Let’s Talk About Cosplay on this Sub – Our Responce.

1 : Anonymous2021/12/19 22:29 ID: rk7j59

A while ago we asked you to give us your thoughts on cosplay submissions. We want to thank everybody that voiced their opinion and suggestions in that post.

On investigation we found that cosplay did not appear too often in the subreddit and in numbers are quite low. To put this into perspective, we looked at all posts dating back to November 17th (as far back as we could go) and only counted 12 cosplay posts between then and now. So why do some users feel that they appear so much more? Cosplay posts are very popular and receive a lot of attention, the added traffic pushes these posts to the front page of Reddit and high up in Hot in this subreddit. This gives the impression of Cosplay appearing more often than other posts. One particular complaint as part of this was Tifa appearing in posts, however our investigation revealed that while Tifa was popular, she was by no means a majority of posts (only 3 of the 12 cosplay posts noted above). The time this was happening we were still in the wake of the Final Fantasy VII Remake release, there was a lot of attention around Tifa, Cloud, Aerith and Sephiroth cosplays and again were pushed to the front pages more often than other submissions would have. Since the hype has subsided, complaints regarding Cosplay have greatly subsided as have the general complaints regarding the number of cosplay posts.

We do listen to your feedback and have considered some ways to address some of the complaints we get about cosplay. First, we considered a flair system - however the way reddit works makes it impossible to overlap such a tagging option on top of the current one. A second suggestion was a dedicated cosplay day (similar to meme Mondays), ultimately we saw that there weren’t enough weekly submissions to dedicate cosplay for an entire day.

Based on the reasons above, our decision on this matter is to not take any action. We feel that taking action against cosplays posts, (which are not "spamming" the sub as some have claimed) would not be fair, especially since these posts appear to be popular in our community based on the amount of attention and upvotes they receive. We’ll continue to monitor this situation as we always do, but that is where things stand for now.

One other thing we want to discuss is what has been an ongoing issue on this subreddit for a while. Cosplayers are regularly harassed in this subreddit. This can range from comments that are simply “thirsty” to threatening the cosplayers themselves. We want to take a harder stance on this. From now on when someone posts a picture of themselves to this subreddit harassing comments (including mean comments demeaning someone’s appearance or those of a sexual nature) will result in an immediate temporary ban or more depending on history and severity.

Additionally, we’ve noticed that some users feel the need to attack cosplayers who post sexually explicit content elsewhere on reddit/social media, OnlyFans or similar. We would like to remind everyone that while excessively sexually explicit posts are not allowed on our subreddit, if a cosplayer decides that he/she wants to publish that type of content elsewhere, then this is not an excuse to harass or belittle them. Keep in mind that since this is a series where many characters wear revealing outfits, the modteam must use our judgement in determining when something goes too far. Even if you are correct and the post gets removed, the rules still apply to you the same and action will be taken on any comments breaking those rules. If you don't agree with our decision in handling a particular post, this is not an excuse to make crude comments on the post itself, and we will take action on individuals making the offending comments. Additionally, if you see any advertising to onlyfans, youtube, instagram, etc then please report those too, and we will review for self-promotion violations. This can be links/usernames in the image/video, comments, or post title, or simply the image/video being uploaded directly from those sites. If you have to dig into their history to find they are active on these websites, this is not self promotion and of no concern to the subreddit. As long as the post itself does not break our rules, then it has the right to be up. Any comments breaching rules will be dealt with accordingly.

Again we want to thank everybody who made their voices heard on the previous post. We are proud of this community and think that you make this such a welcome place for fans of Final Fantasy.
-Your mod team.

2 : Anonymous2021/12/20 10:20 ID: hpa3jfl

spelled response wrong

ID: hpa3loz

I know 🙁

I spent so long proofreading the post and then messed up the title which I can't edit.

3 : Anonymous2021/12/19 23:15 ID: hp87kpf

Enough Tifa, more Strago please

ID: hp8aixk

There are some. And by that I mean one.

There is not enough people cosplaying as Quina and that in itself is a sin.

ID: hp8bjtn

Where my Cait Sith fans at? Oh, yeah, just me, sorry guys.

ID: hp8kz8p

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

4 : Anonymous2021/12/19 22:43 ID: hp837cj

our decision on this matter is to not take any action.

Fantastic. Cosplay is great.

One other thing we want to discuss is what has been an ongoing issue on this subreddit for a while. Cosplayers are regularly harassed in this subreddit. This can range from comments that are simply “thirsty” to threatening the cosplayers themselves. We want to take a harder stance on this. From now on when someone posts a picture of themselves to this subreddit harassing comments (including mean comments demeaning someone’s appearance or those of a sexual nature) will result in an immediate temporary ban or more depending on history and severity.

Even better.

ID: hp9bzsq

Big time. Thank you, mods!!

5 : Anonymous2021/12/20 09:06 ID: hp9yctu

I think i dont care as long as its not "lewded up" characters or minors.

Cosplay is fun and those who do it should feel free to share

6 : Anonymous2021/12/20 00:47 ID: hp8joth

Rydia is the best

7 : Anonymous2021/12/20 04:47 ID: hp9cj6n

Agree with all of this!

