- Watching other video game fandoms bicker about bad movie adaptations as a Resident Evil fan
The first Silent hill was pretty good imo.
Mortal Kombat >
They all suck
ID: hysqn0lID: hysrjfnDont get me wrong, I have a soft spot for the Paul W.S. Anderson films, they're bad but like good bad. I like the first 2 and I adore the final chapter in its exquisite terribleness, but the live action stuff has never been faithful to the games
ID: hyt3lwkAdd the Mario movie to the list and it's perfect
ID: hysv2jkThe first Silent Hill is an alright movie in its own right, nothing special, even if it is a really poor adaption of the games story.
Honestly, the best video game adaption for me is the animated Castlevania series (not a film but it still counts).
MK is a guilty pleasure though and Detective Pikachu and Sonic are watchable.
These are generally the exceptions though and I don't think I can call any video game movie genuinely great, even the very best are only just decent at best.
ID: hysss2eSonic has a 65% RT and IMDB, same for Detective Pickachu, Tomb Raider got a 21% RT, and the 1st Mortal Kombat (1995) is a 45% RT and 5.8 IMBD. So in terms of reviews they are mediocre to bad.
In terms of personal preference, Sonic and DP only cared about the CG and had a bad/boring storyline. Tomb Raider I only watched because I was 10 on release and Angelina Jolie was poster worthy hot. The 1995 Mortal Kombat was a cult classic (and one I like tbf) but objectively the acting/effects/story are all bad.
As far as the early RE movies, the first was OK (mainly because I was in love with Milla Jovavich), but they all sucked afterwards despite my favorite actress being in it.
Not League of Legends though...
Arcane was surprisingly good.
ID: hyu6hqfYeah that was a real good time!
Second verse, same as the first!
OK.Cindy! Yo, Cindy! Cindy! Hold its neck abck and insert the knife below the jaw.Bring it all the way around, there’s going to be a good amunt of blood.Do not let it bother you.Have a bucket there, for the blood...and the innards...and feathers.
Thought process watching the first movie:
Ooohhh, what a mansion! There's a chequered floor...a statue... looking good. OK they're into the lab already? No medallions, no searching the creepy house for keys, no Doom Books? No Chris? No Jill? No goddamn Barry? What is this? I hope this isn't Chris's blood. Yeah this is pretty bad. Milla Jovovich is pretty though muff...laser thing was good...oh, the city is overrun for the sequel? Cool I'll look forward to it on DVD.
tbh ,fuck you all ..it wasnt so bad
You have big expectations ,and thats why you end up alone paying rent for basement and wifi while eating nothing else but pizza and monster energy drinks while masturbating to overwatch rule 34
ID: hyu81ekWell excuse me for having high expectations of something that millions of dollars and thousands of man hours get pumped into.
ID: hyubnjnyou are excused
Tomb Raider duology, 1st Mortal Kombat, Detective Pikachu, and Sonic the Hedgehog says hi.
And hear me out: The original movies from Paul W.S. Anderson aren't even that bad. However, Final Chapter is an exception.