PlayStation Store’s top downloads of 2021

1 : Anonymous2022/01/12 15:23 ID: s28tiu
PlayStation Store’s top downloads of 2021
2 : Anonymous2022/01/12 15:40 ID: hscy0ds

Kena getting some real love in the EU

ID: hsdcl15

I bought this game on sale not quite knowing what to expect. And my word, what a gorgeous and well designed game. Playing it on hard has almost a demon souls lite combat experience to it.

The combat is genuinely challenging. The graphics are top notch. The story is light, but in a good way (the first chapter is actually quite moving when you realize what is actually happening by the end of it). I can’t wait to see what this studio does with AAA money behind its next title.

ID: hsdk51s

Playing it now on the highest difficulty- that final battle is kicking my ass!

ID: hsdeyyk

Also, it takes two.

Europe, so proud of your good taste.

ID: hsds6wz

But then we have two FIFAs in the top 5. Less proud of that.

ID: hsdjgwj

Yeah, really surprised me that Kena is #7 over the whole year. Far above Ratchet, Deathloop and Returnal (which isnt even on the chart if I looked correctly). Really did not expect an indie game (which Kena is) to rise above these big PS5-exclusives.

ID: hse6p9o

Kena was £33/€40 at launch and Ratchet was £70/€80.

If Sony wants to charge near $100 for first party games in Europe they're not going to be high up on lists like these.

ID: hsdy8dh

Well, Kena released for the ps4 and ps5, whereas the other games you mentioned are ps5 exclusive. That likely played a big role in those numbers.

ID: hsdnoza

Haven't played it yet but you love to see it. Hope they get all the funding they need for their next project

3 : Anonymous2022/01/12 16:08 ID: hsd2efg

Among Us is a lot higher than I expected

ID: hsdgu7s


ID: hsdlew4

Looking at what it beat out and the fact that there still aren’t that many PS5 games, I’m not surprised.

ID: hse7ylp

Also people are forgetting that price is a big factor in some of these rankings lol. Among Us don’t cost £70 like many of these other titles.

4 : Anonymous2022/01/12 15:37 ID: hscxmh5

Great to see Returnal listed

ID: hsd4k5w

Returnal is so good. More people need to play that game.

ID: hsd5tif

Was the first game I bought after getting my PS5. It really is an excellent showcase of what the PS5 can do.

5 : Anonymous2022/01/12 15:40 ID: hscxydi

For all the persistent complaints about microtransactions and live service games, they sure do well for themselves.

ID: hsdiefi

People who don't care about them don't say anything at all. People who do care complain a whole lot. It makes it seem like everyone hates them when plenty of people don't care at all.

ID: hsda1hq

more reason to continue supporting Sony's approach to their first party games.

There is no way these people will stop buying the yearly COD/BF/microtransaction ridden BS. But we can outweigh how attractive that business model looks by supporting the opposite.

ID: hsdgaqn

Because Reddit is a tiny fraction of the player bases but think that they are the driving forces behind making or breaking a game. Your average person can either ignore them or have fun with them without blowing an artery on Twitter.

ID: hse1q1a

The PS+ subreddit complains endlessly when they release a sports game as one of the monthly titles, but obviously, a ton of people like those sorts of games. They just aren't on Reddit. If the PS+ subreddit had its way, the only games ever released would be intense single player fantasy RPGs. Variety is good, but mention that you actually liked the month where they gave us an NBA 2K game, and that subreddit will downvote you to oblivion.

ID: hse1ipf

Reddit doesn't represent the wider market even a little bit.

ID: hsd5von

Just like cigarettes for many decades despite every recommendation from the experts... Just like despite the gambler losing all his savings and still continuing to gamble.

There will always be people who will buy this type of garbage annually and spend lots of money on lootboxes.

6 : Anonymous2022/01/12 15:40 ID: hscy279

First place in the US is NBA 2K22, first place in Europe is FIFA 22.

Name a more iconic duo.

ID: hsd3nzr

Kratos and the Boi

ID: hsefnlw

Atreus has only been in one game so far. Here are some combos in all or or nearly all of the god of war games.

Kratos and a severed head

Kratos and RAAAAGGGHHHH!!!

