What are your fundamental laws of tarkov?

1 : Anonymous2022/02/01 18:56 ID: si2ipe

A couple I have is:

There is always another player You're never free until the screen goes black after the countdown.

What are yours?

2 : Anonymous2022/02/01 20:52 ID: hv6lrmb

Play like you aren’t wearing armor. Throw your nades.

ID: hv6vrm1

I like this one. Last wipe I thought I went in with a slick, immediately realized I didn't, and played a fair amount different, but it was successful.

So yeah, don't plan to "tank" 3 of their bullets to get in your one shot. Get in your 1 before they get ANY. Or don't shoot at all.

And to get a tiny bit more specific with this, play like you're solo when in a squad (all members). While teammates are helpful, they should never be 100% relied upon. Too often a 3 man gets whittled down to one because they puts too much confidence in their numbers advantage.

ID: hv6z4cn

I seriously play better alone in most instances. I don’t have to check my targets or worry about callouts. If I want to flank I don’t have to worry about a buddy shooting me because he didn’t see where I went. All in all I have a ton of fun in squads but I usually play better alone

ID: hv6wpfa

I swear I always forget to use my nades. I die in some stressfull fight and then 5min later, while I drag a new gun on my pmc, I'm like "Hold up... I had fucking nades with me. I could have easily killed him in that corner"

3 : Anonymous2022/02/01 19:01 ID: hv640yd

Don’t be greedy

Edit ty for upvotes and silver.

ID: hv6krdu

Curiosity killed the rat

ID: hv6ze1g

But the loot brought it back

ID: hv6d48p

My number one broken rule that always leads to death

ID: hv6pflq

A good phrase from when I was a trader: Pigs get fed, hogs get slaughtered.

ID: hv64cns

Ahh yes a good one.

ID: hv6oqxz

With this. Always trust your gut feeling. I died too often even when my inner said „nah, thats not worth it“

4 : Anonymous2022/02/01 19:47 ID: hv6bdpx

Never run down the techlight escalator

ID: hv6q889

Or in my experience jump off. For some reason there's big gaps on either side of the escalators. One time I was running from a pmc slipped through one of those gaps thinking that's where the stairs were. Broke both my legs and managed to hobble to a nice little corner to die in.

Seriously though what shopping mall has big gaps in between the escalators? Probably why they had to close the place down. Too many escalator related law suits.

ID: hv6x0zl

Man I found my first tetriz on a scav run in techlight.

I got so excited I sprinted to that escalator and immediately hit the gap, falling, and breaking both legs..

I ditched the tetriz into a corner so no one else could have it and died a shameful death.

ID: hv6bwaj

Lol I always feel like I am going to die being anywhere near that area.

5 : Anonymous2022/02/01 21:02 ID: hv6nat0

If you think you heard something… you heard something.

ID: hv6yr03

Me voip : 'did I hear something?'

' no, must have been the wind'

Best laugh I've ever had. There are cool dudes around.

6 : Anonymous2022/02/01 19:20 ID: hv670u4

You are not safe when croutching.

Top off mags.

There will always be someone better than you, the only bad death is where you dont learn.

ID: hv69o2f

I like your last one a lot

ID: hv6s537

Tarkov was one of the fist games I got into with the mentality of "what can I learn from this death", my first wipe was a great experience.

ID: hv6zchl

Trued to be friendly to some guys who were hunting PMCs in the Reserve Rat Tunnels. They let me go to do my Jaeger Dehydrate Quest and they came to extract at D2 when I wasn't finished with it.

I decided to trust them and let them through.

My kindness (and suprise advantage, since they had to ask over VOIP if I was still there and I decided to respond) was met with a bullet to the face. I had a Scav M870 and a Sig P226 and nothing else.

ID: hv6vsj1

You are not safe when croutching.

Very much this. EFT is terrifying, and I played it far too slowly at first because of this. I crouch walked too much in combat and ended up losing engagements simply because I wouldn't move enough. Playstyles are very personal, but for me, the loss of momentum in gameplay more often than not meant that the enemy got to dictate the rules of the combat, and I ended up being a sitting duck, waiting to get flanked or grenaded.

ID: hv6s6ei

I don’t think a lot of people understand the crouching one, I only use it for silently moving,otherwise it isn’t worth it

7 : Anonymous2022/02/01 19:00 ID: hv63s6z

you never really escape

ID: hv647us

There is no escaping tarkov....

