Completely New to Final Fantasy, starting with 6?

1 : Anonymous2021/11/14 18:26 ID: qtvyzx

Hi, I've never played a FF game before. An injury has left me unable to play my usual games (need something for just my left hand only).

Many say FF6 is the best of them all. Do you agree? Is it a good entry for a newbie like me? How would you recommend playing it? Original SNES version? A later release (e.g. GBA version, PlayStation release)?

Any and all opinions are welcome! Thank you all!

2 : Anonymous2021/11/14 18:32 ID: hkm8q1x

Yeah! Play 4 or 6 first. They’re sort of the epitome of the series in terms of aesthetics, and it’ll be more clear why the later games are the way they are if you start with those ones.

ID: hkma4et

Great! What platforms would you recommend playing each on?

3 : Anonymous2021/11/14 18:50 ID: hkmbkg6

Hard to say which one to start with. I'd honestly just watch a bunch of trailers and pick whichever one you think is the most interesting. I started with FFX but you'll probably find most people here started with 6 or 7. Undoubtedly 7 is the most popular but 6 remains a close second especially among hardcore fans imho. 6 will always be the best of the oldies because of its use of the best tech at the time while 7 shows the dawn of a new era in gaming as a fledgling in ways thought impossible at the time. With that in mind it's truly a sight to behold that new players should be aware of.

VI is the pinnacle of the the 2D era. A medieval with a robot's and a weird plot twist.

VII is basically what happens when it's the 90s and everyone is scared of the future, and there is magic stuff.

FFX is almost the opposite of VII. The setting Is that of a futuristic culture that has reverted to simple ways of life because a monster hates modern technology.

These are just the basis tho and I'm not trying to give spoilers.

4 : Anonymous2021/11/14 18:57 ID: hkmcrae

FF6 is good and a good entry to jump in but with the Pixel Remaster likely coming out in the next 1-3 months, I'd hold off on playing this particular game right now. The FFV Remaster that just released is great.

Imo you won't go too wrong with any game inbetween 5 and 10.

5 : Anonymous2021/11/14 21:00 ID: hkmwb0j

I personally feel that FF4 is the best entry to series

FF6 is pretty great as well, but 4 is where I'd start my kids

6 : Anonymous2021/11/14 23:25 ID: hknhnau

FF4 is probably the best entry, since it gives you a taste for the story/gameplay/music/etc without distracting you with the vast amount of party customization that other games have.

That being said, FF6 is very similar, as while you can teach magic to any character, each character still comes with their own set of unique abilities, so the customization is more an add-on than something you need to focus on to get through the game.

7 : Anonymous2021/11/14 18:28 ID: hkm83l2

If you never played a JRPG game, it is best to start with Final Fantasy X.

I don't think Final Fantasy VI is the best in any category, but if you are going to play this game, might as well wait a couple of months until the Pixel Remaster is released.

ID: hkm9g0p

Since you don't feel FF6 is the best, which ones do you feel are the best in each of their categories?

ID: hkmar3o

X is a good one, but I doubt OP can play Blitz Ball one-handed.

ID: hkmwfmv

f you never played a JRPG game, it is best to start with Final Fantasy X.

10 sucks dude, blitzball is the best way to dissuade someone from enjoying final fantasy

8 : Anonymous2021/11/14 19:35 ID: hkmiy5f

If you want something for one hand only, I'd recommend 10, since it doesn't matter how long you take to input most of the time.

9 : Anonymous2021/11/14 18:35 ID: hkm95q9

Emulate the Gba port.

10 : Anonymous2021/11/14 18:44 ID: hkmaoll

FFVI is an interesting choice, i feel like the reason why not many people recommend it is because its kinda old and they dont want potential new fans to get scared away, thats why most people say that the best place to start is X. FFX has the perfect combination of old and new, its new player friendly, it has voice acting, good graphics, and its overall one of the best games ever made, its like playing zelda ocarina of time on the 3DS, you cant really go wrong with it. All that said, if you really want to start with VI, thats perfectly fine, its one of the best in the series and its a true classic, the best version of it currently is the GBA version with the SNES soundtrack patched into it, but be careful where you emulate it, It only runs well on PC emulators, on handheld emulators the sound and the framerate is trash with the soundtrack patch.

