Which pill would you take?

1 : Anonymous2022/02/28 15:12 ID: t3ht4h
Which pill would you take?
2 : Anonymous2022/02/28 16:51 ID: hysp7ec

Both. Fuck the rules.

ID: hysr9nq

Both give you the true ending, with Mystic Quest + Final Fantasy Adventure + Crystal Chronicles + Type 0 + Dissidia + Ergheiz games.


3 : Anonymous2022/02/28 16:45 ID: hyso9lb

I could play X forever if it was the last game on earth. I welcome those extra freebies, especially IV, X2 and 7R

ID: hytkmnr

If X were the last game on earth, I'd finally have the excuse to finish all of the endgame grinding.

ID: hytfodg


4 : Anonymous2022/02/28 18:05 ID: hyt0v11

Red i guess,it has my favorites (5,6,7,8).

5 : Anonymous2022/02/28 16:57 ID: hysq2pl

Why is this so hard? I can't lol

ID: hysqgy7

Same though, same. I ruined myself here!

6 : Anonymous2022/02/28 17:42 ID: hysx5xh


7 : Anonymous2022/02/28 18:03 ID: hyt0jpp

red all day

8 : Anonymous2022/02/28 16:54 ID: hyspo4u

Fuck you for putting VI and Tactics on opposite sides. Fuck you to hell. You awful human being. This is an impossible choice.

(Blue pill)

ID: hysxojj

Welcome to hell.

ID: hyt348x

This was basically my debate. But FF Tactics is one of my top 3 games of all time, so it’s blue pill. Losing FF7 and FF12 is also a shame.

ID: hyt1loy

Came here to say the same thing. Fuck you lol

9 : Anonymous2022/02/28 15:13 ID: hysaisp

Poll, 'cause why not!

Edit: I guess adding FFVIIR and XIV to Blue was more influential than I expected...

10 : Anonymous2022/02/28 17:35 ID: hysw3xb

red, i get both 6 and 7

11 : Anonymous2022/02/28 17:48 ID: hysy3ly

Seem's like I already took the red pill

12 : Anonymous2022/02/28 18:13 ID: hyt25gz

Red pill every time, I have so many special memories about those games!

13 : Anonymous2022/02/28 18:17 ID: hyt2rlj

FFT: WotL dictates I go blue. Having FFIX, FFX, and FFIV help cement my decision.

14 : Anonymous2022/02/28 17:59 ID: hyszy84

Looks at red pill: oh cool 5,6,7 and 8 are all here… wait where’s 14?

Looks at Blue pill: 10 is there too!? Shit

15 : Anonymous2022/02/28 17:31 ID: hysvhgl

Red next question

16 : Anonymous2022/02/28 18:37 ID: hyt5y2m

Blue pill. It's got my favorite game of all time. FFX.

17 : Anonymous2022/02/28 19:16 ID: hytc1l7

My three favorites(VII, VI and II) are in the redpill category, so...

18 : Anonymous2022/02/28 19:24 ID: hytd7yf

Red pill all day long. Sure I’d miss OG tactics and IX, but I’d take VI, VII, VIII and XII every time. Add in some tactics GBA and jobs a goodun

19 : Anonymous2022/02/28 19:30 ID: hyte4z3

If I was forced to choose, red.

XI is all I need

VI is the icing on my cake.

20 : Anonymous2022/02/28 16:28 ID: hyslntq

Red but I want 4 and 9

21 : Anonymous2022/02/28 18:42 ID: hyt6mnm

Looking through the options oh this is easy blue pill! 3, 1, and 14? So ea-

notices 12, tactics advance, and a2 on red pill side NO GOD PLEASE NO DON’T MAKE ME CHOOSE!

22 : Anonymous2022/02/28 18:53 ID: hyt8f8o

Blue, for ffix

23 : Anonymous2022/02/28 19:44 ID: hytgcpc

X, XIII, VIIR and XIV make it the blue pill. That's almost my top favourite 4 FFs..! It's at least 4 of the top 6..!

24 : Anonymous2022/02/28 19:52 ID: hythoym

Red 100% no questions asked

25 : Anonymous2022/02/28 21:15 ID: hytuith

At first it looks like and easy choice: V, VI, VII, VIII, tactics advance 1&2, AND the GOAT FFXII but you had to put FFT WotL on the other side, didn’t you, OP?

Still gonna go red.

26 : Anonymous2022/02/28 17:22 ID: hystz36

There isn't even a question........red all day long

27 : Anonymous2022/02/28 16:32 ID: hysm8x1

Wasn’t this exact post put up a couple days ago?

ID: hysql5r

Mods removed it, so I took the opportunity to add a few games to tip the scales.

28 : Anonymous2022/02/28 16:58 ID: hysqb98

Blue: Tactics War of the Lions beats out every game on the other list by a sizable margin.

29 : Anonymous2022/02/28 16:26 ID: hysl9pu

Red pill-- 5, 6, 7 & 12 are my favorites.

I also am of the few who enjoy the funkiness of FF2

30 : Anonymous2022/02/28 17:22 ID: hysu26y

Blue because I lose far less by not picking red, personally.

Y'know...except my favourite game in FFVI. 🙁

31 : Anonymous2022/02/28 17:24 ID: hysubkb

Tactics and 7 and 15 ? Hardly a contest for me

32 : Anonymous2022/02/28 17:42 ID: hysx6zt

Take both pills, risk the side effects, probably an erection lasting longer than 100 hours. Totally worth it.

33 : Anonymous2022/02/28 17:52 ID: hysysyy

Whichever one includes Mystic Quest

34 : Anonymous2022/02/28 18:24 ID: hyt3rr8

Red pill, free my mind

35 : Anonymous2022/02/28 18:25 ID: hyt40wd

There is no rhyme or reason to these... it's chaos and madness I can't handle it.

36 : Anonymous2022/02/28 18:28 ID: hyt4eo9

As much as I love FFX.... RED. the blue pill is so many terrible games lol

37 : Anonymous2022/02/28 18:30 ID: hyt4tis

Who hurt you?

38 : Anonymous2022/02/28 18:33 ID: hyt5a3v

Red pill all day

39 : Anonymous2022/02/28 18:37 ID: hyt5tyj

Tough, but Red.

40 : Anonymous2022/02/28 18:44 ID: hyt6z7g

Red. Not like I was ever gonna be able to play Remake anyway. My laptop is a piece of crap that can't consistently run YouTube without the fan going berserk, and I can't afford a PS5.

41 : Anonymous2022/02/28 18:45 ID: hyt75d1

Red just because VII and VIII are my two favorites and V,VI, XII all are enjoyable titles.

42 : Anonymous2022/02/28 18:47 ID: hyt7gay

Red pill


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