Until March 15, 5 p.m. CET, you can access a free Next-Gen trial of Cyberpunk 2077 on PS5

1 : Anonymous2022/02/16 11:56 ID: stu5nl
Until March 15, 5 p.m. CET, you can access a free Next-Gen trial of Cyberpunk 2077 on PS5
2 : Anonymous2022/02/16 14:52 ID: hx6fr3t

Sweet been waiting but this month has so many good games already

ID: hx6u3db

I went in with low expectations, but dying light 2 is the most fun i've had in a game in quite a while.

ID: hx7m7kh

What do you like about it? For me I got through the tutorial to the first town like area and haven't felt like booting it up again since that first session.

ID: hx7wc4w

Question… i have the ps4 version. Is the upgrade to the ps5 version free?

ID: hx7ykgo

It is indeed.

3 : Anonymous2022/02/16 15:08 ID: hx6i5b9

I got the game plus steel book for $10 at Best Buy end of last year. I never opened until last night.

ID: hx6pzjx

Wow, nice find.

I bought it on release from a store in the UK (at full price - what an idiot!) and the inside of the plastic case was broken and when I asked for a replacement they said "the disks work don't they?". I won't be shopping there again.

ID: hx6sdw6

Same! Just started this morning!

ID: hx7c6s6

Same. It was sitting on my shelf waiting for the PS5 update.

4 : Anonymous2022/02/16 13:37 ID: hx65qs3

Tried it for half an hour doing the intro, training, first mission - mightily impressed, bought it for £20. Bargain.

ID: hx6mxdg

My takeaway as well. Never purchased on launch given the reception and told myself I’d hold out until PS5 release. Honestly I’m impressed so far. World is awesome. Graphics are great. Driving feels good. I’m only in the trial doing my first gig for Dex but it’s been fairly addicting so far

ID: hx67k6r

It has atleast 50 to 60 hours of great content don't miss the amazing side missions that's half the fun. It's an amazing and gorgeous game on ps5

ID: hx68hdm

Thanks buddy, I'll be sure to do them. I agree, it looks fantastic on PS5. Especially in silky smooth performance mode. Not even missing the RT shadows.

ID: hx7wemn

Did the trophies pop for you in the trial? If not did they pop once you bought the full version?

5 : Anonymous2022/02/16 14:54 ID: hx6g1kx

I bought the game yesterday for 25€. Glad i waited.

6 : Anonymous2022/02/16 16:00 ID: hx6q5px

I waited this long with this whole CP thing. I think it's time to give it a try at least.

ID: hx79kqr


I’m pretty sure we all decided when abbreviating “cyberpunk” we’re using CP2077. It’ll still put you on some police watch list but it’s a little safer

7 : Anonymous2022/02/16 18:58 ID: hx7h681

3 hours into the trial, it feels like a decent game to me, might buy it as it's so cheap

8 : Anonymous2022/02/16 12:08 ID: hx5vy54

It’s also reduced to £19.99 on the PSN store

Edit: Thanks for all the upvotes. Might become a full-time price checker on Reddit.

ID: hx6a0mj

They’re practically giving the game away at this point lol

ID: hx6curm

Smart move honestly.

They know how the public views this game, and the only way to breathe some new life into it is by dropping a huge update and slashing the price. This way they can sell another 50000 copies.

ID: hx6qy32

They want people to buy the dlc that's in development

ID: hx6j3e5

Maybe if it was $3 or less, this is a pretty standard sale

ID: hx6m6jg

$24.99 in the US...

ID: hx6txse

My US price checker companion!

ID: hx6mzwc

Willing to bet it hits ps plus sometime this year

9 : Anonymous2022/02/16 16:15 ID: hx6si8r

i bought it for ps4 and played it on ps4 and still have it on ps4 disc.
but i own a ps5. if i put the ps4 disc in the ps5 will i be enjoying
the ps5 glory, or merely a ps4 version on a ps5?

ID: hx6uwwp

It's a free upgrade so yes. i think you may have to put the disc in and then go to the PS store to install the PS5 version though? Not sure how that works.

ID: hx6w4ln

There's a window in the bottom right of the games screen that says playstation 5 version in small text. If you click that, it takes you to the store where you can download the PS5 version. It worked for me.

10 : Anonymous2022/02/16 15:22 ID: hx6k70q

thanks for sharing! I'll try it out

11 : Anonymous2022/02/16 19:18 ID: hx7kd71

Just bought it 2 weeks ago (with a Gamestop gift card my sister got me for Christmas) a few weeks ago because I heard the PS5 upgrade was coming soon. Perfect timing, now I have a new PS5 game to play free of charge.