11 : Anonymous2021/11/14 19:52 ID: hkmlm0l

VI is a great game, often in the running for those top ten lists of all time great RPG games. It's also huge, with lots and lots of hidden stuff, and lots of playable characters. It could feel overwhelming as your first game if you aren't used to playing RPGs. IV might be a easier entry into the series, being more linear and straightforward. But you won't go wrong starting with VI, it's great. Any version of the games are fine! Hope you enjoy.

12 : Anonymous2021/11/14 20:38 ID: hkmt230

Best ones to start with are 7,9,10. Then try 456 and 8. Then the rest.

13 : Anonymous2021/11/14 18:58 ID: hkmd04x

Its my all time favorite FF game. And in my top favorite game sof all time. As far as I'm concerned you're in for a real treat.

14 : Anonymous2021/11/14 21:39 ID: hkn2ck6

As many others have pointed out: if you're going to play one handed, FFX is probably the best recommendation due to its turn system, while being also one of the best starting points into the series. I'm not taking into account platforms/controllers, though.

FFIX is also a very good starting point, with a very similar feel to older games in terms of gameplay and aesthetics, but more updated.

FFVI is a great game but it depends on what you're used to playing. Like many other old games, it's easy to get lost or miss a lot of stuff without a guide, particularly during the second half. If you're going to play it, keep in mind that the SNES version is known to have a few relevant bugs that you might want to patch (

Personally, I played the emulated GBA version, sometimes with the Sound Restoration patch.

Some people have also recommended IV. Just don't play the DS version, it's terrible in many ways.

15 : Anonymous2021/11/14 22:01 ID: hkn5pko

I would say start with 4 on psp or Pixel Remake. Easiest way to get introduced to the core mechanics, as well as being a fun and intriguing story /adventure without too much challenge.

Then I'd say 6-X in order.

6 on snes, looks and sounds the best, but i don't mind the steam port as auto battle is useful.

7 on steam with 7th Heaven mods is the best experience of 7. Can help bring life to the old graphics, great music, and mechanic fixes.

8 remaster is the best version graphically and music wise. Can be on ps4, switch, or steam.

9 has a mobile port that came to ps4, switch, and steam. It's the best versions with some helpful "cheat" mechanics.

And X also on steam, you can speed up battles and use texture mods that make the game absolutely stunning

16 : Anonymous2021/11/14 22:02 ID: hkn5tzq

Best is completely subjective. 4/6/7/10 are all good choices.

17 : Anonymous2021/11/14 22:03 ID: hkn643p

Four or Six are probably the best ones to start with. Either that or Seven.

18 : Anonymous2021/11/14 22:16 ID: hkn7ynx

6 is amazing. I'd say start with 4 or 6 but honestly it's up to you. That said I'd just play 4 now and wait for the pixel remaster of 6 at this point.

19 : Anonymous2021/11/14 22:19 ID: hkn8dju

The core games I would say to play are V, VI, XII, and XV. Play them in whatever order you want, but will give you a lot of what makes FF, FF in the past and present.

20 : Anonymous2021/11/14 22:28 ID: hkn9mr8

Honestly most people I know started with 4 6 7 I honestly started with 4 I’d say that one would be easiest for a first time player

21 : Anonymous2021/11/14 22:34 ID: hknagh9

I know it's not a FF game, but Earthbound is an amazing SNES RPG and it can be played with only the left hand.

22 : Anonymous2021/11/14 22:55 ID: hkndjiu

That’s the FF I started with and I have loved almost every single FF since

23 : Anonymous2021/11/14 23:11 ID: hknfr1c

In the FF community It's a love or hate with FF15 but one of its slogans at launch and when you boot up the game is literally "A final fantasy for fans and first timers" if you know nothing about the universe it's a decent start. I enjoyed what the game became and it's prob in my Top list of favorite games. It was one of the first ones I enjoyed because I couldn't stand the turn based combat. I enjoyed 7 remake as well.

