Far Cry 7 is reportedly a live service game similar to Assassin’s Creed Infinity

1 : Anonymous2021/11/15 05:34 ID: qu94vt
Far Cry 7 is reportedly a live service game similar to Assassin's Creed Infinity
2 : Anonymous2021/11/15 05:35 ID: hkordju

Ubisoft moment

ID: hkprmvm

Live service is a terrible disease, once you got it you can not heal, you either live with it full time (Bungie) or it get worse with the time (EA, Ubisoft) and from the look of it also Rockstar.

ID: hkq28rt

They’ve become the MMOs of this generation. There were so many god awful (and some really good) MMOs throughout the early 2000’s.

ID: hkpter7

Cs, lol, fortnite, wow, minecraft, roblox. The biggest games are GAAS and they all want the cake

ID: hkqbavq

it says something that the best example of a live service is Destiny, and even that is fraught. Fortnite gets shit on but they also do a good job.

ID: hkqv771

If you're gonna go live service you've got to be free to play, in my opinion.

3 : Anonymous2021/11/15 08:25 ID: hkp5ldh

My first instinct was to downvote the terrible idea, but then I'm remembering OP is just here delivering the news and we shouldn't be shooting the messenger lol.

Edit: For some added context OP was getting downvoted to hell when I originally wrote this comment.

ID: hkpah4b

Yep if people upvote it just brings more awareness. They’ve got it all wrong.

ID: hkp6a92

Finally someone said this XD


ID: hkqg9mv

Reddit should just hide the downvote counter, so that things like that won't happen ever again

/s for safety measures

ID: hkq0rgd

He brings the bad news and projects of a greedy company to our PS5 sub. He insults my wallet. He threatens my redditors with microtransactions and boring open worlds ! Oh, I've chosen my words carefully, messenger's friend. Perhaps he should have done the same !

ID: hkqfihg

(kicks redditor and game into $20 bin at WalMart next to Corey in the House for the DS)

ID: hkqenow

Downvoting isn’t a dislike button though.

ID: hkqgabn

It’s not supposed to be, but that’s often what it becomes

ID: hkq21xk

Even if OP was the one in charge of the decision, it still shouldn't be downvoted as downvotes are for posts that don't encourage discussion, not unpopular decisions by companies.

4 : Anonymous2021/11/15 12:14 ID: hkpmbiy

You either die a Classic

Or live long enough to see yourself become a live service game

ID: hkq4oh4

Cries in metal gear solid, Silent Hill and OG rainbow six and ghost recon.

ID: hkq92ue

I'm sure Spinter Cell will be different don't worry

ID: hkqqf25

Those first two lived long enough to see themselves turn into fucking pachinko machines

5 : Anonymous2021/11/15 06:14 ID: hkov0s6

No thanks Ubisoft. Keep your live service.. There are others who will fill the gaps.

6 : Anonymous2021/11/15 14:11 ID: hkpyu5e

I dont understand why everyone is chasing this live service trend majority of these games fail hard

ID: hkqpcpk

I think because the ones that do succeed make ridiculous amounts of money

7 : Anonymous2021/11/15 06:25 ID: hkovzee

Live service, dead soul

8 : Anonymous2021/11/15 05:34 ID: hkoraeo

Oh no

ID: hkp07zg


9 : Anonymous2021/11/15 05:43 ID: hkos47r

There was a time when Assassin's Creed (ACII, Brotherhood, III) and Far Cry (FC2 & FC3) were among my favorite gaming franchises.

It has been nearly decade since that has been the case.

ID: hkqd3in

I loved FC3, I had such high hopes for the series at that point. I thought they could go all kinds of awesome places in the future, and instead they just released FC3 twenty times. They're all good games it's just that I'm sick of playing FC3 over and over.

10 : Anonymous2021/11/15 13:36 ID: hkpuoar

I don’t see how they even plan on doing this. AC and far cry really don’t feel like games you would play constantly for years on end. They would need a massive xpack every month to keep people engaged. This aren’t exactly massive multiplayer games like the succesfull live service games.

