- Can anyone tell me who made this awesome cosplay?
These are the Cosplayers twitter IDs:
- Tidus ma_san_YP
- Yuna sirm0720
- Wakka Zaki71O
- Kimahri murano_murana
- Auron grandfather198
- Rikku akabane0224ID: gwx0zwq -
Legit for a second thought this was from the unreal engine
ID: gwx865tYea took me a second and some zooming in to realize this was a group of real people.
This is impressive as hell! They are truly talented in their craft! Lulu is and always will be my favorite in FFX due to her snarky personality!
ID: gwxe93yShe was always the pinnacle of the "Black Mage" archetype for me, even had the personality to match it: "Fuck with me, and I will literally burn you to the ground"
ID: gwx9iuiA big compliment, however, also goes to the photographer.
ID: gwy6njwyeah i loved her two huge personalities
Just putting this here with extra shots from the group.
This has to be the best cosplay group I've ever seen. The only one that's off is auron just cuz he is a little too skinny but whatever. They really pulled off all the characters and its amazing.
ID: gwwxg3kAgreed.
ID: gwxcec7Something about Wakka’s face is throwing me off...
Legit thought this was a video game screenshot for a moment
Holy shit I thought that was a drawing
At what point is there so much photoshop that it's no longer even really cosplay?
ID: gwy6g2pThey obviously got stuff and the mood right, but it's heavily photoshopped to be kind of off putting.
ID: gwyitbnIt doesn't even look real people anymore
Yes...and where that Lulu is now
ID: gwyu380 -
Art brought to life, outstanding work by everyone involved.
Whoa. That’s the best cosplay I’ve ever seen
For a split second I highkey believed this was a render
Kimahri must be soooooo hot
ID: gwwtqkqNo need to be rude to OP. Not everyone knows what to place in Google to get the desired results.
ID: gwwq4qmWell thanks, anyway.
Smart, putting Kimahri in the back. He probably doesn’t look as good as everyone else lol.
Someone with a lot of experience with Photoshop, but not quite enough to be convincing.
That's just... wow.
jesus the attention to detail is on another level here
I mean I zoomed and stared for quite a bit and this is easily one of the most impressive cosplays. Really does make you think its a still from a remake or something.
I see pictures/videos of these guys on FB groups all the time and each time I see them, they never cease to impress me. They're perfect!
This is not from the game!?
I legit thought this was a scene in the game that I missed.
Wow they got everything spot on even the location looks like a real Besaid
Thank you.