- Two can play at this game
Don't forget us, us the consumers and players are Morty, just getting fucked constantly by Microsoft and Sony.
ID: hv9d7s2ID: hvaoxb4microsoft started it
if sony didnt do anything about it msft couldve brought bungie
if they both didnt do anything then tencent. if tecent didnt do anything about it then google would buy it. google to amazon. amazon to meta. meta to the publisher that owns 70+ studios
ID: hvaukcmmicrosoft was offered bungie fist for less money but they didn't want it
I’m sick of these absolute crap memes.
ID: hv7ciymMe too. They are all acting it’s some “war of the consoles”. Long story short, it’s not.
ID: hv7gh8aIt is a war. It is a war for your money. What is happening in gaming is the same that is happening in streaming TV/movie content. It used to be for $14/month you had Netflix providing nearly all content. Then Hulu followed, then Amazon and the list goes on. Now the individual networks have their own services, Peacock, Disney+, Paramount etc. The consumer now has to subscribe to multiple services if the content they enjoy is no longer available on Netflix.
In the end, gamers lose no matter which platform buys any of the remaining independent studios.
The meme does suck, no dispute on that.
ID: hv8lg8jStraight. Fuck these people.
Not sure why people are celebrating this like it was a revenge play, or really why we celebrate any acquisition at all. But to the point of it being a revenge play…these deals take months to hash out.
I absolutely hate bungie so the big news that playstation purchased a major game company was exciting until I saw who it was
destiny 2 pretty much punishes returning players
If Sony really wantee to fuck with me they would buy ratalaika or eastasiagames...couldnt care less about bungie.
I get the point of this meme, and it's really bad to begin with but it's also a big fail.
Activision/Blizzard $70billion
Bungie $4billion.
The meme fails for being generic and console waring, which needs to stop, both platforms have merit. And it fails in the idea that these 2 acquisitions are equal in any way.
It's a dig on Xbox and halo
Someone needs to control Take 2 and Rockstar. GTA 6 being exclusive to one console would finally kill off the other.
ID: hv7xxgiWhy would that be a good thing?
ID: hv7ygz3Simply money and personally I hope it goes to Xbox.
ID: hv8j56jThat's so stupid I don't even know where to start.
ID: hv7uij4If Playstation played its cards right & make GTA6 exclusive I’m sorry Xbox but fuck yo game pass.
ID: hv90i7tThis is never going to happen as Gta5 is what it is because they have resold the same game multiple times on different platforms.
No matter how you see it but Sony will never be able to convince Rockstar to make it exclusive, for all the money they offer them they will surely lose a lot more if so.
Seriously though its been years since these bought-up places have put out anything good. Can say that for Bungie, Activision, blizzard and Bethesda. Maybe not so much id software but still(Doom)
People like to praise corporations that f** with them constantly .. nothing new. They have that feeling of fake superiority when they can say: Huh Sony/MS bought this ..ha !