You know the solo experience is bad when even one of the best players ever says this.

1 : Anonymous2021/06/22 16:16 ID: o5quch
You know the solo experience is bad when even one of the best players ever says this.
2 : Anonymous2021/06/22 16:23 ID: h2o0a8r

All I play is solo and I will say I agree.

ID: h2o6xmy

Same and agreed, it's an experience designed to make you hate the game 90% of the time. It leaves you feeling like you're supposed to exist as a tutorial experience for new users, to squad up with them and run them into a Predator woodchipper. Then repeat that 9more times, always getting bad teammates. Eventually, they finally give you a squad comparable skill to yourself; but, it's in a lobby designed to let you win the game. At no point do you ever feel like you are in a skilled squad against comparatively skilled opponents. There is no skill based match making. It's a system specifically engineered to bleed you dry and give you an unrewarding win periodically to ensure you do not quit. Once you see the pattern, you legit know when you're about to get screwed for another 8 games and stop feeling incentivized to play.

Add to that the lack of rewards for a level 500 user and the predatory pricing, you're also not able to find any meta rewards to assist in keeping your interest going.

This game feels like they wanted a virtual embodiment of addiction and depression.

ID: h2ougdy

100% agree with this. It feels like the algorithm is pairing me with low level default skin new players or nobody against preds for 10 matches, then feeding me a win against a lobby of the same low level players and repeating that over and over and over. Either I fight people way above my skill level or way below, there is no in between anymore. My match placement is either 20 or top 3 for almost every match.

ID: h2oebty

Literally couldn’t word this better, well said man!

ID: h2ovday

Yeah this is why I've fallen off lately. The wins don't feel meaningful. The losses feel overwhelming. It'd be better off being totally random than what they're doing with MM in this game.

ID: h2ozovb

Here's a paper written in collaboration with EA that goes over the whole system. It's exactly what you said.

TL;DR - If you win too much, you'll be satisfied with your game session and stop playing earlier. If you lose too much, you'll quit out of frustration. So the matchmaking is configured to put you in a couple of losing games, then set you up for a win to keep you coming back.

Here's a chart from the paper with the percentage of churn risk after specific outcomes. (churn refers to no gameplay within a period of time, such as a week)

ID: h2ovfh1

No joke, I win my first game 80% of the time. I can’t decide if it’s because I’m fresh, or if there is a system that puts me in a good squad/shit lobby that increases my chances of winning so I’m inclined to continue playing

ID: h2p5ojs

Addiction and depression

So, league of legends is shooter form?

ID: h2p7wu8

Don't play to win, play to get a higher average damage game, play to do the cool neat movement tricks, figure out some mirage clone movement stuff that no one does. Like this game has so much downtime and you can learn and improve in every aspect to get you more wins. You go from 400 damage games to 1000 damage games and you kinda stop caring if you won because you know you just did something "better" reflect on what you did and how you didn't retreat after you missed a whole magazine.

The game is meant to shoot, move back or forwards, and repeat. It's a huge game of tug of war and most locations have a 3 lane set up.

Just change the perspective of how the hell you play this game. 90% of players cant do basic mechanical movements

ID: h2o0dl3

I feel you man, I am the same and this shit is painful!

ID: h2oz1h5

I play solo primarily but occasionally will queue up with 1 or 2 and it’s better for sure. Mostly because you can actually communicate with people for chatting, and also with regard to the game and strats

Solo queuing (pubs or ranked) usually has you getting paired with:

one person who w keys and dies leaving you down a man instantly, even if you’re not playing loot simulator.

two people who w key but don’t have the skills to back it up.

two people who would rather loot in elysium when 18 other squads landed near energy, rift, and gardens.

two people who want to have fun at your expense, like them going for damage farming, and if you get knocked, they won’t revive so you can’t prevent the farming.

The game is still fun to play though, no doubt about it.

3 : Anonymous2021/06/22 20:23 ID: h2owgdu

My K/D has significantly improved over the last 4 seasons and my win % has significantly dropped.

I’ve gotten better as a player and totally just get shit on, on the reg. I’ve been a season 1 player and always LOVED battlefield originals. Thinking about going al in on BF 2042 and saying goodbye to apex

ID: h2pfo80

Same here. I only play solo. I rapidly improved from season 4. All my stats went up till I plateaued last season. My win % across the board was 6-7% each season and it was 3% most of this season. I'm not sure if they tuned the matchmaking down but my teammates are horrendous now.

