More than six million players have downloaded ‘The Matrix Awakens: An Unreal Engine Experience’ across PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S in two months

1 : Anonymous2022/02/16 15:08 ID: sty51h
More than six million players have downloaded ‘The Matrix Awakens: An Unreal Engine Experience’ across PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S in two months
2 : Anonymous2022/02/16 18:20 ID: hx7bflx

Has to be the best looking game I have ever experienced and honestly— it’s not even close.

ID: hx8ks1n

It's not a game though. That's why.

ID: hx8m4g2

It will be

3 : Anonymous2022/02/16 15:37 ID: hx6mlzl

It's really amazing. A fantastic experience and can't wait for a genuine game based on this tech

ID: hx7nyz8

It was quite unreal. (Yes yes. Same pun they used in the game)

ID: hx825nw

Loved the line "It's all a bit... unreal"

ID: hx8bnj1

It ran bad, imo. Sub 30 fps most of the time, lots of artifact and texture problems during the chase.

ID: hx8cwnv

I mean I played it in front of my kids and they asked what movie I was watching. For what it is..imo.. Awesome.

4 : Anonymous2022/02/16 15:12 ID: hx6ismx

Unreal Engine 5, plus checkerboard to reach 60fps is going to be fucking phenomenal for games coming out next year

ID: hx79e5v

Checkerboarding? Wouldn't games use the upscaling tech that they demonstrated in the demo?

I think it reconstructs a 1080p-1440p image to 4K in the Matrix demo. So it is already upscaled. Checkerboarding would potentially make it look worse.

ID: hx7y6rr

Yeah I don't see them moving to checkerboarding from their own solution which is newer tech.

ID: hx6jlbw

Unfortunately most big developers use their own engine because of the cost, so we can only hope their own engines are improved to get close to or surpass UE5. But the future is bright for indies that heavily rely on Unreal Engine.

ID: hx6pbvv

The cost to create one's own engine is a lot more than using third party ones. Not to mention time consuming. Most Sony studios, Ubisoft, EA and Rockstar have their own in house engine since the PS3 days, Guerilla even shares the decima engine with third party developers.

But AA devs and indie devs can cut costs by using Unreal engine or Unity.

ID: hx74xiu

Half the industry uses UE, including AAA devs so that’s not entirely true. Also, one can argue proprietary engines can yield better results than even Unreal can, such as what we’ve seen with most of Sony’s in-house engines.

ID: hx7h413

That's not an unfortunate thing at all, different engines offer different options and tools bringing new technologies and results.

ID: hx7b0eo

This is a good thing, firstly because Epic would then monopolies AAA gaming with their 5% cut and eventually increase their cut.

Second, UE5 is a great tech but this UE5 demo is 1200p at an average of 25 FPS. If you go back in history with UE3, UE4 it’s mostly the same as their tech are very impressive but they tank performance. In house engines that are designed for consoles can pull more. So Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order on PS4 using UE4 gets 720p - 1080p with 900p as the most common resolution, with great looking visuals but I would argue Uncharted 4 has better graphics on PS4 and that runs at 1080p locked and has better performance on PS4.

ID: hx77h7b

Imagine its 2022 and we are still begging to reach 60 fps.

Res Mode should be 60fps 4k and perf. 120 1080.

Ps5 is better than the PC I'm typing this on, which has literally no problems pushing 4k 60 and 144 1440p on modern games.

ID: hx7nzcf

I dont think so. 120/1080 is not needed by average console gamers. 60/4k is too demanding for a 500 bucks machine.

5 : Anonymous2022/02/16 15:12 ID: hx6ip82

Amazing. It bricked my PS5 first time I started it. Had to wait a month to get it replaced.

ID: hx6ozbx

Really? It probably was a faulty console anyways. What did happen? That’s really interesting.

ID: hx6pny9

As soon as I got to control a character during the car chase there were green slices on the tv. As if someone was cutting the screen with a knife. At first I thought it was part of the game since matrix has that green theme Then the game froze and I got an error code. So I restarted it. This time more green shit. Next time I started Astro and that was messed up too and that game had no problems before. You’re probably right though that the problem was already there. Just that Astro wasn’t triggering it before I got Matrix.

6 : Anonymous2022/02/16 19:21 ID: hx7kwq3

Wait you could actually play it? I just watched the video. How do I play it?

ID: hx7tyqj

After the scripted bits, you're allowed to roam the city and drive around. That's pretty much it. It's a tech demo, not a full game.

7 : Anonymous2022/02/16 18:29 ID: hx7cnki

I heard when the tech demo was announced the devs still plan to update the demo like adding in new features in what you can do in the world.

Is this still true? Haven't heard much lately

8 : Anonymous2022/02/16 19:37 ID: hx7nez8

I can feel my PS5 fan heating my house just looking at this graphic.