And then most of these live service attempts at games fail because there just isn’t enough content to keep their audience engaged.

They’ll probably realise pretty quickly that it was way more profitable for them to just push out an AC game every year and go back to that.

11 : Anonymous2021/11/15 05:37 ID: hkorjlh

Guess FarCry 6 is the last one i buy then. If enough people vote with their wallets, this "game as service" trend will eventually go out of fashion.

ID: hkosif8

People "voting with their wallets" is precisely the reason why this is happening in the first place.

ID: hkot8ji


As long as people buy you can't expect a change

ID: hkorofy

Yep. I will never ever do this. No way.

ID: hkoxkrj

Could just be us that are going out of fashion.

ID: hkpjw0g

World don’t want us no more.

ID: hkpyqvb

The problem is that there for every 10 level headed people that won't buy a game as a service. 2 whales will pump just as much money into the game over a longer period of time.

12 : Anonymous2021/11/15 14:10 ID: hkpyoz7

I'm so sick of modern gaming. All these season passes, battle passes, live services and shit. Lately I have turned to old games instead: completed metal gear solid 1 on the ps3 twice, and now I'm playing the OG max payne on the ps5. It's so good to play a game without getting all those modern cash grabs thrown in you face

13 : Anonymous2021/11/15 05:42 ID: hkos1sk

Wow how stupid two franchises I loved going to shit

14 : Anonymous2021/11/15 14:33 ID: hkq1kn1

Ubisoft seem to be on a mission to alienate their fan base.

Nobody wants live service games unless they are free to play

15 : Anonymous2021/11/15 08:46 ID: hkp72o2

I just hope this doesn't succeed. If it does it will be like a domino effect and other studios will follow suit.

16 : Anonymous2021/11/15 14:08 ID: hkpygsg

When people said the franchise hasn’t changed, this was not the change I was hoping for. Such a Ubisoft decision here.

You guys still excited for that Splinter Cell reboot rumor? Well you shouldn’t be. This is Ubisoft we are talking about here. They will over monetize it and kill the series for good. Watch them find some way to turn it into a BR.

17 : Anonymous2021/11/15 15:33 ID: hkq9mss

Didnt 6 literally just release?

18 : Anonymous2021/11/15 06:18 ID: hkovev4

It won't stop though as much as the smarter consume

don't spend money sees this, LS games will still have the sheep that defend those companies. EA, Bethesda, Activision, Bungie, Ubisoft.

19 : Anonymous2021/11/15 12:45 ID: hkpp71k

Goodbye Far Cry!

20 : Anonymous2021/11/15 16:32 ID: hkqi4lb

in 2009 ubisoft was setting trends. in 2021 ubisoft is chasing them, and doing a shit job at it too.

21 : Anonymous2021/11/15 12:26 ID: hkpne6z

Probably charge you for ammo...

22 : Anonymous2021/11/15 06:40 ID: hkoxc9q

Such a bummer. Ubisoft used to be a great diverse company. Remember when they made games like Valiant Hearts, Child of Light and Rayman All while still making great AC and Far Cry games. Shame to see them fall so far.

23 : Anonymous2021/11/15 14:07 ID: hkpy950

If they could make it like Fallout 76 (How it is now, not at launch) then it could be pretty good. the term "live service" is a boogeyman though and it's hard not to be scared of it.

24 : Anonymous2021/11/15 14:54 ID: hkq47lz

This is just another reason for me to keep not purchasing their games.

25 : Anonymous2021/11/15 16:34 ID: hkqigt0

I hate the idea but I support OP for sharing this new. So I upvote!

26 : Anonymous2021/11/15 17:27 ID: hkqqg4u

I wouldn’t mind the idea if executed correctly.

If Rocksteady does a good job and innovates, Ubisoft can just copy the good parts and call it a day.


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