State of /r/PS5 — Subreddit direction and rule changes

1 : Anonymous2021/11/15 16:39 ID: qukhvb

Last month we asked for your feedback on the current state of the subreddit, and what you felt were changes that needed to be made to improve the subreddit. There were some points that you were in pretty much universal agreement needed to change, and others were more controversial.

After reading through the responses, as well as the many interactions we've had with the community via modmail/comments over the last few months, we've identified the key areas where we feel the the subreddit should change:


We're going to step way back on moderation of self-posts, in addition to introducing some new flair for self posts (Opinion Piece, User Review, Request/Recommendation, a couple others). It's pretty clear that the mod team leaned too heavily toward the quality side of quality vs quantity, and ended up stifling far more discussion than we encouraged.

We're going to tentatively allow pretty much anything in terms of self-posts, including game/hardware/accessory recommendation requests, provide it's posted in good faith and is of general interest to the subreddit. (I'll share some examples of what we're talking about in the footer of this post.) The hope is that by allowing these threads in general terms, we can turn the subreddit into a google-able resource for this information, and ultimately cut down on the quantity of these posts in the long term.

We're also going to allow most other forms of discussion, questions, personal reviews, etc., — again, provided they are posted in good faith. (Read: don't ask what the best PS5 game is and then argue with everyone who doesn't say Returnal). We recognize that this is going to result in a short-term increase in soapboxing and generally low-quality submissions, but the hope is that if people see more existing self-posts, they'll be more encouraged to post their own, and once the overall volume of discussion has increased, we can start weeding out the low-effort submissions; in the interim, we'll be taking a "when in doubt, allow it" approach to much more content.

User reviews will also be formally allowed under the same guidelines, with deference to volume/repeat posts. Tech support requests will continue to be directed to the megathread.

Tl;dr of the above: Your self-post is welcome if you aren't deliberately trying to stir shit, and aren't using the subreddit as a "google this for me" machine.

In parallel to that change, as we're we're going to retire the Free Talk Friday thread, and roll out some recurring themed discussion megathreads. We're looking for input on what those topics should be.


Feedback was more divided on this, but overall, the community still seems to feel that there isn't a large enough pool of content to allow these again without turning the subreddit into a "look at the thing I did in Returnal"-fest. What we will do is roll out a weekend Images/Videos megathread to allow people to share their in-game captures.

Streame submissions.


PS-related content in other mediums

This has proven to be a really contentious topic, with a pretty significant community divide with regard to the two main facets of this: PS Studio releases on Xbox/PC, and PS IPs releasing on TV/film. There seems to be a near 50/50 community split on whether, for example, the God of War PC release was relevant to this subreddit, and nearly the same split with regard to info about the TLOU TV show or Uncharted movie. Ultimately, we feel it it was hypocritical to allow discussion of the latter and not the former, and we think we've reached a reasonable compromise on this topic: info about both of these topics will be allowed as long as it comes from a first-party source. Under that definition, the official PS Blog post regarding the GoW PC port would be allowed, as well as, say, TLOU or Uncharted movie videos/images tweeted by Naughty Dog or Neil Druckmann; however, a GoW PC performance analysis from Digital Foundry, or a set photo leak from TLOU would not be. We feel this strikes a balance that should be mostly satisfying to both sides of this particular debate.

General subreddit/rules cleanup

We're going to re-write the main subreddit rules and the sidebar to reflect the new rules, and in the interest of clarity, particularly with regard to discussion posts and linking hierarchy. A draft version of the new subreddit rules is available here. We're still finalizing it, but it's more or less what will be going on the official rules page.

The new guidelines can be considered to be in effect now, but it'll likely take a few days for us to get all the various components of this (rules, sidebar, automod, flair helper, etc) on the same page.

Leave your thoughts/suggestions below.

With respect to "general interest to the subreddit", we mean posts that are not intended to be a one-off request for help from a specific user. For example, "What are the best couch multiplayer games on the PS5?", or "What are the best wireless headsets under $200?". These are posts that everyone on the subreddit can make use of, not just the person that posted it. If you're looking for specific information about your specific situation ("Should I buy Returnal or Demon's Souls?", "Is the Pulse 3D a good upgrade from the Turtle Beach P5X?"), we will continue to direct those posts to the megathread.

2 : Anonymous2021/11/15 18:30 ID: hkr009j

Please don’t allow setup/box photo posts, even for a day

ID: hkr2cre

I'll back this up, I dont think anyone legitimately cares where your PS5 is setup or you strapping your PS5 in the front seat like a child and you karma farming.

