- The simulation is deteriorating
I for sure thought desync had already killed you, but nope, scav just went rambo on a ghost somewhere in the background. You should thank him for getting rid of the boogie man!
ID: gqjn1sb -
ID: gqipg8nScavs going full smooth brain
ID: gqj082pThats exactly what i said
What a fight.
Using the golden gun in 007 be like.
Looks like he's just gone insane. Maybe he used to be a postal worker?
also scav has infinite ammo...hacks
ID: gqji2ppdam i always wondered when they nade spam
ID: gqjiqobI’ve seen a scav run out of ammo and spam click with a shot gun before given it was offline mode that could be the reason why
ID: gqjlmdwand check his reload that shit was like sleight of hand
epilepsy seizure..
I see the problem. You aimed for the head, which would usually work. However this particular specimin of a scav appears to not have a brain. You are better off aiming for other organs
How about them scavs
A bullet damage/ricochet bug?
Meanwhile i get headshot lasered by scavs in a split second. It’s like scavs have a 50/50 chance of being brain dead dumbdumbs or being laser rifle headshot gods... Feelsbadman
New servers
We are improving performance and servers are better than ever...
It just took a bit of the ol' "Two-time World Champ" stopping power to put down that stimmed-up Raider.
man, we are so desensitized to this kinda shit
Scav did go full retard. Never go full retard.
He’s friend walks by and he guns him down lol