Most of this year’s gaming events have been pretty muted (thanks to covid), but I suspect today’s PlayStation show will be worth taking your lunch break to watch. Expecting surprises, superheroes, and the reveal of a game that people have been hounding me about for years

1 : Anonymous2021/09/09 19:11 ID: pl4f67
Most of this year's gaming events have been pretty muted (thanks to covid), but I suspect today's PlayStation show will be worth taking your lunch break to watch. Expecting surprises, superheroes, and the reveal of a game that people have been hounding me about for years
2 : Anonymous2021/09/09 19:14 ID: hc7t5ez

Bloodborne Kart


ID: hc7zszn

This game has been memed for so many years I think people would unironically pay 60$ for it.

ID: hc80t60

Try $80 for the digital deluxe edition with 2 extra carts homie!

ID: hc7u0zq


3 : Anonymous2021/09/09 19:19 ID: hc7twks

Quick, which Game did everyone ask Jason about for years??

ID: hc7u0qx

Yea I have no idea what game that could be referring too.

ID: hc7xfdz

Pretty sure it's silent hill

ID: hc8cge2

Gotta assume it was the KOTOR remake. Which is pretty exciting that it’s not just a remaster but an entire modernization of it.

ID: hc7ub35

Knack 3 of course

ID: hc7uhe8

Thanks Daddy Ryan

4 : Anonymous2021/09/09 19:24 ID: hc7unxt

Unionization: The game

ID: hc7zcoo

*Not available at Amazon

5 : Anonymous2021/09/09 19:15 ID: hc7ta5d

Oh darn here i go getting way to hyped again lol

6 : Anonymous2021/09/09 19:17 ID: hc7tmto

Please be Metal Gear. I'd take Silent Hill as well.

ID: hc7wfhy

If it was a Metal Gear game would it be any good without Hideo?

ID: hc7wpsa

If it's a remake by Bluepoint, absolutely.

ID: hc7wo2t

a remake would be insane

7 : Anonymous2021/09/09 19:19 ID: hc7twao

Reveal of a game hounding for years has to be one of silent hill? Metal Gear? GTA6?

ID: hc7vm3j

In terms of the PlayStation brand, the main games people have been hounding about are Silent Hills, Metal Gear Solid and Jak 4 (lol). Maybe SOCOM. Thats about it. Other than behemoths like GTA6 or whatever.

It really has to be one of these.

ID: hc7yyfe

2Blood2borne 🙁

ID: hc87ako

None of these 🙁

ID: hc7vdf6

Pikmin Remaster coming to PS5, baby!!!

ID: hc7vy24

Stop I can only get so hard

ID: hc7x9j0

Knack 3 Baybeee

ID: hc828zz

The KOTOR remake.

ID: hc7x5hx

Metal Gear would make sense “hounding”.

ID: hc803ih

Legend of Dragoon remake

ID: hc83ue2

KOTOR Remake

8 : Anonymous2021/09/09 20:50 ID: hc87ala

He already revealed it on twitter, its kotr remake. Cool but really remakes are never as exciting as a new game reveal

ID: hc8j3az

with how old kotor is, a remake will be like an entirely different game. like the FF7 remake

although some big new game announcement would have been cool too

9 : Anonymous2021/09/09 19:12 ID: hc7sxib


10 : Anonymous2021/09/09 19:17 ID: hc7tpm6

Gta 7 is a lock!

11 : Anonymous2021/09/09 20:55 ID: hc881an

What exactly was the „game people have been hounding me about for years“??

12 : Anonymous2021/09/09 19:14 ID: hc7t8s7

Infamous and God of War.

ID: hc7vt0f

Or X-Men and God of War 😉

13 : Anonymous2021/09/09 19:22 ID: hc7uec5

Y’all I’m scared. I feel like I’m about to explode with the amount of hype I have but it needs to be contained

14 : Anonymous2021/09/09 19:32 ID: hc7vu24

Hounding ? Foxhound ? Metal Gear Solid ? Please God pleaseeee

ID: hc86x1r

False alert i'm depressed

15 : Anonymous2021/09/09 20:47 ID: hc86wop

So uhhhh which game was it?

ID: hc8796m

Yeah ... I returned to this thread to see, maybe KOTOR remake ?

16 : Anonymous2021/09/09 19:25 ID: hc7uuvt

The hype truly is real, first Grubb and now Jason

17 : Anonymous2021/09/09 21:03 ID: hc89bpr

It was GTA 5!

18 : Anonymous2021/09/09 20:59 ID: hc88nrv

Well, that was a fucking lie

19 : Anonymous2021/09/09 20:59 ID: hc88n8f

That Bloodborne remaster announcement was siiiiick. Wait nevermind it was Uncharted, fuck.

20 : Anonymous2021/09/09 19:15 ID: hc7tdlw


21 : Anonymous2021/09/09 19:12 ID: hc7sz7n

My hype dick train is starting to rise

22 : Anonymous2021/09/09 21:21 ID: hc8bvph

that was a big fat lie.

23 : Anonymous2021/09/09 21:10 ID: hc8a9bv

Well that was a lie.

24 : Anonymous2021/09/09 19:19 ID: hc7tyv2

When does it start?


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