Are physicals requiring updates yet?

1 : Anonymous2022/01/17 11:36 ID: s621kn

I'm on the 2020 November update, are new physicals requiring updates to play if you are offline only still? It's been months since I bought a new ps5 game, but looking to catch up on some recent titles. If they are, is there a certain time like the switch when they started all requiring a certain update on the discs?

2 : Anonymous2022/01/17 12:38 ID: ht15fb2

Any game that came after your fw version has a risk of requiring a newer fw. The newer the higher risk.

ID: ht207x6

That's exactly why I made a topic asking if anybody had specific knowledge that physicals around a certain time maybe started requiring updates like the Nintendo Switch did during its early life at a certain point. Good chat though.

ID: ht295ff

Just check the release date of your fw and check release date of the games you want to play. Since you are on 1.02 the list should be quite short.

3 : Anonymous2022/01/17 19:42 ID: ht2szud

Ok, I will try to help you after long time of having Jailbreakable consoles.

All the answers on this thread are right. I will try to rephrase them:

1- there is nothing called (games start requiring update).

2- Every game at release will require a certain firmware, and every update for that game will require a certain firmware too. For example if the base game 1.00 requires 1.0 firmware then (maybe not must) the update version 1.05 would require firmware 1.3.. and the story go on forwards the same way.

3- Every physical disk game will include the firmware required to run the base game.

4- important point here: normally the games will require the current firmware of the Console at the time it got released BUT it is not a bold “must” instead it is “most likely” which means if the game came out after certain firmware is out but the game disks is already burned then the game will not require that firmware. So basically no one can tell for sure what game requires what version without inserting the disk or found some who else did to ask him or online.

5- you misunderstand by thinking the physical games would “start requiring” because at console launch all game will require base firmware so technically the games always require certain firmware but in case there isn’t any other firmware so you wouldn’t notice that.

Bottom line: if a firmware got released let say on January then “most likely” all games released on February will require it. Maybe some games wouldn’t but most of them would.

ID: ht2vtit

I completely get what you're saying, just was wondering if they started requiring updated firmwares. It happened with the switch, and it looks like it has happened with the PS5 too, but mostly <4.03

4 : Anonymous2022/01/17 15:58 ID: ht1to8k

Don't get your hopes high if you are hoping to play Horizon Forbidden West. Any game (and game update) that comes after 9.03 is released, there is 99% chance that it will require 9.03 and you cannot backport.

ID: ht2pgcx

OP is asking about PS5 not PS4.

ID: ht2pqyt

Shoot. My bad. I read homebrew and figured it was PS4.

ID: ht20cum

still on 1.02 and offline so we are good there. Just want to know if ANY physicals for ps5 are currently requiring updates when offline and only using the disc, not downloads, before I start buying ps5 games I've been slacking on.

ID: ht2isd4

Yes. They've updated with physical disks since the second wave of games

5 : Anonymous2022/01/17 18:26 ID: ht2gss3

For anyone like me who may be wondering, after reading one of those linked threads one guy posited that you should be able to play anything right up until December 2021, most likely that's when they started requiring an update.

ID: ht2ji6g

Hi there, so those discussions are generally surrounding firmware 4.03., as that is the rumored firmware to be getting the exploit if the recent posts are anything to go by, including the two from @thefl0w and fail0verflow showing vulnerabilities. The latest physical game I bought was death stranding directors cut, which came out in september 2021, and let me boot up fine without needing an update to run (I was on 3.20 at the time). Anyway, 4.03 is the desired firmware, and 4.50 came out in December in 2021, that's why anything before december is guaranteed "ok to play". I hope this explains the situation.

ID: ht2kkd2

Thanks! This is the kind of answer I was looking for. If I find any anomalies when I go shopping I'll definitely mention them.

ID: ht2j2zx

This is not true in any way

ID: ht2kbsj

I will verify

ID: ht2spk1

This is not true though. They are talking about games that require fw 4.03. Since you have 1.02 (that came out late 2020) it won't be valid for you.

ID: ht2uywr

Yeah, and you're right in the meantime I probably won't upgrade. I am glad that those exploits are all on that fw that was patched out, down the road could end up upgrading to 4.03 before jb.


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