Closed doors need some loot buffs

1 : Anonymous2022/02/14 11:07 ID: ss85if

So, as everyone might noticed, with "dynamic" loot, almost all closed high value doors became almost useless. For example, i looted ultra med 25 times this wipe and never found anything but spare meds, some of my friends found one ledx with same amount of searches. Then we got kiba. Kiba is just garbage this wipe. Now imagine you going to mall with 1mill+ gear, killing a couple players, going to the power station to turn it on, maybe even going to the alarm toggle button, risking so much with all that movement just to get a fucking salewa from med and bunch of 4 inch rails from kiba and guess what? You also went for 11SR on the way, coming there and seeing only chainlet and vodka. Those keys together are about 4 mill.But hey, that's only a start.

Remember Labs? Anyone? Right now, for some fucking reason, the only valuable keycards there are yellow and black (the cheapest ones). You can literally speedrun through black if u spawned there, get a ledx because now they constantly spawn there and just leave in underground elevator. What about red? That room is worthless. It used to be always an overpriced toy that you never get your money back with (around 40 mill) but now its just nothing there. Blue? Well that room always was useless. Green? If only you have friends that haven't done samples yet.

But yet we still have a glory of dynamic loot of Shoreline (which by default a disaster of a map design by any means). You know what's meta now? Take your glorious hatchet and grenade, go into raid. Spawned far from resort? Nade yourself. Spawned on best East spawn? Run straight to room 219 (opened) get your ledx or GPU, run to west through skybridge to 301, get your ledx or bitcoin and leave. Please BSG rework Shoreline, its a bad map and i can prove my point any time if anyone disagrees.

Dynamic loot simply not working right now because it literally shifted the looting meta in another 3 places in every map.

What about Reserve and Customs? Well for some reason Reserve marked rooms are absolutely worthless while customs marked room is the only place of interest on the map.Oh, remember all that 30+ intelligence spawns on reserve? Well seems like they killed them and made half of reserve keys useless too.

Oh, one more thing i remembered. The Bosses. Those are just not worth to fight if you are average player going for the risk. You fighting absolutely broken AI for absolutely worthless stuff. Reshala with keycards and bitcoin in pocket? Forget it. Shturman's guards with cool ass LVL 6 ZHUK ARMOR THAT EVERYONE FORGOT ABOUT EXISTING? Gone, mosin with bramit take it or leave it. Killa is no where to find. I did stylish one 2 times and this quest became literally undoable unless you cheating or have no life. Sanitar and Glukhar sometimes give at least something.To clarify, im not crying cause i don't have money, i got 3k hours and thats not a problem. Im ranting just because i dont get what even the point of making high risk, expensive rooms and then just removing high reward from them. Im talking only about High tier places, the normal loot is greatly balanced on maps right now.

I wonder what you guys think about the high tier loot spawns right now.

Edit: edited for some spelling cause im stupid hehe

2 : Anonymous2022/02/14 12:30 ID: hwwgxvy

Tried some marked rooms on reserve. Bad luck, perhaps, but nothing really valuable came out. Not that it would not return the value of the key after all the uses are done, but bruh, I bring out more loot when doing my Scav. Not worth the risk in my opinion, unless you are going for a fight with an RNG surprise at the end.

Stash on Interchange, the one which requires the keycard - same story here. Going for power, then making your way to the stash only to find a horse and some bullshit of an SKS... Disappointing, to say the least.

Loose loot, on the other hand, was great for me this wipe. Found a bunch of ophthalmoscopes on Woods, 15 or so GPU's on Interchange, lots of barter items like wooden watch or bronse lions on Shoreline, and some good quest items just laying around.

Haven't tried Shturman's stash yet, but, judging, from my experience in the last wipe and changes in that one, I'm not going to be happy.

ID: hwwimeb

For interchange, are you talking about the #21WS keycard or #11SR card?

ID: hwwir5n

About the one that does not open the exit. Keep forgetting their names, goddamn. The container opened by it is in trailer park on the street nearby entrance to OBI.

ID: hwwinky

Same observation. Im farming shturman kills for Hunter kills right now and always opening his stash, it's actually feels a little bit buffed cause its always have more value then a key. I farmed him every wipe for like past 4 wipes and this time loot is the best.