4 : Anonymous2021/06/22 20:41 ID: h2oyumw

it feels like the matchmaking puts you with teammates opposite of your skill to kinda balance the team, then you go against multiple teams of smurfs or predators.

5 : Anonymous2021/06/22 20:02 ID: h2otqh6

The best players for any game hate the game the play.
This was true for overwatch, starcraft, CS, hearthstone.
Doesn't matter where.

ID: h2paur1

Same for redditors. I know games have problems but if you only are raging when playing a game why even bother being in the sub?

Riticism isn't bad but in see people in many gaming subs saying how their game isn't fun anymore.... Then quit it. Nobody is forcing you to stay angry at a game and theres a shit ton of variety to try and enjoy

My other tip is. Don't try to be a pro player. You'll just burn yourself and hate the game imho

ID: h2pdofr

I agree. If you’re not enjoying a game and have only negative things to say about it, it’s ok to take a break and/or stop playing entirely

ID: h2phwpn

Thank you. I know this game is a filled with bugs and issues but the constant complaining grows old. If you aren’t a pro playe

with a revenue stream from this game then why continue to play if you hate it so much?

ID: h2p6xxh

Every single StarCraft Player has strong opinions about various aspects of the game. Even when they are dominating almost every tournament. They still say this one thing (different players have different things)is busted in various interviews.

6 : Anonymous2021/06/22 16:47 ID: h2o3glo

I play the only solo, it's a mix of feelings, first, some players look like are high as hell and only do shit calls, and some players are fine and help u but when u play talking, bro it's amazing. Most players that play with open mic do some toxic shit, personally in São Paulo servers, I hate players that keep screaming and been toxic like, bro I play 3 or 5 times a week I'm not TSMImperialHal.

ID: h2oruff

I hate players that keep screaming and been toxic like, bro I play 3 or 5 times a week I'm not TSMImperialHal.


ID: h2pgnkm

I love Hal and watching him play, but got damn is he an asshole to his teammates

ID: h2oui1l

Open mic mouth breathe

/DJ's and stoner bros are definitely the worst to get paired up with.

They're most likely also the ones complaining about people being sweaty.

7 : Anonymous2021/06/22 17:10 ID: h2o6kez

Wait, you guys are playing apex? I've been grinding on cool math games

ID: h2ow9ba

Thanks for that hour of ..................... idk what game that was but fuck that game

8 : Anonymous2021/06/22 19:55 ID: h2osrl6

A) Playing Solo is dumb.

B) You're smoking crack if you think CSGO alone is fun. The game is infested with cheaters to a level that cannot be explained to someone who hasn't played.

You can literally ask people to HvH in chat and someone will agree and disconnect to toggle their cheats on. It's hilarious and pathetic.

ID: h2p9kjl

Aren't there special servers for CS:GO that have actual anti-cheat measures and people considered those far more competitive? But you had to pay to join them, I think, or there was some method of preventing a banned player from re-entering.

9 : Anonymous2021/06/22 18:35 ID: h2ohy2x

My biggest issue is shit teammates. I’m pretty decent, but I’m not good enough to 1v3. I need teammates who can hit a few shots, honestly just distract the enemy while I fight em. However, especially this season, they are literal dogshit. I’ve had teammates who barely know how to sprint, and can’t hit the broad side of a barn with a spitfire to save their life. It’s frustrating becuase I will be doing amazing in a game, I’ll finally get downed, and my teammates still die to the last guy on the team with no shields. It’s so maddening.

ID: h2opr6d

Or they just run. Ive been two stacking with a friend and the number of times we have engaged only for one of us to get doubled teamed and seeing our third just took off the opposite direction is too damn high. If you don't want to fight, why are you here?!

ID: h2oxhlj

Because obviously little Timmy needs to reset after taking 10 damage to his purple shield. /s

ID: h2opwk6

I don't mind if my teammates are shit if they're trying their best. Sometimes I'm shit but I'm never being a dick.

I really fucking hate when they solo drop, constantly rush anything that moves, think they get extra points for stealing their teammates loot and ammo, take anything gold no matter what legend they're playing, and don't appreciate when you respawn their shitty ass.

10 : Anonymous2021/06/22 21:35 ID: h2p5stw

"Squad based battle royale is less fun by yourself" more at 11

11 : Anonymous2021/06/22 16:29 ID: h2o100y

I play solo and I enjoy the sweat, if I didn’t might as well have played a pve game.

ID: h2o3zos

It’s not the sweats that are the problem it’s the infuriating lack of teammates when you try to play a game.

