Finally got them all! Took a lot of grinding! Platinum baby…

1 : Anonymous2022/02/15 04:11 ID: ssu20u
Finally got them all! Took a lot of grinding! Platinum baby…
2 : Anonymous2022/02/15 07:26 ID: hx0cwy1

Bought this game cheap as a way to crossplay with a friend on PC, did the platinum, did all the expeditions (still grinding for the dark sacrifice mod) and now waiting for the dlc. Still having a lot of fun with it. This game needs to be more talked about.

3 : Anonymous2022/02/15 15:56 ID: hx1quzp

Now install the PS4 version and log in to get another plat.

4 : Anonymous2022/02/15 04:22 ID: hwzvojz

Fun Plat right?

ID: hwzwr54

Yes! PS5 saves me during covid

5 : Anonymous2022/02/15 07:03 ID: hx0b3l4

Please teach me the ways man!

I have my ideal legendary set, recommended guns, but I can't solo past t13 (and only the beast ones)

ID: hx1xdwx

What helped me a lot was the build videos from LtBuzzLitebeer. He did a bunch of updated ones about 2 months ago right when the free DLC dropped. If you check the one for your class just doing the skill tree and messing with mods should really increase your damage output even if you don't have the exact fit gear wise.

ID: hx24dbo

Damn, I'll check it out i wasn't aware that the dlc changed things so much! I was running a FP trickster build with Ugake set. But maybe there's something that'd be better! Thank you!

6 : Anonymous2022/02/15 04:58 ID: hwzzgt4

Congrats! Got mine last year!

7 : Anonymous2022/02/15 07:48 ID: hx0ejit

Nice work! Im trying to find the energy tk grind out to finish up the latwst achievements added for completing the expeditions

8 : Anonymous2022/02/15 09:01 ID: hx0k04r

I'm just missing 1 sniper accolade to have platinum but I hate sniping in this game so it will never get done.

ID: hx1til3

You don't need all the accolade. All you need is to complete the accolade for one class. Get 1000 kills with twisted bullets and cyclone spin etc. Please check a trophy guide

ID: hx20ld5

I'm on pc and you need sniper acc. to 100% the game.

ID: hx15ui2

So you have to get all the accolades for platinum? Can’t skip any of them?

9 : Anonymous2022/02/15 13:41 ID: hx1857n

Have they fixed the trophies yet? If you bought the game at release, trophies were bugged.

ID: hx1r7ff

I pretty much played from release for a few months and never an into any bugged trophies.

ID: hx2wyu5

Both my PS4 and PS5 have bugged trophies…

10 : Anonymous2022/02/15 16:02 ID: hx1rrqa

Nice.. mine didn’t transfer over from my PS4 to my PS5.. says I need to still beat City of Nomad expo.. which I’ve done tons of times oh well at least its plat on my PS4

11 : Anonymous2022/02/15 17:16 ID: hx232r2

Congrats! It is a fun Plat! I am working on Accolades now, soloing CT 15s. I still play the game just about every night it is so much fun!

12 : Anonymous2022/02/15 19:15 ID: hx2m0oy


13 : Anonymous2022/02/15 19:30 ID: hx2oe0n

47 achievements? Mine shows 46/46! Must be missing some, but I don't know which one..

ID: hx2vmw7

Sorry man it must mean I’m a little more awesome! Just kidding we are both equal awesome…

14 : Anonymous2022/02/15 22:12 ID: hx3e8hb

Yeh I'm bad aim tried every build ,lvl 50 on 3 outta the 4 classes and just get killed in damage compared to others and can't solo anything past 12...

15 : Anonymous2022/02/15 22:14 ID: hx3egii

On devastator now with shotgun mainly top tree with a bit in middle health tree ,and wen I do solo a 12 it takes me forever....wish drops were a bit more so I could move along more

16 : Anonymous2022/02/15 22:15 ID: hx3ema4

I need more legendary to break down for the gooood mods...

17 : Anonymous2022/02/15 22:16 ID: hx3eq9j

Been playing since day it came out ,so sad ,I think I'm getting to old to game....


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