ID: hwx1wwr

I feel safe saying cases no longer spawn in reserve marked rooms, I'm at 75+ uses between VO and BK and not a single one. Tons of containers in the past....

3 : Anonymous2022/02/14 12:47 ID: hwwij3b

Oli Utility room. I might be the only person on the planet to have opened that room more than once and it is always empty. What the fuck is its purpose?

ID: hwwjcv9

It's only a quest i guess if you talking about the office one, if you talking about the next one to it yea its useless.

ID: hwxdp0y

Nope, not Oli logistics, Oli utility. It's a storage closet that sometimes has a handful of loose tool spawns. It's by far the most baffling locked room in Tarkov.

ID: hwwptgm

Pretty much every Interchange key is completely useless at this point, but even before the absurd nerfs to locked rooms last wipe it was dogshit.

I don't think every room needs to throw rubles at you, but having some mid-high tier hardware loot spawn chances in there would be nice. A fuel or conditioner every few raids would make it actually worth checking without being absurd.

4 : Anonymous2022/02/14 12:09 ID: hwwf2js

Yep, all the consistent high tier loot is on lighthouse and I refuse to play that map as a PMC because it literally runs with 40 FPS.

ID: hwwfzxv

You got 40 fps? I play on powerpoint engine on that map. Used to be playable at the begining of the wipe, but idk what they did, this map fucking melt my pc

ID: hwwit06

got the windows update like 2 days ago and now 50% of the time i load onto it as a scav my pc just crashes 🙂

ID: hwwpiro

I had to use my old PC for a week and holy shit! I was getting 50-60 frames on most maps and like 20 fps on lighthouse. It was unplayable

ID: hwwurdl

Used to be playable at the begining of the wipe, but idk what they did, this map fucking melt my pc

Complete opposite for me lol

ID: hwwphqj

Idk if this will work for you, but turning on MIP streaming gave me much smoother FPS on Lighthouse. Also turning on NVIDIA low latency to On + Boost.

ID: hwwgld0

lel i play with 34 fps in almost everymap

ID: hwwnla8

Woah someone else with my problem. For scav its fine for some reason but pmc just kills my machine

ID: hwwrubu

What gpu do you have? I have a 3070 and at the start of wipe got around 40fps, but then they did some optimizations or something because now I get 80-90 consistently (all at 1440p)

ID: hwwwrio

What settings do you use? Looking for a boost to my FPS.

5 : Anonymous2022/02/14 13:42 ID: hwwob4i

Yep, for example on Reserve almost all closed doors have nothing of good items,compared to previous wipes

ID: hwxbeau

Reserve keys do nothing now but basically hold back a few tool boxes and cabinets. Intel doesn't seem to spawn ever anymore for the last 2 wipes so a lot of keys are just worthless on that map now.

6 : Anonymous2022/02/14 13:37 ID: hwwnqbv

BSG does an excellent job at confusing “tedious” with “hardcore” and then crushing the loot table and especially rooms. Along with throttling the key drops and other items at the start of the wipe (gas analyzers for example) they just consistently try to slow the game down to a turtle pace.

ID: hwwpldo

throttling the key drops and other items at the start of the wipe (gas analyzers for example)

Which only punishes the casual players. Doing key runs on customs I came out with 3 marked room keys for reserve, but those marked rooms blow. I've gotten a PP19 twice, a couple of chainlets, a gold chain, a horse, a UMP... I'm still not sure why one of the marked keys is like half a mil and the others are 50-70k. They all suck. The only part of reserve even remotely workable is farming raiders.

ID: hwwww5c

Reserve is where I go as a new player to collect all the weapon attachments I can't get. Foregrips and rails for sights. And the number of times I've walked through a medbay room and found 2 ifak and 2 morphine scavving makes it pretty profitable for the beginning players

7 : Anonymous2022/02/14 13:08 ID: hwwklxk

I don't know what Resort you're looting, but it sure is fuckin different from mine.

I've hit some of my keys 15 times now and gotten complete bullshit from every door. Best I've had is one GPU and one bitcoin in W301, separate raids.

