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I found all three FIR Gas Analyzers finally! Ive found a grand total of three. Here is where I found them so that others can find them too:
First one was in my hideout at my work bench.
My second was built in my hideout at my workbench
My third and final (whoop). Was found at my workbench in my hideout.
I looked like a trump staffer sprinting around emptying every file cabinet while crying.
ID: hw5g1ncID: hw4o1haI've been seeing them a lot in Interchange tech stores, but I got my last two when some lunatic lvl 45 sprinted past me and I gunned him down with an AKM. Props for crafting them, they take a lot of mats.
I think the word "meta" has become cringe.
ID: hvxn92rAll games suffer from it. I agree with you, though.
I mumbled at Tagilla and my scav decided to say that 30 second long string of insults. I got hammered into oblivion.
Think today was the 'break through' day for me. No concern for gear or how much kits were costing me, dying, losing quest items etc. There's still a loooong way to go, but everything is shaping up well enough to continue growing.
Next up is really digging into PVP and learning to win gun fights in different, high traffic/PVP areas, but getting over solo anxiety, gear fear and hesitation is the biggest hurdle.
ID: hvuxom4having a fat stack of roubles helps get rid of gear fear for sure. good luck though, sounds like your well on your way
Unlocked Jaeger lvl 3 for the first time o/ standard account, 3rd wipe. I may complete the hideout for the first time too (except solar power cause I just don't see the point).
It's also the first wipe I'm doing reserve quests. This map always scared me, and still does.
Got up early this morning and didn’t have to work until late so I got on. Just a couple low pressure reserve money runs. On the second run I get to dome after looting one of the garages. Going to hit the two outside buildings and rappel down the mountain. As I approached I saw a player looting the filing cabinet in the unlocked building. His looting sounds must have covered up my approach because he didn’t react and I had an easy head shot to drop him.
Went to loot him and lost my shit when I got the dog tags of my duos partner and #1 online friendo.
Don’t loot my spot bitch!
How rare is it to scav back into your pmc raid? I ended up finding my body and eventually killing my killer to recover my dog tag. I’ve talked to friends and they have been around since the start and have yet to even get into the past raid let alone find your own dog tag
ID: hw9rpraMight depend on server selection settings. I don't know this for sure, but I'm willing to bet if you set only one acceptable server region it narrows down your game selection. After that it's simply whether the PMC raid you left has enough time/empty scav slots to scav back into.
I've done it on accident a couple of times, but rarely enough that it's more a dream than a hope to scav back into a raid I got upset at dying in.
Man I've been writing off .366 because they're "low level weapons", but one tapping people in the chest with AP is awesome. Was trying to switch it up to keep shoreline interesting for punisher part 4, and running around with a "shitty" VPO AK, the 2.5x scope and 2 mags of AP-M bullets is an absolute blast. Since most people aren't wearing tier 5 or 6 armor anyway the 1 tap thorax is all too common.
ID: hvsdorjThis is my first wipe, my first “chad” PMC kill dropped a kitted .366 AK. It was my favorite gun for my chadlite setups for nearly 30 fucking levels. Swear I couldn’t get rid of the thing if I tried, got it back like 4 or 5 times in insurance before it finally bit the dust.
The AP-M just slaps. So many one-taps early in this wipe.
Is the game worth picking up because I have been looking at it
ID: hvyz832imo best game ever made but it will also be your most hated game too
ID: hvyw6gsYes
Is the scav timer broken? I've upgraded lvl 2 intelligence have 1.68rating and my scav timer hasn't changed or am just being daft
ID: hvzh9kwLvl 2 doesn’t Intel doesn’t affect the scav timer, only level 1 and 3 do
ID: hvzw2vyTy I'm just a muppet and misread
Just played 4 scav runs on Interchange:
Run 1: Killed by another scav that was exfil camping.
Run 2: I hear someone in a computer room and I try and chat him up with VOIP and he turns completely silent so I suspect it's a PMC. I voice line him and after a bit he comes out gun blazing and I kill him without getting a scratch. He's a scav and I lose 0.1 karma.
Run 3: Massive pile of bodies around Texho. I and another scav are looting them (plenty of loot to go around) for a few minutes and he suddenly aggro me and hurt me really bad. I manage to kill him and immedietly bleed out. Didn't get extra karma because he hadn't killed anyone.
Run 4: spawn quite late and everywhere I go is looted. I go to extract without anything of value and another fucking exfil camper starts shooting at me. Luckily I extracted before he killed me.
WTF has gotten into people? It's all lord of the flies today. Just lost 0.1 fence rep and 2 hours of my life.
ID: hw3nny6Run 5: I find the first GPU of the entire wipe!!!! I come across a low lvl PMC who fuck me up. I kill him but am bleeding out heavily. Another PMC comes and I try persuade him into helping me with some meds and a coop extract. He is like "yeah sure let's do it". Then shoots me in the face.
ID: hw4ayzkRun 6 is when the profit start rolling in. Go get em, tiger
Is there still no way to toggle a helmet-mounted flashlight? All I've found are posts from two years ago discussing that you need to turn on the flashlight on a gun and then mount it to your helmet but is there still no hotkey for it?