ID: hkr34bu

Amen !

ID: hkrw6xx


3 : Anonymous2021/11/15 17:10 ID: hkqnvmw

Honesty, this was my favorite sub when it was news-centric but here’s hoping for the best with the changes. Hopefully we don’t get flooded with “DAE [Extremely Popular Game] is underrated?!?” posts

ID: hkr10et

What news? This sub is almost entirely rumor posts.

ID: hkr4361

He said was

Pre-launch this sub had all the news. Rumours too, but there was legitimate news.

ID: hkrks03

The news that is “news” is also just “metacritic score is at ____ for this game” which is basically just review bombing and has nothing to do with the actual contents of a game….

4 : Anonymous2021/11/15 18:01 ID: hkqvjtd

We're going to tentatively allow pretty much anything in terms of self-posts, including game/hardware/accessory recommendation requests

oh no.

The return of "Recommend me games but I won't tell you my preferences or gaming skills"

Every replies just a list of their favorite games that require extensive hands eyes coordination and extreme precision and reading lores from 60 Wiki pages

There are review sites for a reason, not to mention Twitch and Youtube.

ID: hkqx5gq

I do go into detail about this, and the posts you're referring to still aren't allowed under the new rules.

5 : Anonymous2021/11/15 18:53 ID: hkr3hs0

Oh damn I enjoyed this sub being news centric.

ID: hkrvael

There are plenty of actual news sites for only that. There’s probably even a

, or can be. Reddit is literally a discussion forum; make your own content and posts too!

ID: hkrizle

It is (was) a glorified PS Blog. 1.8 million users and pretty much zero discussion on a discussion forum.

It can loosen up without turning into a shithsow. There's a happy middle ground.

ID: hkrunin

A happy middle ground sounds good.

6 : Anonymous2021/11/15 17:58 ID: hkqv7hr

That's a bit of a shame. Keeping a tight leash on self posts gave this sub far higher quality discussions than other subs, where rumors and speculation could quickly snowball into unquestioned fact.

Thank you for continuing to not allow screenshots, videos, memes, or reactions.

7 : Anonymous2021/11/15 19:33 ID: hkr9ke7

I thought the sub was pretty much fine tbh.

using the subreddit as a "google this for me" machine.

Dear Neptune.......

ID: hkrkq9b

I thought the sub was pretty much fine tbh.

So did most respondents to the survey. No idea where the mods read wildly different opinions. Almost everyone was happy with the way it was.

8 : Anonymous2021/11/15 17:50 ID: hkqtxbs

These are posts that everyone on the subreddit can make use of, not just the person that posted it. If you're looking for specific information about your specific situation ("Should I buy Returnal or Demon's Souls?", "Is the Pulse 3D a good upgrade from the Turtle Beach P5X?"), we will continue to direct those posts to the megathread.

Appreciate this

9 : Anonymous2021/11/15 20:51 ID: hkrlhia


ID: hkrvrtr

Do people shit on the PS5 here? You can own one and enjoy it, but still be critical of it.

ID: hks8wor

Do people shit on the PS5 here?

i haven't personally seen it.

i've seen people shit on sony (over legitimate gripes). i've seen people shit on individual games. i've seen people shit on the lack of availability, but haven't seen anyone shit on the console itself.

(on a side note, no idea what the person you're replying to said since he deleted it, so i have no context on your question)

ID: hkrvxut


10 : Anonymous2021/11/15 16:54 ID: hkqlhgv

Thank you so much. I’ve been saying for a while now how this subreddit was basically just a news subreddit.

I can share my thoughts on this too:

The weekend of OC screenshot/gameplay sharing sounds great since it stops it from getting obsessive, but still is enjoyable to see.

Some new flairs that would be nice to see are:

[Gameplay], [Screenshot], [Question], and [Bug] (whether it be in-game or OS related).

Bugs should be allowed any day of the week so that It can gain traction (but it shouldn’t be low-effort as in a minor visual bug if you know what I mean).

In terms of general discussion (games, bugs, tech support, questions, etc.), this shouldn’t be restricted to a certain day. I feel as if it should be allowed any time so that there aren’t dry periods of just news.
11 : Anonymous2021/11/15 16:57 ID: hkqlxb3

Yeah this sub has been news heavy for a minute now, definitely need more discussion posts.

ID: hkrvmqf

It was repeatedly going a full 24 hours without ANY actual community-written posts, yeah. Got kind of crazy.

12 : Anonymous2021/11/15 17:51 ID: hkqu10l

Just want to say this this is probably one of my favorite subs and the way the rules have been implemented.