I've just about given the fuck up on finding an Oph.Scope

ID: hwwrqjp

Scav camp on woods. The big one next to the van by the river. Where my friends and I have found all of our op scopes.

ID: hwwl4ve

Right now the only worthy rooms are W301, E226 and 219. Best loot there. Still a chances to get ledx/oscope in old rooms like Sanitar Tape key but the spawn rate there is just funny, i got 1 ledx in 53 openings so far.

ID: hwwmsen

And East 219 isnt even locked...There is also the room on West next to the stairs in 3rd, thats also open, GPU and LEDx spawns there, sometimes opthalmos. Its kinda confusing...

ID: hwxh7i9

My friend found his on Woods, PMC camp north side, under the stretcher in the medical area 🙂 best of luck

8 : Anonymous2022/02/14 13:50 ID: hwwp6rz

This is probably my first wipe where I’m confident enough to be looting some of the higher tier places so I can’t really compare to the past. Having said that I’m definitely disappointed with rooms such as marked on dorms and most of the shoreline key rooms to be honest. The only way I’m making money outside of hideout at the moment is hidden stashes and that’s cool for Scav runs but gets boring real quick as PMC. I’m financially stable and I wanna get into some PVP contesting these “valuable” loot spots.

On the up hand I do think the spawn chance of GPUs in random computers has increased and bitcoins near random beds on woods.

ID: hwwymoj

Tape room, Reserve bunker or 3 story dorms is PvP town atm. You don't need one huge key, just all of the safe keys for 3 and 2 story dorms or a few decent Resort keys will make you a lot of money. It's a way to incentivize people sticking around areas to loot instead of hitting one or two rooms and extracting.

The game was really boring and predictable when it was WWWWWWWWWWW to the best loot spot, especially when you got a shit spawn. Then it would either get camped or the rest of the raid would be quiet after 15 minutes.

9 : Anonymous2022/02/14 13:46 ID: hwwoq0b

Yeah, I opened marked on Reserve yesterday and got… a motherfucking Salewa and a 9x18 pistol

10 : Anonymous2022/02/14 13:08 ID: hwwkmo7

Speaking about Resort, IMO the best solution would make that any room has a chance to get a ledx or blue/red keycard. It will make that people stay longer and lurk around rather than Tape-226-219-301-path to lighthouse-reset. You shouldn't be able to loot whole of resort on your own.

Same on Reserve with the military tech spawns.

But honestly yes. It's quite funny how the best places on Resort require no keys. On top of that, I don't get what's the point of making something so rare, and in the end making that it has no value. The rarity of Blue and Red keycards is insane, yet they have worse loot than any of the open houses on Lighthouse.

ID: hwwwfux

And put more scavs near anywhere that can have decent loot. Put some scavs on the 2nd and 3rd floors of resort. Resort is only dangerous because of players. You can just hop up to 2nd floor and basically never have to worry about Sanitar, cultists, or scavs.

More AI in good areas would crush hatchlings too as I still see them every now and then. And if they bring a pistol, at least we'll probably hear them. If not from their shots, the scavs. Shoreline can always use more scavs for all those earlier quests anyways!

ID: hwwxw6u

Dude for real, spent so much time this week just running around shoreline begging scavs to spawn.

ID: hwwkxos

Completely agree with you, spreading the loot is just the way i guess if we talking about resort/reserve stuff

11 : Anonymous2022/02/14 19:52 ID: hwy41pd

I agree completely. 23 uses of rb-st (a 2m key) and ZERO stens. I don't even think ive recouped my money after 23 uses. I have found zero intel in reserve, i think they removed all the spawns. GPUs and tets are the only thing you'll find of value, and maybe the occasional btc.

Shoreline is the worst map in the game.

It's like they nerfed the fuck out of every map and put all the loot at lighthouse. The current state of the game is pretty unacceptable but everyone is so distracted by how cool voip is.

12 : Anonymous2022/02/14 13:54 ID: hwwpp9u

I don't have a position on this either way, or if I do I'm certainly not arguing it here. But I find it funny that all people used to do before dynamic loot was cry about how the loot was concentrated behind locked doors and that people would rush those spots and then dip out of the raid. BSG then responds to their cries by creating dynamic loot and now everyone is constantly complaining about "high value" loot spawns being garbage.