Kratos and unusually heavy doors

Kratos and his vore fetish

Kratos and locked chests with conveniently oversized handles to pry the lid up

I'm sure there are more but it's been a while since I played the older games.

ID: hsd585i

2B and 9S.

ID: hsdep19

NBA 2K21 and FIFA 21

ID: hsde1qr

Timon and Pumbaa

ID: hsd6ud4

Peanut Butter and Jelly

7 : Anonymous2022/01/12 16:27 ID: hsd5enj

I played the hell outta hades and Returnal and Ghost of Tsushima this year

8 : Anonymous2022/01/12 17:18 ID: hsddico

I downloaded Nioh 2 a few weeks ago because I’ve heard great things about it, plus is got a patch for the PS5 and I’m so addicted to it. Probably one of the best games I’ve played in the past few years.

ID: hsdtc45

I loved it on PS4 and tried it on PS5 recently and it was so much better.

9 : Anonymous2022/01/12 19:07 ID: hsdv4c2

It Takes Two deserves the love, it's one of the most fun "game"-experiences I've had with a game in probably decades if that makes sense. I've gotten more lost in some games, some have affected me more, some had a better story... but in terms of pure gameplay fun, "It Takes Two" is probably in my top three (maybe even the top spot) of...ever.

ID: hse5avu

Definitely not only a game for couples. Picked it up and asked my fellow 30M friend to play through with me and we had an absolute blast. We were dying laughing the whole time, and now whenever we see each other we fake bicker like a couple going through a nasty, nasty divorce.

10 : Anonymous2022/01/12 18:58 ID: hsdtqtw

GTA 5 most downloaded PS4 game of last year

We're never getting GTA 6

ID: hse5uqd

That is actually fucken mind blowing. A game released in 2013 is the top downloaded game of 2021!

With the next gen edition releasing in a couple of months. This game aint going no where!

GTA6 will probably come out near the end of this gen, so yeah, we going to be waiting many more years for it...

11 : Anonymous2022/01/12 17:13 ID: hsdcq0g

Finally got my PS5 this week and really enjoying Ghost of Tsushima.

12 : Anonymous2022/01/12 17:51 ID: hsditwe

Valhalla btw looks fantastic on the PS5 and the haptics are dope.

Gives my i9/2070s a run for its money as far as visuals go.

13 : Anonymous2022/01/12 16:15 ID: hsd3etu

I wonder how many games on this list people have enjoyed on avarage. I mean... I feel kindda weird knowing that i only enjoyed five out of the twenty games in the ps5 list.

ID: hsdnsh0

Only 6. Not interested in multiplayer or fighting games. Don't care for the Far Cry franchise and am concerned that Returnal would be too difficult.

Loved Miles Morales, RE Village, Ratchet and Clank and Deathloop. Kena is okay. Was disappointed by Valhalla.

14 : Anonymous2022/01/12 18:04 ID: hsdkwg1

Sports games and COD, what else is new? These games will always make a lot of money every year without having to reinvent themselves.

ID: hseq32u
15 : Anonymous2022/01/12 16:48 ID: hsd8o8q

Lots of gate keeping g*mers in this comment section

ID: hsddbvn

It's awful really. I don't get why the hate tho, they think that if FIFA didn't exist more people would buy single player games and everything would be better? No, there are a lot of people who only like fifa, they won't buy ghost of tsushima, get over it.

ID: hsdvtfx

For years I literally only played Madden. If Madden didn't exist I would have just not played anything.

16 : Anonymous2022/01/12 18:05 ID: hsdl48k

"Fortnite is dead"

Number one most downloaded free-to-play game for all of 2021 in US and EU

17 : Anonymous2022/01/12 15:37 ID: hscxkp7

BF2042 at #5.

This game should be eligible for a refund no matter how many hours you put into it.

18 : Anonymous2022/01/12 19:49 ID: hse1nx6

Man it’s crazy to see GTA 5 listed as a top download.

19 : Anonymous2022/01/12 16:08 ID: hsd2cnw

I have to wonder if this is truly "downloaded" or if it means digitally purchased. Like if I download and delete a game 3 times in a year does it count 3 times? What if I just download a game I bought a few years ago but never played?


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