The only time I don’t care for cosplay (or even art!) posts is when someone who didn’t make/model/photograph it is the one who posts it. Then it’s basically just all about karma farming.

8 : Anonymous2021/12/19 22:52 ID: hp84g2s

As it should be. Not sure why some people are so hateful towards cosplayers

ID: hp86k1k

It's not particularly bad on this sub, but I see a lot that are just people trying to do a backdoor sell on their OnlyFans.

ID: hpebrjh

Ugly people hate others getting attention.

If I see a post I don't like I just scroll past it but these people get personally offended

9 : Anonymous2021/12/20 05:09 ID: hp9eru5

Excellent, thanks for this response. I'm especially glad that you're taking more action on the comments toward cosplayers. These always annoyed me more than the low-effort cosplays themselves.

10 : Anonymous2021/12/19 23:12 ID: hp874qn

This is great, 10/10 love this take. Keep up the fantastic work!

11 : Anonymous2021/12/20 00:18 ID: hp8fwn6

Feels like it's just free advertising these days. They shouldn't be harassed with anything but a silent downvote. I agree with the mods since cosplay is still generally on topic and FF related.

ID: hp8gzj4

As long as they don't actually advertise. The post should in no way contian any details of what they would want to advertise.

For me personally, not something we've discussed as mods. My own personal opinion. People can be proud of their work. It's likely a part of why they do cosplay and not general modelling, costume design etc. They can take pride in that work and enjoy it. Say one of them is a fan of Final Fantasy and wanted to cosplay as Lightning both because they like it AND for work (win win) then why not post it to the relavent places where people would enjoy that content. The issue would be how much of it is advertisement? Our aim is remove a lot of that element and just leave the fun side of that coplay. For us to enjoy and that cosplay to drop the work and just involve themselves in the community. If some people really click with that cosplay and dig into their history to find their work side, so be it. Their effort should be rewarded and effectiely it's going to be low yeild for anyone only looking to advertise and drive away cosplayers only here for that purpose.

Personally, I've not seen any cosplay spam (ie regular cosplayers trying to advertise and avoiding bans etc). It doesn't seem to be a problem at the moment.

I think /

would be my version. I work in IT for a living. Sometimes I so some rack cabling and some of my work could be on there (not that good though). But if I did so, I could post there and show off my work. Because I enjoy it AND would be proud of it. Cosplayers can be that too.

12 : Anonymous2021/12/20 15:45 ID: hpb08sy

Can we also have a rule about posting a near or full pic of the cosplay? If they just post a headshot, the post becomes more about their looks than the cosplay itself.

ID: hpb7zx3

If there's not enough of the character in the image them it'd be the off topic rule.

ID: hpb7xh7

This is a good point!

13 : Anonymous2021/12/20 01:28 ID: hp8or4c

Can’t say I had an opinion on this own way or the other but good on the mods for calling out the sexually repressed weirdos on this site who become enraged when NSFW content is posted

14 : Anonymous2021/12/20 06:04 ID: hp9k2rp

Excellent decisions all around, thanks Mod team!

15 : Anonymous2021/12/19 22:35 ID: hp824iu


ID: hp84sqn

Allow me to help;

nothing is changing cosplaying is not only allowed but highly encouraged if youre caught being mean to cosplayers we will punish you.

ID: hp92w2g


16 : Anonymous2021/12/21 13:15 ID: hpf5rkh

When the rapture comes, people who cosplay will be the first to be judged

ID: hpf6ao7

And yay, the lord doth say. Thy Beartix detaileding ith most devine.

17 : Anonymous2021/12/21 19:03 ID: hpgifyv

Its what I pointed out that it'd die down after the hype of FF7R would die down but got downvoted. -_-

Was a cosplayer myself and I appreciate this stance. People want to show of what they have/got/made! Regardless if they bought the costume, modified it from existing pieces, or made it from scratch! If the cosplayer wants to sexify their cosplay, thats on them, sure whatever as long as it abides by the subreddit rules. I dont have to like it, but if theyre happy doing what theyre doing thats on them

18 : Anonymous2021/12/20 16:43 ID: hpb8hdw

Banning threatening comments is fine and should have always been the case. Weird it wouldn't have been. Banning thirsty comments is stupid. We don't need Puritan nannies.

ID: hpbcq96

Banning threatening comments is fine and should have always been the case. Weird it wouldn't have been.

We always have done, but when something like only fans or insta accounts (where it's basically softcare pornography) is concenred it seems to attarct a lot of comments where people feel it's OK to attack these people. Even if it doesn't belong on that sub that's not OK and we want to try and stop it before it happens rather than deal with it after the damage has been done. Hence the announcement.

As for the thirsty posts. This just isn't the sub for that. This is a sub for Final Fantasy and having comments like "nice tits" or whatever just what we are about. There's plenty of other places on reddit and the internet that's exactly for that and people are welcome to be part of both this community and those, but the type of comments made in those don't really belong here. We're aware that sometimes posts cross barriers and requie a NSFW tag, but even still we'd prefer to keep the cosplay about the Final Fantasy element and not sexual. This sub isn't about thirsting over people.

19 : Anonymous2021/12/20 01:07 ID: hp8m6hn



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