ID: hwwu2r5

Prior to the current “dynamic loot”, people complained that loot was super-concentrated in specific locked rooms & specific areas of maps, and never found elsewhere.

Now people are complaining that you never find valuable loot in locked rooms.

For example, there were multiple wipes where it wasn’t worth looking in computers for GPUs, and you could find multiple if you hit the tech stores on interchange (which are also all fairly close together). Instead of making GPUs spawn randomly in the grass outside the mall, the better option would have been to redesign the mall to shift the tech stores around a bit, and to crank up the chances of a GPU spawn in/near computers.

ID: hwwrhoc

Yea, its like a double edged sword, but im 100% sure it can be balanced on both sides, BSG just went to rough for some places, just trying to put some light on that problem with solutions.

13 : Anonymous2022/02/14 13:58 ID: hwwq5ji

The problem is BSG seems to just view locked rooms as another source of spawns in general rather than particular points of interest for increased loot. I understand for some areas, but what the fuck is the point of opening KIBA if I'll make 5-10x the money and risk myself so much less if I just looted the weapon boxes underneath?

ID: hwwr21b

Yea, the thing is, if you played before dynamic loot, Kiba had a specific loot pool of weapon mods that were pretty rare or at least worth smth. For example red advanced tube constantly was spawning there. So going to Kiba you always was sure that you will risk for something for sure. Now the biggest "fixed loot" thing you can get from Kiba is AK with Thermal scope, but the funny part that you cant even sell it on flea, so basically even the most valuable thing that can spawn there is pretty worthless unless you need some thermals for the quest.

ID: hwx06hp

Locked loot and open loot should be split into two separate loot pools imo, with locked room loot consistently being just a little better than open loot, but spread across all locked rooms rather than concentrated in just 2-3. Lore wise it makes sense and gameplay wise it gives value to all keys and encourages players to risk running their PMC over just spamming scavs for everything.

Interchange should have more locked stores or storerooms too.

14 : Anonymous2022/02/14 14:18 ID: hwwsgxs

When I first started hearing these complaints, I was like: pff how bad can it be? I've been running these locations for a couple weeks now and.. well. Have my upvote.

15 : Anonymous2022/02/14 15:41 ID: hwx35im

I can’t believe how they massacred my boy, ultra medical was always my favourite );

16 : Anonymous2022/02/14 17:50 ID: hwxlzpc

Gotta agree with this. I’ve hit RB-ST 20 times bc when I found the key it was worth 3mil on the market and I thought to myself that running it even 50 times or the full 100 would pay for itself. Nope. Best loot I’ve found in that room is 2 OFZs. I’ve hit the marked rooms a couple times but ended up ditching the keys bc half the time there’s either nothing or a couple chainlets. Found 3 GPUs this wipe in duffle bags. Also I feel like the game is rigged bc when I was looking for FIR flash drives I couldn’t find any at all so I ended up just crafting them all. Now I find a flash drive every other raid and spawn with one every few scavs.

17 : Anonymous2022/02/14 15:00 ID: hwwxgic

i forgot that the green ZHUK-6A armor was even a thing this wipe. i was checking through Nikita’s twitter last night and he has a thread about what’s the least common item this wipe and that brought back the memories of that armor.

18 : Anonymous2022/02/14 15:52 ID: hwx4p5j

I usually hate rant posts, but this one is actually spot on.

All of my keys on Reserve are useless. Most of my keys on Shoreline are worthless. It's sad.

19 : Anonymous2022/02/14 17:29 ID: hwxiyzx

So far i've burned throught 2 dorms market keys.
Absolute dogshit. a couple of injectors cases, 2 empty keycard holders. bunch of weapons and that's it. 50 fucking uses

Most of the times you find a mosins and shit weapons

20 : Anonymous2022/02/14 18:51 ID: hwxuyfu

There just needs to be more loot in POIs in general; reasons for people to stay around. Agree that locked doors with expensive keys should have a reason, like you say.


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