such a basic thing, new players dont know about the scav rep. i am getting blasted by scav players as a scav like nothing, of course they dont know it since the game doesnt tell them, just add some few simple rules near a scav selection screen of what you are supossed to do, easy
Or maybe give Fence a short introduction quest to his rep system give him some dialogue and make the quest objective somehow increasing his rep either through extracts or killing a hostile player scav
ID: hvq1gfzi’ll settle for fence messaging you first time you kill a scav and maybe even periodically as you keep doing it until the point where scavs auto aggro on you
ID: hvql58yYeah earlier Scav aggro is the answer here
ID: hvr3jh8Your first scav kill run on a new account should be no rep lost with a message by the fence warning you of what will happen if you continue.
ID: hvq8pgpI'd be down for everything except for the having to kill a hostile SCAV. That'd basically be like low-tier boss hunting, as you won't always run into player SCAVs in a raid, much less hostile ones that you can actually get the chance to kill (most hostiles like to get you with your back turned).
ID: hvpchwpsure, good idea
ID: hvq89d4This would be way better
ID: hvq9lv1This is the way
What’s frustrating is when they start the fight, miss every shot and I kill them, I’m the one who’s punished for it.
ID: hvqq8dzIv lost a lot of karma from this to the point I thought it was like comical. Like no way I could talk about it because people would think I’m lying.
ID: hvqw82pI'll just let them kill me or shoot untill they hit me.
ID: hvqquvxhate to break it to you but most of the time its on purpose and they are trying to make you lose karma
ID: hvqsaofThat’s possible but more likely it’s people trying to bait me into shooting them first so they can kill me and gain some karma.
I’m going off the assumption that when their body is full of loot, it’s less likely they were trying to bait getting killed or shot.
When you choose your scav, there's literally text that tells you "Begin a raid as a Scav, a local Bandit with a random set of gear. Tarkov is your home, you make the rules!"
This is both incorrect, and also the perfect place to tell people their scav karma. It would literally take a developer 10 seconds to change this text. Maybe a whole day to make it dynamic and tell you what your Scav karma is.
Why is this so bad?
ID: hvqcoduexactly
this game tends to not give a fuck about new players
The game doesn't even tell you where half the quests are so you have to go elsewhere to look them up. They don't care, you make your own decisions and live with it for 3 to 5 months
ID: hvqdh0hThe game doesn't even tell you where half the quests are
Dude the game doesn't even tell you were the extracts are. Far more basic. I was so confused why that's not a thing in game when i first started playing.
ID: hvqexrxIf they gave players actually useful in-game map they wouldn't need to study the wiki for first couple raids on every map. Like prapor for example giving you a poorly drawn map of shoreline with the most basic land marks BUT also showing where at least the always open extracts are.
ID: hvprwziThey want you to have the option to try to figure out the quests on your own
ID: hvpx2f4Speaking of i stumbled randomly across a quest item in resort on shoreline, unlocked my room to hit it and boom there it was, 5 wipes and I've never stumbled across a quest item without outside information.
ID: hvpxprvMeanwhile quest instructions on wiki: go to exactly this place, turn 30 degrees left and walk forward. When you reach corner you need to stand on your head and lean forward so you go into the wall. Only that way you are able to get interaction on this quest item.
ID: hvq1cedThey’re so poorly made though. Like most of the “find the documents” are hidden in some random ass spot you can barely see, like the woods shack or the customs train car.
Maybe they're just killing you because they want to
i think voip should be on by default. last night i saw a player scav crab walking up to building 3 on lighthouse, im voiping to him as i walk up and he doesnt react. as soon as i get like 2 feet away from him i see his character flick like crazy and panic shoot me. the poor fucker had moonshine on him too i felt so bad
ID: hvpyqo2Not related to main post, but what is crab walking? I've seen it mentioned a few times now and have no idea what it is referring to.
ID: hvpywn1crouch walking everywhere on the slowest setting.
ID: hvpz4g2Crouch walking.
ID: hvq2mo0Maybe not on by default but it should at least ask you right after creating a username if you want VOIP to be enabled or not. Maybe have a little brief explanation of the existence of a karma system and the pros and cons of VOIP.
