massively nerfing it to sit alongside the Sentinel as ground loot. It's like, yeah, they do have some differences, but functionally they're very similar in role and playstyle.

10 : Anonymous2021/06/22 18:05 ID: h2odzg8

Literal fireworks coming off the headshot

The best I can do is 13 damages

11 : Anonymous2021/06/22 15:37 ID: h2nu742

Which is why im happy the peacekeeper is back on ground

ID: h2o5nbw

You're Awesome!

ID: h2oa03x


12 : Anonymous2021/06/22 14:23 ID: h2nkkck

Don't blame the mastiff, this is a server issue.

That's what 20hz tick rate servers with 150+ms of gunfire and movement delay paired with an old engine looks like.

ID: h2nwq7a

im on a server with 60 or 50 at best ping and my fu*king mastiff hits for 11.

13 : Anonymous2021/06/22 18:13 ID: h2of0vk

I’m so happy to finally see this!! I knew something was up I can’t be this bad! I never recorded it but I think I might have to see for it myself.

14 : Anonymous2021/06/22 13:08 ID: h2nbriv

Damn that’s fucked, thats why I rarely use shotguns now.

15 : Anonymous2021/06/22 14:23 ID: h2nklzn

Let this shit happen to me man. Imma uninstall

ID: h2og7w4

the reinstall a few hours later. This game isn't a choice after you start its a drug. It took 2.5k hours of rocket league to burn out on that, I wonder how long for this game.


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