24 : Anonymous2021/11/14 19:26 ID: hkmhj98

FF6 is my favourite of all of them, but I'd actually advise you start with 10.

It's an easier entry to the series and once you get to Besaid Island at the beginning of the game the story absolutely hooks you. Plus it's a very pretty game even if you're not playing the remaster.

6 is fantastic, but if you aren't used to the basics of Final Fantasy games there might be some minor roadblocks if you aren't used to JRPG style games. It's easier to get lost in the game if you aren't paying attention on where to go next, whereas FFX doesn't really give you chance to get "lost" even when you're exploring other paths on the way.

If you do feel confident playing it, definitely go for a port of the GBA version of VI, because not only does it have the extra dungeon at the end, but the music and sprites are the best of all versions in my opinion.

25 : Anonymous2021/11/14 19:16 ID: hkmfxv0

VI is kinda meh honestly, you'd be better starting with FFVII remake tbh.

ID: hkmiw9d

Not with an injured hand they wouldn’t be. Yeah it’s got a quasi auto mode but it’s not really the experience the game is trying to give you honestly

ID: hkn7px3

Can I have some of what you are smoking?

26 : Anonymous2021/11/14 19:14 ID: hkmfnc7

Depending on your feelings about turn-based battles and pixel graphics, VI is a great one to start with. Gameplay is very accessible. Battle system is simple and intuitive and dungeons aren’t too much of a slog. I’ve also only ever played the original NES/SNES versions and the PS1 ports of I-VI, but, at least in those versions, it has way lower random encounter rates than the earlier entries in the series. It also has a beautiful soundtrack.

I would advise, though, that if you’re going into it because you hear that it’s the greatest ever, to not set expectations too high. Obviously, tastes are entirely subjective, but there’s nothing about VI that is really significantly “better” than any other game in the series. It plays almost identical to VII, and there’s a lot that VII does which compares favorably to its predecessor. VI has a pretty generic story with stock fantasy RPG characters, but it’s a fun, epic adventure that is easy to get addicted to. One of my favorite games.

27 : Anonymous2021/11/14 19:20 ID: hkmgn0x

FFT is best FF imo

Least favorite might be XIII-2

There is enough love in my heart for them all, tho.

28 : Anonymous2021/11/14 21:13 ID: hkmydd6

You can start with wathever FF you want. The 9 and 10 are considered the best ti start with. If you like 2d graphics 6 or 4 Will be the best choice

29 : Anonymous2021/11/14 20:30 ID: hkmrpll

play on an emulator the original snes version, buy if you like.

ff6 is a good starting ff

30 : Anonymous2021/11/14 20:54 ID: hkmvi2u

FF6 is one of my favorite games of all time. I'm sure you'll have a blast playing it! The Pixel Remastered version is coming in a few months, so if you wan to go the old school route, you can also start playing the pixel remastered versions of 4 or 5.

31 : Anonymous2021/11/14 20:54 ID: hkmviwi

FF6 is amazing. Good story and characters. The Magicite system is fun to boost your stats as you level. The equipment is good to experiment with to find neat combinations. Enjoy it.

I'd say the SNES and PSP versions are the best

32 : Anonymous2021/11/14 21:11 ID: hkmy2t0

Don't play the Playstation release if you can avoid it. I remember them having weird load times. But 6 is the best one imo. 4 or 6 are prob the best entry points, but if you start with 6 and go back to 4 its tough since it's way more simple. 4 feels closer to a souped up NES game while 6 feels like a proper SNES RPG.

33 : Anonymous2021/11/14 21:15 ID: hkmyofk

Can definitely pull off VI one handed. Especially the mobile version.

34 : Anonymous2021/11/14 21:24 ID: hkn02ec

Start with literally any of them imo. Every entry is pretty damn different


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