People who game on 65 inch screens or larger, which graphics mode you prefer in general when gaming? Fidelity, Performance or Performance RT?

1 : Anonymous2022/02/20 10:47 ID: swynwt

I’m using my PS5 on a 75 Inch Sony 4K TV (XD85) and almost always use Fidelity mode as resolution differences become more apparent when the screen gets larger.

Also here are the games I tend to play most:

R&C Rift Apart Uncharted Legacy of Thieves FIFA 22 MADDEN 22 NBA 2K22 Fortnite

2 : Anonymous2022/02/20 12:44 ID: hxp4h4u

I don't think I have played a game yet that is so vastly different in the fidelity mode that I am willing to play in 30 fps. I've always been able to see the janky in the camera movements and it gives me a headache especially now that I have the choice on console. I'll always take smooth gameplay first.

Not to say I don't turn on ray tracing mode and be like, "now that's a nice reflection". I can appreciate the work but it's not for me.

ID: hxp66jn

I agree. Fidelity modes always look better when not moving, but then look really janky and bad when moving, so I always go performance.

ID: hxr7ddg

I just reached the same verdict today with HFW. Reso mode is great standing still, but once you are moving the frame rate is too jarring and the the difference between both settings when in movement (for me anyway) is indescribable

ID: hxqmd04

Spider-Man looks real good, but Performance RT is the perfect mix. Traversal and 60fps is a must.

ID: hxq6sla

I don't think I have played a game yet that is so vastly different in the fidelity mode that I am willing to play in 30 fps.

horizon is a first for me

ID: hxqmuh5

Yup horizon is the only one I’ve played in resolution mode and I have a 65 lgcx

ID: hxqts4k

Bro the difference is absolutely INSANE lmao. Turned it to resolution mode on my LG C1 and it was like having a bad acid trip and a stroke all at once

3 : Anonymous2022/02/20 10:53 ID: hxovss2

I've got a 65inch Q95T, prefer performance especially when you move the camera around in Ratchet&Clank, TLOU2, HFW, uncharted and the background is less jumpy

ID: hxqil07

Ratchet & Clank does have that new 120hz "Fidelity" which brings it to 40fps. It makes a really nice balance of all the graphics and smooth camera movement, if you haven't already tried btw.

4 : Anonymous2022/02/20 10:53 ID: hxovs7g

Performance. My x900h does not do well with 30fps camera panning.

ID: hxowig2

Make sure you have it in game mode, 30fps is affected much more by any motion processing.

Also the absolute size of the TV doesn't matter, it's the apparent size depending on distance, ie viewing angle:

If you have a very large screen you need to be further away. The visual end result is the same.

ID: hxowm6k

Its all off. I’m a tech guy so i’m aware. 30fps just looks terrible while playing anything that isn’t fixed camera. I’m building a PC soon just to mitigate this problem should 30fps come back to life.

5 : Anonymous2022/02/20 10:59 ID: hxow8rm

75" x95h bravia, 10 feet distance. Performance mode always. State your viewing distance as it plays a significant role.

ID: hxq0vfs

Yep. Viewing distance is everything. I play in a desktop settling with a 27” 4k monitor like a foot from my face so I can tell native 4k immediately And anything lower than that looks a bit blurry. So my decision regarding performance versus Fidelity always depends on what type of game it is rather than just defaulting to performance regardless.

ID: hxowiqb

Mine is either 10 feet or a bit further than that.

ID: hxp0djj

I'm 9ft away from 75" and I can barely differ between 1440p or 4k when playing on PC and Demon's souls on PS5, games like spiderman and Ratchet and clank I can see the difference because their performance modes are closer to 1080p but its not worth sacraficing sacrificing 60fps for 30

ID: hxppw41

Fidelity is the way

ID: hxpnkez

Since you talked about viewing distance, I think it'd be good to offer some perspective (heh) here:

In order to resolve the full detail of a 4k image, you'd need to sit around 6.25ft away from a 75". Most people don't realize how incredibly close you need to sit in order to fully appreciate a 4K image. At 10ft, assuming 20/17 vision (most people have better than 20/20 eyesight), you can only see about 33% of the detail in a 4k image.

6 : Anonymous2022/02/20 11:00 ID: hxowbo2

Performance. Most games the graphical leap isn’t significant enough to outweigh the performance increase. And I’m a gameplay first guy so that contributes.

ID: hxowpd3

This. 1080p ----> 4k feels way less 'next gen' than 30fps -----> 60fps does. Ive become so accustomed to 60fps now that 30fps literally makes me nauseous and sick in the stomache

ID: hxpm89z

That's how I was when I got into PC gaming and would go back to play games on PS4 locked to 30fps. It made me only buy the Playstation exclusives and everything else on PC, but now I am leaning to buying the big AAA games on PS5 to play in the living room on the big TV since they all have a 60fps mode, and buying/playing my quirky simulator games, VR, and indie games on PC.

ID: hxoy3yx

Looks like frame rate’s back on the menu, boys!

ID: hxp4chn

Playing the new Horizon game on graphcis mode everything looked great but the camera movement felt so damn clunky. Just goes to show how much of an improvement 60fps is over 30fps.

ID: hxp5eoh

HFW is the first game I think that greatly benefits from playing in Resolution mode over Performance. When in performance mode I find everything is very blurry.