12 : Anonymous2022/02/16 19:24 ID: hx7l9wv

Is the trial the full game download? This matters because I'm going to get the game from my library (PS4 disc) but while I'm waiting for that I want to play the trial. Will I have to delete the trial before installing the PS5 upgrade via the disc version? Like how when going form disc to digital you have to delete the disc install and then install the digital version.

ID: hx7rcg5

It’s the full game. There is no reason to get the trial if you have the PS4 version. Get the free PS5 upgrade instead; it is the same download size as the trial version.

ID: hx84bzv

It was just so I could start playing sooner... but I just got word that the game is ready for me to pick up, so I'll just do that and skip the trial.

13 : Anonymous2022/02/16 15:14 ID: hx6j1fg

Great, in Germany it’s not available. The free trial version can only be accessed when you have a PS+ subscription, because it’s for adults only (18+). That sucks.

14 : Anonymous2022/02/16 15:46 ID: hx6nx1u

Never buy any game day one. Except for Horizon: Forbidden West. Less than 30 hours yo.

15 : Anonymous2022/02/16 18:01 ID: hx79au6

Bought it when it came out and it was a buggy mess so i vowed to never play it till the next gen patch came out.

The wait was long but am pretty satisfied…so far. Was planning to play horizon forbidden west all weekend but may have to put it on hold for now.

16 : Anonymous2022/02/16 16:42 ID: hx6wqe7

I will try the free trial today

17 : Anonymous2022/02/16 17:18 ID: hx72gq3

Is there an FOV slider now?

18 : Anonymous2022/02/16 19:10 ID: hx7j5z7

Downloaded the trial and really liking it so far, has a lot of things I like in a game. Only criticism is the driving isn't the best but overall been really enjoyable.

19 : Anonymous2022/02/16 21:05 ID: hx815bb

Played the trial for about 30 minutes. Looks great, but it didn't really catch my attention. When characters talk to each other, it seems like every other RPG. It takes me out of the immersion.

20 : Anonymous2022/02/16 14:04 ID: hx698pt

I saw people saying in another post that the game randomly shut down people's consoles which then had to be unplugged for a while. And one person said it hadn't turned on since then for them, anyone heard about this?

I'm planning on waiting with the game anyway but this is concerning if true.

Edit:I swear to god there are people on every subreddit just waiting to downvote anyone asking questions.

ID: hx70otl

I don't think that's related to this game.

PS5s have a tendency to occasionally not want to come out of Rest Mode. It's happened to me 4 or 5 times in the last few months (while playing FF7 Remake, GoTG, and Borderlands Handsome Collection). I have to hold the power button for a few seconds, and let it do the whole "Rebuilding Database" thing when it powers back on. Then it scolds me for not shutting down properly.

EDIT: Maybe this is something different. Who knows...

ID: hx72rll

Scolds lmao

ID: hx69o9m

Never had that issue, but before this patch i played about six months ago and it constantly crashed.

ID: hx6j80z

Sounds like some fake bullshit, lol.

I could see a crash perhaps, not unheard of, but a game bricking a system is likely nonsense.

ID: hx7ui2o

I’ve had Returnal crash on me one time — and it was hard crash. Game froze for a second then the entire PS5 turned off like someone pulled the plug. I went to bed and tried turning it on the next day and it wouldn’t respond. Unplugged the power cable for a minute and plugged it back and in and all was good.

Weird for sure, I’ve never had a crash on the PS4 in the entire time I had it that actually shut down the console.

21 : Anonymous2022/02/16 15:50 ID: hx6ojak

I got the PS4 disc version when it came out but haven’t installed it yet on my PS5, will I get the full PS5 version of this game when I install the PS4 disc version on my console?

ID: hx6t3v9

I just did it last night. My copy was still shrink-wrapped from when I got it Christmas 2020!

Here’s how it worked…

I inserted the PS4 play disc, and it said “Copy Paused 0%”. Then I went to the three dots menu and selected “View Product”. This took me to the store page where I could download the PS5 version for free. No need to even copy any data from either disc.

One note: You still have to have the play disc inserted any time you want to launch the PS5 version, just as a verification measure.

ID: hx7083q

I downloaded the PS5 trial and I've now gone and bought the PS4 disc version.

I wonder if I just have to insert the disc to carry on playing?


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