If brought up with just an 'Enable/Disable' then a lot of players would brush it off and disable it but if you had a little explanation of why VOIP might matter in this game like the difficulty in finding locations and how karma affects you then that might convince someone to at least try it out, if not at that moment then later when they start having problems.
edit: They could also make the in-game voicelines easier to access and use though a simple solution would be to have an indicator of if a player can or can't hear you. Not entirely sure how without it being immersion breaking though.
ID: hvq63qoWhats wrong with default? Most games have voice chat on by default and it doesnt create any issues for them
ID: hvpd4x7yeah the fact that it is not on default is such a weird decision i get that they wanted to be careful with such an addition as they are with everything but it is important feature and turned out to be great addition
ID: hvpzww0Community had a panic attack before voip was released. They thought it would ruin the game with people running around blasting music. So Nikita, kept it off by default so the community is happy. It's in the thoughts now at bsg to have it on at all times. Just filling you into why it's off if you didn't know.
Be careful you'll bring out the "git gud" toxic side of the community
That's a tough one.. I'm happy last wipe I learned the hard way and KoS then I saw the penalty. This wipe I only fired when I knew it was a pmc - I died a few times being hesitant but that's the scav life. Kind of want every new player to experience that but I know some players find that lack of information frustrating for sure.
Shit I’m a new player also. The game doesn’t teach you shit about what a scav vs a PMC is really supposed to look like. The shit guns you start off with you cant identify your targets very well from a distance. Then there’s the whole trying to identify your targets in dark areas. It’s hard being a scav.
Then there’s me yesterday. Spawn into Woods as a PMC with a random L11 guy I grouped up with. Just start trying to talk about our plan on VOIP and he shoots me in the face.
Added him after so I could vent and maybe talk some shit. “Oh I thought you were a scav”. Like what? Motherfucker I joined your group before match start and you saw my kit. Fucking dick.
ID: hvqdaroDont group with random people in game
ID: hvqdqehAs a new player, how do you go about finding people to play with? I don't think any of my friends play Tarkov so that's out.
Edit: Shout out to all the homies helping out
The best part of Tarkov is how it doesn't hold your hand. Never change. Tarkov. Never change.
It makes me feel better to know their rep is getting F’d when they do kill me lol.
ID: hvpywncBut if they don't know what rep is what's the point lol
ID: hvpyyxuThere will come a day hahaha.
Yeah I’m ngl despite the whole hardcore shooter thing, this game could use a few more tips like this, not even as tooltips maybe just on every loading screen possible
Fuck Santa. Dude got me -3 lol. I've accepted I'm never coming back. Best advice I could give tho would be to not scav customs. That's where the scav on scav violence is worst. By the time people start scavving other levels they've figured it out
Players scavs are 100% allowed to kill other player scavs
Your risk free loot run shouldn't just be a shopping simulator
ID: hvpzl72Of course they are but there's a lot of new players who don't even know about the karma system existing
I started late last wipe and got to like -1 karma before I even realised the system existed.
ID: hvpckhtAs much as I love the scav karma system, this is a hard truth that I think a lot of people complaining about seem to miss. If anything, I think there should be some kind of incentive to have negative karma instead of simply being punished for the sake of diversifying raids a bit. Like there’s really no reason not to be on best behavior
ID: hvq13kkYeah, I don’t even use my gun on Scav anymore. Odds that I take down a player are low anyway at this point, more likely I just mistake a scav and get negative karma.
ID: hvpiqkcThere is no reason to be on your best behavior because it would be what would realistically happen. I doubt lore wise a scav would survive much in tarkov if he started killing his peers in a place with heavy armed military forces that shoot on sight. There should be some psycho that doesn't care about the rules or someone that sees an opportunity for greed but it should definitely be a rare occasion imho.
There is a reason why AI scavs shout before they shoot, lore wise scavs make sense. Inb4 everyone tries to say that this is intended scav behaviour.
I think some people don't care I still kill other scavs since I rarely play them anyway and I want that juicy lighthouse loot.
a scavenger does what it wants and if he wants your loot too bad