If you're the pistol runner on reserve who gave me his docs case for protecting you when you glitched into the railing, DM me we can rat reserve together.
ID: hw6apdkI love these modern love stories.
Edit: also I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten stuck in the same spot and also got some really sweet assistance from passing players lol
I'm a new player and I'm having trouble finding out the best ammo to use for my guns. I've stumbled upon lots of resources that list out all the stats, but there is none that outright gives a tier list. The closest I've gotten was EFT Monster's ammo table, but they write that it's out of date on the page.
As a new player there's so much to learn and know. Of course there are different ammos for different situations. Does anyone know of a website or even an image of a tier list of ammos?
ID: hvw5wz5The beginner chart here is designed exactly for this purpose:
Provides 2 or 3 ammos of every single type that you can pick according to your funds and availability and not think too much about it while you learn other game mechanics. As you learn more you can progress to a tool like EFT Monster(will be updated soon im sure) or NoFoodAfterMidnight (both linked as advanced resources on the above page).
So I crafted a Gas Analyzer for Sanitary Standards - Part 1 and it's marked a FIR even though I crafted it. Why is that? are crafted items always marked FIR and interchangeable for quests?
ID: hvvj4cjyup, anything crafted is always FiR.
How in the fuck do i get more stash space , i have about 5 hrs in the game and am constantly selling bags of screws and wire and bolt cutters and shit to be able to have space for literally like 4 guns ? Sorry for the absolute noob question but can you buy bigger containers etc i see nothing in the shops
ID: hvyrlkbSave up for containers, you should buy a lucky scav junkbox ASAP. Other than that, you can upgrade your stash space in the hideout
The sound bugs are so goddamn prevalent and frustrating. Half of my sound is disinformation.
Recently whenever i go to reload my gun I end up dropping the mag that was in the gun. I’ve already completely turned off emergency reload but it keeps happening. I have space in my inventory, i can immediatley pick the mag back up if I find it, but it’s getting frustrating this point. Anyone know any causes?
I've been on such a losing streak lately, but in the weirdest ways. Just had a Customs raid where I got in a big fight at the start, killed 2 PMCs, was loaded up on loot and with 8min left get caught crossing the street by a scavbot and dropped like a sack of potatoes 🙁
have the servers been absolute trash for anyone else?
Can not complete a raid without "anticheat disconnect" error kicking me out, then when I'm able to load back in, "server connection lost". This has been going on for me consistently for weeks. Losing interest in playing if I'm unable to actually play the game without server issues.
Any tips on breaking into the barter-only higher tier of items on the flea market? Stuff like Merin and Hillside keys, marked key, are only listed for barters. If I have the money, I can’t buy six GPUs and trade them because they won’t be FiR and won’t be usable on the flea. Is there any way to brute force my way into this bracket of items with just roubles or do I just keep playing till I get lucky and get one of these items to trade off?
Interchange spawns suck. There’s so much space on interchange but I keep spawning surrounded by players and getting destroyed
why can't i heal a light bleed with something that can cure heavy bleed? That is nuts.
ID: hvwz64fMight be because you would not use something like a tourniquet on a wound that only requires a bandage irl. Tourniquets stop blood flow to the limb, practically making muscles down stream unusable.
Hemostatic powders on the other hand act more locally on the wound, restricting blood flow in the tissue and promoting coagulation.
Could be interesting to introduce a consequence to tourniquets, ie. blacking limbs with HP and also allowing light bleeds to be stopped with excessive treatment.
What the hell did they do to the scavs? I’ve been head eyes by 7.62x39 PS in the pitch of night, both around 23:00, I’m telling you it was pitch dark. NODS don’t do shit lol
whats the cut off for armor effectiveness and doing more harm than good? with respect to repairing it like for example BNTI Gzhel-K armor. its starts at 65 reasonably when should a reasonable person get rid of it
ID: hvqxf1iBelow 40
Has solar power been fixed?
randomly after playing for a while, when loading into a match or lobby or something itll freeze and make a stuttery sound thats like eeeeeeee uuuuuuuuu ooooo like imagine xqc pronouncing each letter individually thats what it sounds like, and it gets progressively longer and more annoying the longer i play and i eventually have to restart till the end of time. sometimes it also gets so long that it crashes my game. what the fuck?
ID: hvr0b03It's the infamous dubstep. Everybody gets it I think and yes restarting the game is the best/only solution.
Do Shturman & guards have thermals?
It's night, no moon, I'm in a bush, wearing all black (bought black clothing, black backpack, Korund armour, black helmet, black balaclava, black GUN....), I'm crouched. I can't even see OUT of the bush. Sitting stock still, have been for about 90 seconds.
BAM. Head, eyes. M80. Shturman guard name. Not even the S-man himself.
Their acquisition distance, and ignoring of cover & LOS, is INSANE.
Good accuracy - fair enough. But they could NOT see me!! I could hardly see me!
They need to have their sight nerfed to at least be sensible at night, FML.ID: hvu36q3The AI just has stupidly good vision even at night.
ID: hvtnqvzNot thermals but if the guards have NVG's, their vision range is about the same as daytime.
They don’t spawn in cabinets this wipe. You have to check tech spawns. They’re plenty common.