8 : Anonymous2022/02/01 20:06 ID: hv6eb1a

If I’m a solo pmc, I shoot anything that moves.

ID: hv6gi3x

Take no survivors

9 : Anonymous2022/02/01 20:07 ID: hv6ef79

1 -when your backpack is full, get out. No “just one more scav” or “just one more stash”

ID: hv6iond

Greeeeeed is the mind killer in tarkov lol

10 : Anonymous2022/02/01 20:11 ID: hv6f5cd
Nothing I bring into raid is mine until I extract. Never loot at the same time after a fight (with duos or bigger). Cover teammates when healing. Loot priority based on need (tasks take 1st place). Cover teammates who need to extract early.

There's a ton, but those are pretty important.

11 : Anonymous2022/02/01 19:00 ID: hv63rqg

Follow your gut. Sometimes you'll get a feeling not to go into an area or building and it'll be completely right.

12 : Anonymous2022/02/01 21:21 ID: hv6qk4y

Anyone that kills you is a hacker.

13 : Anonymous2022/02/01 19:31 ID: hv68rbe

the best gunfight is the gunfight you don’t get into.

always bring a flashlight

always think about disengagement

ID: hv69csj

You win by extracting not by winning a fire fight is one I also am trying to live more by. Just live the PvP too much

ID: hv69idl

I smell a rat.

ID: hv6fbl5

i take the engagements when im snugged into the corner with my Kedr running PSV

14 : Anonymous2022/02/01 19:24 ID: hv67lx2

Always stop sprinting when rounding a corner, always check mag/fire rate at the beginning of a raid, when moving positions always stop and listen before you go inside a building, the list goes on lol

15 : Anonymous2022/02/01 19:30 ID: hv68ng0

Dip, dodge, duck, dive.

ID: hv694rz

You're missing one of the D's!

16 : Anonymous2022/02/01 19:11 ID: hv65mev

Whoever gets the kill gets the loot. If that person doesn’t want something, then teammates can grab it

ID: hv6a58v

it’s honestly crazy to me that some people don’t play like that. like me and my friends never even discussed that rule it was just obvious too us lol

ID: hv6v1cg

I've got a friend who tends to be a tad greedy in games. He's a quick looter, who knows what is and isn't valuable, and is typically very fast on bodies after fights to hover up the valuables.

My girlfriend in contrast is a very slow looter. She is not accustomed to shooters. She gets lost, panics in firefights, often dies to hesitation, or ends up firing at me. Since she doesn't have much experience with shooters in general, and especially not in anything even remotely as harsh as EFT, this is completely natural. Anyways, while playing, she was expressing some frustration of not getting any loot, because she didn't know the loot spawns, and my friend was in front, picking everything up as he went. We bantered a bit about this during the raid, but he didn't really understand how this was an issue.

Later on during the raid, we ended up getting into a firefight, within which my girlfriend managed to get her very first proper PCM kill. Upon looting, this friend knicked the kit and dog tag off of my girlfriend's first kill. It took her some 30 hours of frustration, to finally get this kill, and he was hovering up all of the valuables.

I'm very proud to say that she shot him in the head 🙂

ID: hv6iwao

And on top of that whoever unlocks the door has dibs

17 : Anonymous2022/02/01 19:48 ID: hv6bi99

Avoid touching bushes at all costs.

18 : Anonymous2022/02/01 19:17 ID: hv66j9b

Always cheeki before you breeki

ID: hv683lp

this is the hidden 11th commandment the christians dont want us to know about

19 : Anonymous2022/02/01 21:09 ID: hv6oi46

Make sure your gun is on full auto as soon as you enter the raid

20 : Anonymous2022/02/01 20:51 ID: hv6lhvp

Always rotate and/or relocate after making shots. Especially when you didn’t land kill shots. This has allowed me to get so many cheeky headshots cause players continue watching where I originally was and not watching their surroundings

21 : Anonymous2022/02/01 21:14 ID: hv6pe68

If you ever feel completely safe you will die immediately

22 : Anonymous2022/02/01 20:41 ID: hv6k0de

If you think someone is there, they are

If it seems too good to be true, it probably is

If you kill a teammate, tea bag em


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