However, there are two things that came to my mind about general discussions:

1) Based on the sub reddit rule changes, we can also post and discuss individual games (not specifically first party) that have been out recently as a self post?

Example: "Kena: Bridge of Spirits has been out for a week, how do you feel about the game?"

2) This seems to be on the more technical side but what is the deal with "your post has been removed because it has received a lot of reports"? Noticed this a few times throughout the year. I'm just curious how and why this only occurs in this sub. I've not encountered this in any other subs I've been in, at least games related.

ID: hkr0eae

I'm just curious how and why this only occurs in this sub. I've not encountered this in any other subs I've been in, at least games related.

How about the Xbox Series X sub? I notice you don't post as much in that sub than here. If it's welcome news, the Xbox mods approve your post; if there's so much as a hint of negativity, they make it disapear.

ID: hkr60u9

I don't play Xbox games much as PS games.

ID: hkqvaau

1) Sure, within reason. If there are already a pile of threads about it, or an existing megathread (typically close to release), then those posts would be directed there. If it's a discussion really only applicable to the people who already own it ("How do I beat the second boss?"), then we ask that you post on the relevant game subreddit.

2) Automoderator will automatically remove any post or comment once it reaches a certain threshold of user reports; the mod team can't be everywhere all the time, and this necessary to ensure that egregious rule violations get removed in a timely fashion. This can be abused, but we get notified of any automated removal and they are all eventually reviewed by the mod team. Most of these removals end up being legitimate.

13 : Anonymous2021/11/15 17:01 ID: hkqmgsk

These seem like really solid changes without going too far into just allowing everything. Looking forward to seeing how much the sub improves.

EDIT: Apparently people are big fans of this sub this size getting like 5 posts per day.

14 : Anonymous2021/11/15 19:47 ID: hkrbo3a

Good work, little feedback from my side:


I think it's a good decision to allow more of them, but please filter out those who are clearly low effort. For example when the whole post is all lowercase, like this one, I don't think it should be allowed.


I'm ok with the decision, but how about a "test phase", where you allow videos and images on weekends outside of the planned megathread?

This sub is pretty much dead on saturdays and sundays, this could be a countermeasure to that issue.


The other decisions I support to 100%, so I've nothing to add there!

ID: hkrcpm2

like this one, I don't think it should be allowed.

Eh; we have minimum length requirements for titles/bodies, but otherwise we don't see much merit in arbitrary formatting requirements as long as the post isn't disruptive. OP doesn't soapbox a specific viewpoint and is engaging with other commenters, the rest of the userbase is getting their input, tons of comments, highly-upvoted, no one is calling each other names... the topic may be simple but it's otherwise a great post.

allow videos and images on weekends

The problem is that Reddit doesn't give us an automated solution for this; someone has to manually turn them on and off every weekend. It's an option, but we'll see how much interest we get in a megathread and go from there.

15 : Anonymous2021/11/15 21:53 ID: hkrv0om

More user-created posts, and leaving YouTube streamers on YouTube.

I’m thrilled, yay!

Let’s make this sub as awesome as our PS5’s are. Have fun out there everyone!

16 : Anonymous2021/11/15 17:12 ID: hkqo5wy

These are good changes. If you could remove the downvote button then it's perfect. It's just an abuse button.

ID: hkrksky

This is a stylesheet-level change that only works on Old Reddit on desktop; it's unlikely to be something you see on many subreddits going forward.

17 : Anonymous2021/11/15 18:33 ID: hkr0f9m

How about don't remove honest post just cause people troll report it. I asked an honest question and I got reported a bunch for no reason and then you guys straight up deleted my post

ID: hkr3snm

Send a modmail.

18 : Anonymous2021/11/15 20:57 ID: hkrmfdj

how about tweaking the css or at least allowing discussion of it rather than letting automod remove threads about it, and providing zero response to a modmail following up about automod eating the thread?

or just all around being more transparent about what automod eats and why? the fact the bot doesn't reply and say why it removed something is as obnoxious as when it eats submissions that don't break any rules.

ID: hkrs8nf

If you've got a meta issue, sending a modmail is a better way to get the team's attention than creating a thread.

Most automod removals produce a notice either in the thread or via modmail.

ID: hkrut2h

sending a modmail is a better way to get the team's attention

i did send a mod mail. it got zero response.

Most automod removals produce a notice either in the thread or via modmail.

i can say first hand i have NEVER gotten one here, and due to how frequently it removes stuff i check everything i post to see if it got eaten.


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