1.5k Hours Leads to Skill Others Consider… Unnatural…

1 : Anonymous2021/04/20 04:20 ID: muihwt
1.5k Hours Leads to Skill Others Consider... Unnatural...
2 : Anonymous2021/04/20 05:42 ID: gv67im4

The ability to save scav life itself....

ID: gv6e3sh

Ironic. He could save scav lives, but not himself

ID: gv6r2w9

Is it possible to learn this power?

ID: gv73u8s

You 4 are the best comments here tbh,rip plagueis

ID: gv6isxl

“I should be fucking dead right now. This was divine intervention. Do you know what divine intervention is?”

“That means the developer came out of his masturbation cave and stopped my bullets?”

“That’s exactly right!”

3 : Anonymous2021/04/20 06:06 ID: gv69asq

I usually make a perfect outline of the other guys head in the wall behind him.

ID: gv7319p

This is why I just magdump on scavs now. Sure I lose minimum ~40k in ammunition costs per scav, and yes it makes a lot of noise which attracts more enemies, but at least I don't have many clips like OP.

In MY clips I miss the entire mag first and THEN get head eyesed by a scav. It's how the game is supposed to be played.


ID: gv76qbf

You /s, but in all seriousness I can't tell you how many times I've wasted the good ammo mag on scavs and then am left with crap tier ammo for the rest of the raid...

ID: gv6bqpl

You have shit aim then, call me when your aim is so godtier you miss 10 buckshot while the enemy is standing still crouched 3 inches away and you have the barrel giving him a neck massage.

ID: gv6cowu

You have shit aim then, call me when your aim is so godtier you miss 10 buckshot while the enemy is standing still crouched 3 inches away and you have the barrel giving him a neck massage.

ID: gv6z7gd


ID: gv73tz4

Is it just me or is aiming significantly harder in Tarkov than other games. I feel like my aim is fine in other games but not tarkov.

ID: gv77ogw

Absolutely, I do above average in other shooters and even those aim trainer things but I can't hit anything in this game.

ID: gv7wi27

Because most weapon sights are broken. (especially if you change your fov)

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There was a really good thread where someone tested every sight that I can't find. I can't recall which one is the most accurate but sights are hella broken in this game.

4 : Anonymous2021/04/20 07:01 ID: gv6d7a2

You were missing with absolute pinpoint accuracy.

ID: gv6r67r

It's like a circus show where they throw knives around their body.

ID: gv6xswf

That scavs name?

Ali G

ID: gv6vc1p

Underrated comment. Made me laugh audibly

5 : Anonymous2021/04/20 05:17 ID: gv65l13

I've also got a little over 1.5k hours into Tarkov, this looks pretty normal to me.

ID: gv7ekdk

5k hours here yes its normal

6 : Anonymous2021/04/20 05:33 ID: gv66up3

This is me

7 : Anonymous2021/04/20 06:06 ID: gv69c9q

Looks like someone is playing with high FOV

ID: gv6asuu


ID: gv6vxvp

Looks to me like he missed

8 : Anonymous2021/04/20 07:50 ID: gv6gcvm

They teach you in military training to aim for center mass.

Since Tarkov is the furthest away from realism, you might as well be shooting a nerf gun at a tank if you try to go for center mass.

ID: gv6qybp

The old soviet method, was aiming at the belt with 300m ranging. So it hit the chest

ID: gv6tari

So ez to counter. Just take off belt. LPT

ID: gv72ad1

This was a really common thing. Basically when engineers and scientists first came up with smokeless powder and then within a few years pointed bullets, and suddenly "hey our standard infantry rifle can engage 'accurately' at 1,500 meters, so we can just put the sights at a baseline of 300, cause when will they be shooting at people closer than that?"

Smash cut to people fighting with clubs in WW1 trenches. F Lmao

ID: gv6nkld

Trained that way because you're probably not going to hit shit to begin with so maximizing % to hit is more important than going for the trickshots.

ID: gv74wz9

I mean no, it’s not got anything to do with trick shots. It does have everything to do with hit percentage. That and the fact that all a humans organs lie within their torso.

9 : Anonymous2021/04/20 07:27 ID: gv6eway

That sight shots high by a little bit

10 : Anonymous2021/04/20 06:39 ID: gv6bp38

Using the dot mode on the weaver is just asking for it

11 : Anonymous2021/04/20 08:09 ID: gv6hkth

Scavs actually have the most hours on this game than anyone else

12 : Anonymous2021/04/20 10:14 ID: gv6p4yy

He's beginning to believe.

13 : Anonymous2021/04/20 15:30 ID: gv7mv2z

For every gun just aim for neck not head then shoot, people try too hard to go for top of head when i watch them shoot, just aim lower and hope for the recoil then second shot to hit head, or just go for neck anyway since it is bound to fire higher than you think anyway.

Upper thorax for full auto, neck for buckshot rounds for shotguns. The buckshot one is pretty important since if you aim for the highest point on thorax or go for neck the spray will still hit the face/head. That is why 8.5 mag rounds are amazing since even if they have a mask you're going to splatter the full visor and destroy vision anyway.

But either way, super funny clip haha! Some times you just have that moment where for the LIFE of you, you can't put your aim properly on that scav and they nail you.

14 : Anonymous2021/04/20 08:32 ID: gv6ixp5

I haven't played in a year but still remember the first time someone ran by me and I had the perfect flank on them, they stopped moving, it was dark so they couldn't see me and I proceeded to miss like 6 Mosin shots on them giving my position n the bush away and eventually getting owned lmfao

15 : Anonymous2021/04/20 06:19 ID: gv6a8il

I would blame the sight, I'd rather run iron sights than that pos sight any time

ID: gv6nnng

This sight has really high MOA, using something like the PK06 red dot would do far better at a range like this.

ID: gv6ddxz

Actual LPT...half the sights in the game don't actually work just FYI.

16 : Anonymous2021/04/20 05:57 ID: gv68nca

I'm at 3k, happens to all of us

17 : Anonymous2021/04/20 06:41 ID: gv6bsju

Today on "What's MOA and why do I care?"

18 : Anonymous2021/04/20 07:22 ID: gv6emx3


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed.

Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control).

Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.

Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because JayzeeLough was already dead.

19 : Anonymous2021/04/20 04:51 ID: gv63ic0

Dude.... why would you just stand there?

ID: gv65mnx

I probably would have done the same if I was confident I could land the headshot. Although after missing the first 2-3 shots, I probably would have taken cover to reset the ai..

ID: gv6aizi

Like Camela said, I was confident in my ability but every time I missed I was like,”surely the next one will hit” and decided I had to kill that scav right then and there so he wouldn’t get away.

ID: gv6eqlr

It's like the sunken cost fallacy, but it's the building shame of not being able to kill a single scav.

20 : Anonymous2021/04/20 06:32 ID: gv6b7al

Been playing since alpha, nothing out of the ordinary

21 : Anonymous2021/04/20 13:01 ID: gv73dob

Pretty sure this is why we aim center mass. If you did, you’d be hitting thorax/head with most of those shots

22 : Anonymous2021/04/20 14:14 ID: gv7ca55

Feel this one chief

23 : Anonymous2021/04/20 15:09 ID: gv7ju7m

Perfect example of how a guns MOA can affect accuracy.

For those that don't know MOA stands for Minutes of Angle and its essentially the cone of accuracy. The smaller the MOA the tighter the cone. At further distances the cone of accuracy the bullet spread can be several inches. Barrel length plays a huge role in MOA


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