Please, add view of the whole party during loading.

1 : Anonymous2021/06/27 15:57 ID: o8zt56

I know it's been asked for many many times, but we still didin't get it so...

This change seems like a no brainer. Loadings in this game take so long sometimes, but that is understandable, yet it would be nice to have something to look at or discuss with friends while loading. I don't want to stare at my own character for minutes, I dressed and equiped it and I know how it looks. Instead I want to see my squad not only to discuss their loadouts, but also to know who not to shoot.

Edit: You guys have some awesome ideas for more QoL improvements in the comments like Voip, managing EQ in loading screens or shortening the load times. However all of those require a lot of work to be implemented. I hope all of those will be implemented some day, but the view of entire squad is already in game, BSG could just move it to the loading screen as well. Those could just be still images instead of animated if that is too taxing during load.

Art credit to

Nikita pls

2 : Anonymous2021/06/27 18:01 ID: h38fu77

What about a party system for your team? Always having to reinvite for every game kind of gets annoying

ID: h38jd4p


ID: h38wyiu


3 : Anonymous2021/06/27 17:11 ID: h389kn1

It's a nice idea, dude

ID: h38a9qf

It's not mine for sure. I've seen those suggestions for a year now.

I wasn't playing for couple of last months, but recently I started watching Tarkov streams again and I swear each time I start one the streamer is on loading screen. It drives me nuts how much excitement it takes out of the Tarkov experience.

4 : Anonymous2021/06/27 18:59 ID: h38mvma

I've always defended that loading screens are unnecessarily painful downtime. Imagine if, while loading into a raid, you were able to get all your tetris and buy/sell chores done, prepare kits for when you die, mess with presets, stuff like that. There would be SIGNIFICANTLY less downtime in-between raids. Because the 10 minutes you'd have to spend in menus off-raid, you already spent while loading in, instead of being AFK. The combined downtime of menu+loading is the most ball-deflating aspect of the game for me. Chopping that in half would completely change my perspective on what playing the game feels like.

Ideally, I can't think of a reason your character loading into a raid would interfere with your stash, flea market, traders, etc. No idea how their code works, but I imagine if it was as easy as a character snapshot they'd already have done something like this. I'd love to hear an explanation from a dev, if anyone already has mentioned it.

ID: h38o1pc

Loading into the lobby where you see the list of player names basically puts you into a different server than the hideout/main menu. That's why you will get kicked if you are sitting idle in it for awhile.

ID: h38tn6k

Think we could get a 5-man whiteboard with the ingame maps we can doodle on? That'd actually help a lot of the new to intermediate players and drawing dicks always kills time.

Even the vets would circle new points of interest in old areas.

ID: h39dzk7

This had been discussed at length over the years, and the short is that when you enter the queue your client's information (PMC loadout, pending Scav loadout, Hideout status, Stash details, etc) is locked and stored on the server. Their coding appears to be built on this concept, if I'm remembering the gist of what Nikita has said over time, and is too foundational (re: technical debt) to "fix" at this point.

ID: h39mx06

yeah, that's exactly what I thought was the problem. Like I said, ideally it shouldn't be the case, but coding never works ideally. F. Could be all like "but good software design practices ree" but can't blame them that much, I know how projects just snowball and suddenly foundational stuff becomes an inconvenience down the line, and you could have never predicted it when you wrote it.

ID: h39ew58

Came here to say this

5 : Anonymous2021/06/27 17:02 ID: h388i7z

I'd also like to not hear rain and wind for ten minutes while my buddy with a slow computer takes a year to load loot. I swear I hear that shit in my dreams now...

ID: h38gy4p

Last time i posted that suggestion the entire reddit community came and crucified me


ID: h38taf4

These are the people that tell everybody to turn them down in discord instead of adjusting their audio out.

ID: h38hy4l


ID: h38uc7b

I prefer it. Helps me know when to tab back in.

ID: h38z2un

Seriously? You wouldn't prefer an audio cue on the countdown that doesn't require ten minutes of obnoxious white noise?

ID: h391eqm

Mine tabs back in automatically when the countdown starts

6 : Anonymous2021/06/27 16:12 ID: h382g36

Have an upvote.

7 : Anonymous2021/06/27 19:51 ID: h38t45e

You know how games have loading menu tips?

"Scout's Mad Milk can be used to extinguish team mates"-esque tips.

How about that. Something other than sensory deprivation or the same cricket on interchange for 7 minutes.

I get they can't figure out inventory while loading but how about fucking ANYTHING?

A lot of the people that I played with quit because of the constant 7 minute loads with nothing to do.

Ammo charts, noob tips, general info about tarkov, "Camps on woods are great for nutrition when you didn't pack a lunch", just a picture of all the armors and helmets group by armor class. Rotate in a few community screenshots every month. THE FUCKIN USELESS IN GAME MAPS.



Get an intern to do it. Can't get much worse than it is, maybe they could even break audio so it doesn't work while loading in, you guys would call it a bug then the entire community would beg that you don't fix it.

