- Lvl 29 guy got the drop on me but missed every shot…when I picked up his gun I saw why…
Isn't that mount removable in raid?
ID: h903hteID: h906d73Yeah but why would you
ID: h912gwnAt a minimum, he could have moved the sight to the rear mount.
ID: h9197kdYes, my bet is that he found it during that raid and just put it onto the gun to save space without any seconds thoughts
ID: h91yjneI think it's more likely that he brought them in. If you drag a compact collimator onto a gun with a rail above the handguard and above the dust cover, it'll annoyingly usually default to putting it on the handguard. Happens all the time with AKs. I don't know how you wouldn't notice it once you got into raid though. Maybe his FOV is really low and since that mount is so tall he couldn't see the sight wasn't there.
ID: h917q3wI mean the red dot is too lmao just put the sight on the rear mount place
ID: h90gq2mIt is
ID: h911rpgSome people don't know that though
ID: h912dk3Tip for everyone who doesn't know how to check: you can see that if you open the menu of the part. Also, if you hover over it it says "This part is not possible to modify in raid" with a red text if it isn't able to be modified in raid (the latter only works in raid tho)
Outside of raid, use first solution.
ID: h91da3tI’m guessing he had a more expensive optic on that rail and fat fingered it into his nether without the rail.
Probably a new Jaeger task.
ID: h90lkm9Lmaooo
ID: h90wetiJaeger tasks are so much fun. Nothing like killing 10 scavs in woods with 126 broken bones, dehydrated, and being raped by a dog.
ID: h92o0rsYou also need to be blind-firing while having a blacked-out stomach
My guess is he tossed a thermal scope because OP got to close for comfort and forgot to remove the rail, the sight you se on there is his backup sight
ID: h90j7p3Yeah but if he is that 200 iq why use thermal on vss in the first place? Also they aren't that expensive this wipe for some reason, reap ir only goes for 230k
ID: h90moe1Still if you insure it and toss it they are kinda hard to find so it is a 80% guarante to get it back, and using thermal on a vss is not that strange, the gun rips and tears with the right ammo and a thermal on that ? Is a pretty nice combo
ID: h90zhswOP said elsewhere that the clip is from last wipe
ID: h90zpysProbably because it's the time people get reap ir from quest rewards. I will probably go up in price later in wipe
ID: h90ns4yNah that guy definitely just put the sight on the wrong spot and had 0 iq
My guess is he removed a higher power sight and stuffed or frauded it before fighting you. They probably thought they pitched the mount as well and didn't pay attention.
Well, that explains a lot!
ID: h8zyxrfGun was worth 140k to prepor too, I know he joined that raid ADSed and was like…shit
ID: h9061duBut that mount is removable in raid...
So today I learned that not everyone checks their mag, aims down their sights and checks their laser light combo setting at the start of every raid.
ID: h90a9nxRight? I’m terrible but even I know to check mag aim and fire mode at the very least even if you’re “100% sure”
ID: h91090iIt’s not funny. It’s so not funny. The entire raid you just hear me going click click click and my friend will ask me wtf I’m doing and I’m still checking my firing mode, fourteen times in a row, in dorms, everyone knows we are there. But at least I know I’m on auto
ID: h90g2yjWhat's the point of the check mag?
ID: h90pn96Only to find some jackass listed an mp7 on the marketplace on SINGLE FIRE
ID: h90u8zoI spam check mag, check chamber and check firemode like every minute lmao
ID: h91drriI also usually change my zeroing to 100 first thing
ID: h91l150Always. 50m is such a strange default zero.
clip from last wipe? that front sight doesn't look like the updated model...
ID: h90kvn5I’ve been caught! Yes this a repost XD it didn’t get traction last time I posted it but I thought it was a funny enough fail that it deserves more attention you must be VERY observant, color me impressed
I feel for that guy. I’ve done something similar…
Clearly likes to live dangerously
Side note, those mounts are completely heinous and I despise them on the VAL
I thought videos of your monitor weren't allowed
He definitely tossed his sight. Was probably a thermal.
Why is it pink and green like the old cheaters guns that glow at night lol
Oooh boy
Wtf is the point of those mounts that are like 6 inches above the barrel?? I assume it would be to still have the ability to use the iron sights but you can’t toggle to them so?…
Me and my friends build ridiculous shitty guns and kits that usually cost a ridiculous amount as well and give it to each other in a raid and then go around laughing and clapping people. It's fun, maybe he was the remaining one.
ID: h90g49nOh to be that rich, maybe one day (or maybe one wipe)
Now you're taking a clip by recording your screen with your phone? Don't do that, use some proper screen cap software. There are plenty of options out there.
ID: h90iz7vdude look at the elitist balls on brad .. you can see perfectly what's happening in the video yeesh
ID: h91j53qYeah, you can see... But come on.... It's the principle of it. This isn't some console game. It's up to you and me to make this socially unacceptable. Put a little pressure on to get quality posts instead of this. Why would you think it's acceptable to pull out your phone and record a screen? It looks like trash every time. Yes, we can see what is happening here, but next this person is going to post some fight and no one will be able to tell what is going on. They will get all the down votes and people will complain. Why not just nip it in the bud and give the guy/gal a pro tip to get some proper capture software?
I'm pretty sure it is