9 : Anonymous2022/02/16 15:52 ID: hx6ouow

Too bad the movie was awful.

ID: hx79pax

Yeah, the movie was super weird. Started out interesting and kinda self-aware and cheeky but the second half was just trash. Didn't look as good as the previous movies (or even the UE5 demo for that matter), bad action and the plot got worse as it progressed.

Cloud Atlas was the last really good movie the Wachowski's made in my opinion.

10 : Anonymous2022/02/16 15:23 ID: hx6kfua

I can't wait to play a big open world game that was created using UE5.

It would look beautiful.

11 : Anonymous2022/02/16 15:42 ID: hx6ncbx

Graphically the best open world I've ever seen. Makes GTA look terrible lol. It was one of the first things that really felt "next gen" to me

ID: hx6yiuz

GTA V is nearly a decade old. Of course the tech demo to show off next gen is gonna look better

ID: hx6qup3

do you mean everything? because the npcs were repetitive and worse, awful looking

ID: hx70e3h

Maybe the best “city” open world.

Horizon FW runs circles around that tech demo.

ID: hx75khu

From a tech standpoint, no it doesn’t.

12 : Anonymous2022/02/16 16:20 ID: hx6ta6j

We got an absolutely garbage bin of a movie, but at least we got a fun tech demo!

ID: hx8382a

oh no the movie wasn't good?? sad

ID: hx715a4

“Fun” is a stretch. Interesting for sure but there’s nothing to do.

ID: hx7hqqc

Yeah it’s a tech demo, not a full game or even technically a game demo.

But yeah I agree. It was fun for an hour or so. I still whip it out to wow non tech people here and there.

ID: hx73zs3

I think the arcady style driving/gunning sequence was fun.

ID: hx7wg3u

I drove a sports car at top speed while trying to drive around other cars. That was fun until the 20 fps became too jarring.

ID: hx76vwf

Yeah it wasn’t fun at all. More so “look at the pretty lights” then uninstall.

13 : Anonymous2022/02/16 19:31 ID: hx7mdsb

It seems like I'm in the minority, but I wasn't all that impressed by it. It's fine at a glance, but seeing the same exact intricate domed rooftop repeating ten time across a cityscape doesn't scream realism to me. Procedural generation can't top good art direction, but it'll be cool to see how devs can combine the two in the future.

Also the part where it switched to CG Keanu was jarring and rang way more uncanny valley bells in my head than any other realistic looking games.

ID: hx7suc0

I agree, it looks good in the "cutscene" segments for the most part. When you get to walk around and get close up to the NPCs they hardly look better than Spiderman NPCs on PS4 and have lots of repeat features, also lots of cut corners if you looked around (through windows especially).

ID: hx835yy

the more you revisit the demo the worse it gets

14 : Anonymous2022/02/16 17:23 ID: hx73c6b

Can't wait to see it on pc

ID: hx7fsf5

A "tech demo" at 1620p30 is kinda weird.

15 : Anonymous2022/02/16 19:00 ID: hx7hmnp

Over six million people deleted it after about an hour too

ID: hx7wl81

Well yeah it's a tech demo

ID: hx8148c

Lmao right? It's like 40 minutes long.

16 : Anonymous2022/02/16 18:56 ID: hx7gy3y

The techdemo was great. The last movie was meeeeeeehhhh

ID: hx7opbe

It was absolutely meh. But I still don't know where I'd rank it among the sequels.

18 : Anonymous2022/02/16 17:04 ID: hx70cq1

Somehow my experience was a bit laggy at times, to smooth in character control.

19 : Anonymous2022/02/16 19:47 ID: hx7p1ls

The framerate definitely drops when you're driving fast with max traffic and crowd density.

20 : Anonymous2022/02/16 21:16 ID: hx82opv

I'm glad to see this engine uses reflections and lighting that IS NOT dependent on Ray Tracing.

RT keeps proving too demanding for these consoles.

21 : Anonymous2022/02/16 22:57 ID: hx8hyf6

Lighting that isn’t dependent on ray tracing? The entire night was filly lit by ray tracing without any traditional smoke-and-mirror lighting probes. The Digital Foundry video visualizes this better than a comment like this does, but, well yeah.

22 : Anonymous2022/02/16 22:20 ID: hx8cm0a

It was more entertaining than the new film

23 : Anonymous2022/02/16 22:50 ID: hx8gyht

Would be more if we could all get our hands on a damn console for MSRP.

24 : Anonymous2022/02/16 19:05 ID: hx7ib8e


25 : Anonymous2022/02/16 19:22 ID: hx7l1o6

I remember when I was in middle school.

26 : Anonymous2022/02/16 20:22 ID: hx7ue87

Was today a teacher workday or something?

27 : Anonymous2022/02/16 21:13 ID: hx82bie

Not interested after the horrible movie


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