ID: h396ch3

bUt ThAts NoT hArDcOrE, PeOpLe ArE mEanT tO sUfFeR fOr 40 HoUrS wItH nO hElP

8 : Anonymous2021/06/27 17:34 ID: h38cgan

Should've /s my comment. The loading times are insane, they should address loading times in general instead of making loading times more visually appealing. Sorry, malding because of loading times.

ID: h38cuem

Sorry, didn't get it because I haven't played for a while now. I agree that sometimes it gets really annoying, but I figure that this is much harder to fix. Changing the loading screen should be super basic thing to do in comparison, thats why I'm bothered by the fact that we don't have it.

ID: h38dx92

With an SSD & a decent internet connection loading times are completely fine. They are only long now when you're on the waiting for other players phase because not everyone has an SSD so some maps take a lot longer for them to load. But it fixed late spawn issue so its a good trade off, im sure everyone would rather a longer loading screen then spawn late.

ID: h395kom

Yes, so loading times aren't fine because you'll always have to wait for other players to load. Also, it seems like tarkov servers use some sort of priority queue when supplying the game details to clients, so if someone ahead of you in the queue has a bad pc, your loading will take a while even with a monster pc.

ID: h38reza

I have never had any problems with loading times, 16GB RAM and Tarkov on SSD.

Also, the loading + matchmaking time both put together usually take no more than ~6 minutes, the same amount as a matchmaking in LoL, Dota 2, CSGO, PUBG or Apex etc. takes.

9 : Anonymous2021/06/27 18:00 ID: h38fndz

If this increased load times by even 10 seconds then I don't care for it

ID: h38pg68

The characters load before you hit ready so there should be no penalty to loading time

ID: h3953px

It certainly wouldn't. It would be an async await, other players would be replaced by loading pinwheels most likely until the server actually responded.

10 : Anonymous2021/06/27 17:28 ID: h38bnns

Good Sir, which loading do you mean?

ID: h38bwd0

Everything after hitting play until being spawned. Loot, map loading, synchronizing with other players, etc.

11 : Anonymous2021/06/27 18:28 ID: h38j43z

Brillant idea

12 : Anonymous2021/06/27 19:07 ID: h38nw48

there is a great feature out there, its called alt tab

13 : Anonymous2021/06/27 19:14 ID: h38opwk

Me likey

14 : Anonymous2021/06/27 20:01 ID: h38uelc

with their pants down

15 : Anonymous2021/06/27 21:05 ID: h39287y

id rather have voip

ID: h39d2vl

That’s confirmed already though

16 : Anonymous2021/06/27 21:29 ID: h3951g9

How about a better matching system in general where you can continue with your stash/presets/flea/hideout until you're actually loading into the game? That's how every other game with this kind of matching does it (Battlefield, Call of Duty, etc), so why not?

17 : Anonymous2021/06/27 21:33 ID: h395l4w

But we need new guns?

18 : Anonymous2021/06/27 21:59 ID: h398k8t

I don't care what they do i get massive fps drops with a 1080ti and an i5-8600k

19 : Anonymous2021/06/27 22:02 ID: h398wgg

I would like kinda opposite option: Ability to remove everything from loading screen to make them faster, i anyway have 17fps during loading, there is no need to bully my PC, i would be fine with pitch black screen and loading progress bar on top of it. Thanks.

20 : Anonymous2021/06/27 22:28 ID: h39byib

Probably a lot of work under the hood. But having a shooting range while loading would make stuff infinitely less painful

21 : Anonymous2021/06/27 22:33 ID: h39cezu

I always get the view of the whole party

22 : Anonymous2021/06/27 22:35 ID: h39cqkb

I would literaly be glad if i could load into game with a black screen and time counter

23 : Anonymous2021/06/27 23:33 ID: h39iy6d

managing EQ in loading screens

Could you imagine if you could side-load a separate program and have access to your hideout ALWAYS?

Loading? just mess around in your stash.

Maybe have access to it via a web-portal. Isn't it all just a SQL-Database?

ID: h39l8tb

They have a 2 monitor setting greyed out, maybe they do something like that, but they delay feature 1 to 2 patches away from theyr stated release time so...

24 : Anonymous2021/06/27 23:35 ID: h39j4d3

I actually really agree with this idea. If we're going to have to waste 4-7 minutes before every single raid loading in, at least let us spend one or two of those studying the appearance of our teammates so that I can remember not to fire shots when I see their specific kits.

25 : Anonymous2021/06/27 23:59 ID: h39lp5n

Or at least give us some kind of onscreen indication if everyone is loading into the raid!

Its the worst when you're party leader, you click ready and you're the only one that starts loading and its not until 30 seconds later you're being asked why you haven't pulled everyone into the raid yet, so you need to leave and then restart the whole process again.

26 : Anonymous2021/06/27 19:13 ID: h38olah

Plus however they programmed the loading screen.... my god why does my character stutter reloading on a LOADING SCREEN!


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