Trending Subreddits for 2021-02-28: /r/pizzacrimes, /r/ElvenFood, /r/untitledgoosegame, /r/catswhoyell, /r/painting

1 : Anonymous2021/02/28 05:26 ID: lu7mem

What's this? We've started displaying a small selection of trending subreddits on the front page. Trending subreddits are determined based on a variety of activity indicators (which are also limited to safe for work communities for now). Subreddits can choose to opt-out from consideration in their subreddit settings.

We hope that you discover some interesting subreddits through this. Feel free to discuss other interesting or notable subreddits in the comment thread below -- but please try to keep the discussion on the topic of subreddits to check out.

Trending Subreddits for 2021-02-28 /

A community for 2 years, 5,362 subscribers.

Uh, pizza crimes. For more information book a flight to Sweden


A community for 2 days, 2,779 subscribers.

Plant-based & vegetarian food, but with more fantasy! Recipes and pics of food so magical it could be served by elves in Rivendell, eaten by fairies at Pixie Hollow, or enjoyed by hobbits in The Shire. Other magical creature cuisines also welcome!


A community for 2 years, 35,256 subscribers.

A sub for fans of the multi-platform third-person adventure Untitled Goose Game. Please note this subreddit is run by volunteer fans and is in no way affiliated with House House or Panic.


A community for 2 years, 378,276 subscribers.

Cats yelling. All yells are valid and good. Yawns will be shamed.


A community for 12 years, 259,631 subscribers.

Welcome to /

! Functioning like an artist cooperative gallery, this is the place where beginning to advanced painters display their work in an ongoing group discussion. Artists who post their work are strongly encouraged to interact with their fellow subscribers and be prepared to discuss their concept, process & technique.

2 : Anonymous2021/02/28 15:58 ID: gp6nav6

Why Untitled Goose Game?

Was there recent news? A quick google search didn’t pull anything up.

3 : Anonymous2021/02/28 05:48 ID: gp4pefu

huh, that really is a... cooking roleplay sub.

ID: gp705xc

I'm the mod of that sub and love this description. Can I use it? Lol

4 : Anonymous2021/02/28 05:43 ID: gp4onr1

pretty solid collection

5 : Anonymous2021/02/28 08:49 ID: gp5ege9

Ayyyyy it's

! Highly recommend, 10/10 if you ever want a pick-me-up. Yelling cats are the best.

6 : Anonymous2021/02/28 19:52 ID: gp7rq3j

commit just because reddit forces me

7 : Anonymous2021/02/28 13:55 ID: gp66c2t

I don't want to post hateful content

ID: gpa9710


8 : Anonymous2021/02/28 19:09 ID: gp7jl9x

whne bhahehae XDdd sefs


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