ID: hxpmsn2

I usually always plays games in performance mode after I have gotten a ps5, but like you, I find that there actually is a big difference in graphics between the to modes in HFW. So I play in Resolution mode too. I just looks SO fucking good! I do not even mind the 30fps anymore in this game.

ID: hxp7crw

These days, I almost always turn off motion blur and film grain, especially if I'm going for 60fps. Motion blur especially can really muddy the edges of a picture.

7 : Anonymous2022/02/20 11:25 ID: hxoy6b7

I game on a Sony 85 inch and it's performance all the way for me

8 : Anonymous2022/02/20 13:34 ID: hxp9c5h

Depends on the game. Uncharted 4 is too good at 60fps, but Forbidden West and Ratchet and clank are pushing visual fidelity so far that I can’t help but play them on fidelity at 4K.

R&C does have a 40fps mode that you can use if your screen has <120hz, and it is such a game changer it’s unbelievable, I really hope more games start using it.

9 : Anonymous2022/02/20 11:29 ID: hxoyflz

Performance almost every time

10 : Anonymous2022/02/20 13:44 ID: hxpafyk

Performance RT if it's an option, Performance if it's not. Prefer smoother gameplay over slightly nicer graphics.

11 : Anonymous2022/02/20 11:35 ID: hxoyuwl


12 : Anonymous2022/02/20 12:01 ID: hxp0x4x

I have 65 and 75 inch TVs and I play performance mode ANY day over graphics. You really don't notice visual difference one you start playing the game, but boy do you notice the 30 FPS compared to 60 FPS. Also, if the game has a performance RT mode, I'll generally choose it over the other modes.

13 : Anonymous2022/02/20 11:20 ID: hxoxse4


14 : Anonymous2022/02/20 11:49 ID: hxozxlc

Performance. Fidelity isn't so important. It's going to look pretty good anyway

15 : Anonymous2022/02/20 11:49 ID: hxozzh1

Philips 65OLED855/12 here.

I’m always going for 60 fps. However when I have to choose between 60 and 120 fps I’m going for the visual improvement instead. But I do want steady 60 fps no matter what.

16 : Anonymous2022/02/20 11:55 ID: hxp0emv

Always performance if the option is available. Whether it be on my 75" tv for consoles or 34" monitor for PC I'll always make whatever sacrifice for a solid 60fps. Visuals to me are really just a superficial element that only has a minimal impact on my enjoyment of a game. Whereas framerate in an interactive medium is so much more beneficial with the improved smoothness & responsiveness of the presentation & gameplay.

17 : Anonymous2022/02/20 12:03 ID: hxp10nd

Performance mode for me. I play on LGC1 65” at a 3/3.5 meter sitting distance away. Sharpness/clarity jump on fidelity mode is of course very noticeable but I prefer a fluid gameplay

18 : Anonymous2022/02/20 12:58 ID: hxp5red

Performance is the way to go

19 : Anonymous2022/02/20 12:59 ID: hxp5wcb

Frame rate mate

20 : Anonymous2022/02/20 13:43 ID: hxpa9zj

Always fidelity/resolution for single player games. Performance for multiplayer games. I sit fairly close to my 65 inch OLED.

I don't mind 30fps and to be honest 60fps makes some cinematic games have a soap opera like effect and I don't like it.

21 : Anonymous2022/02/20 12:21 ID: hxp2i6n

Performance. I’ve noticed that the bigger the screen, the more jarring low FPS becomes. I don’t mind it as much on smaller screens, but my god it looks rough on my 65” Samsung. I just can’t do it unless there is absolutely no other option.

22 : Anonymous2022/02/20 11:01 ID: hxowdj0

I use a 65" LG C9 OLED. And it's very game dependant, some Games I prefer quality mode others I go for performance. But you are right, people who say just go for the frames haven't seen how bad some games look on a large tv that will show every imperfection. Any game that has a 1080p@ 60 120 looks absolutely trash. Large screens need high resolution

ID: hxp6qf4

Yep. I’m in a 77” C1, and some 1440p games look downright awful compared to the 4K ones.

I really wish more games would come with 40 fps mode. That seems like the perfect compromise.

23 : Anonymous2022/02/20 13:42 ID: hxpa6q8

Fidelity. I want to see the game for how the developers intended it to be seen.

ID: hxqo9lx

They didn't intend for it to be seen in 30fps either..

24 : Anonymous2022/02/20 13:43 ID: hxpabdn

just tried horizon on performance, but it looks kinda crap and over-sharpened... went back to resolution, which is not that fluid, but it's a bit more movie-like.

25 : Anonymous2022/02/20 18:37 ID: hxqezwu

Playing 30fps on my OLED (LG C9 65”) was about the worst gaming experience I’ve ever had.. lol. I will gladly sacrifice some graphical enhancements for 60fps (story) and 120fps (esports games) any day! For example, Forbidden West runs checkerboard resolution at 1800p and it’s been more than enough. Some will probably argue the opposite. To each there own I suppose.

26 : Anonymous2022/02/20 19:46 ID: hxqowwf

I'm not doing 30fps in 2022. Always 60fps mode.

27 : Anonymous2022/02/20 12:21 ID: hxp2je9

Performance. I think fidelity is just interesting for a minority of players on PS5. Could be wrong here, but at least i don't know anyone who doesn't want to play with 60 FPS.

ID: hxpar4d

I like looking at fidelity briefly if it puts ray tracing on or just to see the minor differences but in most cases the improvements aren't really visible le when you are playing because of the fast pace of most games.


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