Sometimes you get a full squad but then the game starts and you realize one of your teammates have left and know you are a duo in trios or a solo in duo and it’s infuriating.

ID: h2oqcxx

ı agree with you enjoying the sweat, if i think about the sweat as "playing with and against players at your level". unfortunately this is not the case other than the ranked games that you have peaked your best rank. people are playing pubs to enjoy not to get sent to lobby in the first minute of landing by a predator with a bique who is just doing his/her thing

ID: h2on4vf

I play solo mainly because I like my games to be as difficult as possible or I feel like I'm wasting my time and I'm not earning my wins.

I play as a team and never run off alone, and I always respawn my teammates if I can. I like the challenge of getting the banner and trying to carry a shitty team if needed. I'm not great but I want to be up against it.

ID: h2o9fp2

I agree, even if I don't think Apex is extremely sweaty. But maybe because I was never good at gaming so I'm used to lose. And I play Apex and R6 like 95% of the time, whichade Apex the "casual" game for me

12 : Anonymous2021/06/22 17:35 ID: h2o9uem

lol cs-go/valorant is even worse. i’d rather watch paint dry

ID: h2obk37

Not really. If you have one bad teammate in duos/trios you’re essentially screwed.

Csgo/valorant you can at least get a semi carry and still win

ID: h2oda9e

nah i mean in those twitch shooters you’re literally watching paint dry for 99% of the match, especially if you go down quickly in a round. I don’t wanna queue for a game to last an hour that has me actually in a gun fight for 5 minutes, staring at an angle for 30, and then the remaining time watching a teammate also stare an an angle.

13 : Anonymous2021/06/22 17:26 ID: h2o8p5d

I don’t understand what people want, to destroy every enemy they come across? Is it sweating if you’re enemy doesn’t completely give up and shoot the sky in pubs? If you don’t enjoy the game don’t play it. I a solo player enjoy this game to the fullest

ID: h2ojq2a

I think the frustration stems from a squad of randoms going up a squaded team. The squaded team will have better coordination and comms and will seem “sweatier” just because they’re all working together. If everyone in the lobby was in a random squad I don’t think you’d see these complaints.

ID: h2pbgj9

Welll.... It's randoms, you may get a team that, knows what they're doing or you may not, you cannot expect all players to be experts on surroundings checks, logical movement, flank, etc.

It's a lot. Some people just want to chill and maybe they don't have a lot of experience with the game

You wanna good teannates? Search then, don't whine about strangers not being good. That's dumb

ID: h2pcmv3

Not just that. If you're playing decently it starts pairing you with lower leveled players so you can carry them. Except it still puts you against pred 3 stacks.

14 : Anonymous2021/06/22 18:08 ID: h2oe9m2

This isn’t about matchmaking… before people jump on this like omg he thinks it’s bad too!

Apex is SUPER reliant on a good team once you hit diamond and up, playing solo ala shiv isnt for everyone.

Apex is hands down the best feeling shooter out there right now tho.

15 : Anonymous2021/06/22 16:31 ID: h2o1bes

I've been saying this for years. Solo queue is a nightmare in this game.

/comments/idvm6e/i_just_played_50_games_solo_queuing_this_was_my/" class="reddit-press-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">

ID: h2o2rh1

Honestly though, have you tried solo queuing in Warzone? Fortnite? Blackout? pubg?

I have 800 wins in Apex as a solo queuer and I am an average player, no chance in hell I could have achieved the same in any of those games, because my random teammates will fly all over the place and die 99% of the time. Obviously you get these teammates in Apex too, but not as often, far from it.

ID: h2oi9xf

solo pubg was a nightmare, its more tactical but the second you get downed you are getting left behind. I feel like with tacticals in apex thre is more opportunity for extraction and saving your teammates which promotes team play.

ID: h2oee2o

Solo Q will be rough in any game that is super reliant on a good team. Overwatch there’s more players so it’s easier to carry a bad one or two. Apex is just 3 players, so 1 potato and it’s super noticeable.

ID: h2o97re

Seems like you do a lot of teammate blaming tbh. Yes, you can get bad teammates but pretty much you blaming teammates or your lack of ability to get loot acting like it’s always their fault for not being godly or giving you exactly what you want instead of seeing what you did wrong.


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2 years ago

It’s just dogshit developers wanting to punish solo players. The developers need to be shot irl.

2 years ago

It’s a shame, it has the potential to be one of the best games on the market, but the lazy and predatory
dev team and kids trying to be the next big thing are holding it back.

2 years ago

The devs just need someone to slit their throats tbh

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