Often when I am on the insure screen I realize I forgot something and I press back all the way to my stash and into raid again. Today I learned you can press Tab and open your stash while in the Insure window pre raid
3000 hours here....wow. I had no idea LOL
ID: hwibhliID: hwiezo4Yeah I back out to grab a water or check my keys in docs case pretty frequently lol
ID: hwihsv7The game doesn't really tell you shit so it's not your fault lol
ID: hwjtzukHuge chance this is a recent addition
ID: hwjx5crNope been there for a while
This is more useful than anything else I’ve learned this week
ID: hwigaacDid you know you can pgup/pgdn to jump to the bottom and top of your stash? How bout right clicking when you're looking at the clothing Ragman sells? Better yet Ctrl/Alt left-clicking items directly into your stash or onto your person? Game changers, all of them
ID: hwilqbuNeed a collection of QOL or neat little tricks you can do in the game.
I suggest binding delete to a mouse button for fast in-raid discarding of garbage loot but I think most people figured that out already
ID: hwigkieShift click into the sorting table (needs to be open)
ID: hwijwkeWhat does right clicking with Ragmen do?
ID: hwik48jOkay, now you’re just showing off… (ctrl/alt I did know about, but the rest is news to me!)
ID: hwje8qwMiddle Mouse button is also very useful. When in your inventory you can use it to inspect items, check magazines for ammo, and fold stocks. Probably some other things I don't know about too.
ID: hwjgd6dplot twist, he's in medical school, and this is the most useful thing he learned.
ID: hwjwc27You defiantly learn a lot of shit you will never ever use again in med school.
ID: hwjy6kwDid you know when shooting a bolt action rifle if you hold down left click you won't load the next round until you let go allowing you to see where your shot landed?
was reading the title and got super excited thinking we can now use the stash while looking for a game
ID: hwik129That would be awesome
ID: hwiusyeThis is what I thought. Also disappointed.
ID: hwj7dc8Same here
ID: hwio1rpSomeday friend, someday.
I have just given my first ever award on reddit. You are an amazing person.
ID: hwi6kirThanks my friend!
Oh damn i've wasted so much time going back and forth because i keep forgetting stuff
If only we could sort our stash while waiting to match in.
ID: hwicqdshaha
ID: hwieso6I just thought op was talking about that...well, dreamers gotta dream.
ID: hwj8ebmAsking for way too much bro
Also...... Page up and page down in stash to go to top and bottom. This has saved the life of the scroll wheel on my mouse :9
I made a video with some other keybind tips recently as well.
ID: hwicy5fThank you, that's useful I always scroll all the way haha
ID: hwjhv9lI wish PgUp/PgDn behaved normally, actually scrolling one page up or down, and Home/End are added to function as they normally do (doing what PgUp/Dn do now).
Oh wow that’s a game changer
Thank you very much my good Sir.
ID: hwi6xlbYou are very welcome
You amazing human being! Thx for the share!
I wish there was a 'put 5000 rubles in my inventory' button during the loading screen. Realizing you cant buy an extract during a long Woods raid is painful.
ID: hwk1micOr in my case, being short like 500 rubles of 15000 since Santa likes to jumpscare people (-4.37 karma, all Santa I haven't harmed any other scavs). That fence quest they had last weekend was a joke!
This game will never be the same again.
What!? For real :o?
What the fuck I have thousands of hours and didn’t know this
Just to clarify you can press tab ANY time to go to stash, while building a gun in the preset screen, while at the traders, while in your hideout, while in the flea market, then press it again to return to your place.
Can you use consumables on this screen? I always forget to eat and drink
I've watched so many tips and tricks for new players videos and not one has mentioned this. Not even Pestily's 100 tips vid. Amazing tip.
Or you can access every function of the lobby in the menu down in the screen. Then just press Esc until you return to the insuring page
Can’t you also hit “character” in the bottom right ish ?
ID: hwiguj0I think so too. I often access my stash while on the insure screen but I don’t think I use the tab key for that. Pretty sure the character menu is visible.
ID: hwjhckjYes.
I fully expected to come into the comments seeing people saying ‘yeah no shit’ and this post getting like 12 upvotes but here we are.
Dude, if this is true it’s a ducking game changer
No shit right. This is my fifth wipe and I never knew that. I feel dumb.