Final Fantasy XIV outlines the next 10 years – RPG advancements, graphical update, and Patch 6.x series roadmap

1 : Anonymous2022/02/20 07:18 ID: swviod
Final Fantasy XIV outlines the next 10 years - RPG advancements, graphical update, and Patch 6.x series roadmap
2 : Anonymous2022/02/20 07:30 ID: hxogkcx

"Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in."

3 : Anonymous2022/02/20 08:44 ID: hxom8m4

Stop! There’s only so much redemption arch we can handle for one game.

ID: hxopm9p

Tell that to Sean Murray too.

4 : Anonymous2022/02/20 11:42 ID: hxozf0d

wait.... 10 years thats beyond consumer electronics life cycle

so this is it, PS4 players need to migrate to PS5 or PS5 phase 2

ID: hxp2x1u

Yes. PS3 got dropped. Its inevitable

ID: hxp8ow9

Yoshida said they’ll at least bring 7.0 to PS4. By 8.0 in 2025, who knows if they’ll drop it or not.

ID: hxq0vnl

Likely try to do it as long as they can, hopefully by then PS5 will have return to the wild.

ID: hxq1rjc

Dang thats crazy. I been thinking of getting into this game. Good to know I still can 5 years from now most likely lol.

ID: hxp7x9w

Yes. Chances are some future expansion won't be supported on PS4 and then they'll drop support entirely some time after that. That's what they did for the PS3 version. They said the next expansion will be supported on PS4, but maybe the one after that won't be.

ID: hxpixgp

Which is like a....4ish year window?

Not bad, hopefully access to PS5's is easier for the world by then.

5 : Anonymous2022/02/20 15:04 ID: hxpjwtt

I wish I could make the time commitment for this game. It really looks like the coolest MMO around. I don’t know how realistic it would be to play it mostly solo.

ID: hxpl4ho

Depends entirely on what you mean by “mostly solo”.

If you mean literally all single player all the time (you probably don’t mean this because you know it’s an MMO) then it’s impossible because you need to play with others for like almost all instanced content for now. Note: these others do not have to be friends as the groups are pre made.

If you mean Play solo the whole way through and still have fun then by all means it is not only possible but what many people do and yes it is still a very good way to play the game. In fact in this producer update, they highlighted that moving forward they are making the solo experience even better by adding some more solo friendly mechanics.

ID: hxq5yog

Exactly. I don’t have a gaming group or enough free time to pour into a guild (not 100% sure what FFXIV calls those) so would sign in an play, and if there are ways to join others I’m happy to do so.

Don’t know if it’s a limiting factor but I’m not doing voice chat with perfect strangers. I’m quite social, but not in that setting. In person or with people I know it’s different.

ID: hxpndji

It’s very realistic. It’s what I did and still do. I’ll take a hiatus for quite a while, come back and play at my own pace and then take a break again because I also don’t have much time as I’d like. I do find groups on discord and reddit to do things like challenging raids and stuff though. But i don’t find that process too hard. The community is truly the best i’ve seen

ID: hxpot8e

They are making it more "Solo friendly" with the incoming updates. Shadowbringers onwards has the "trust" system which lets you run dungeons with NPC party members over actual players, and over the next patch cycle they're adding that to the old content. They're also taking some old weird content and turning it into solo duties (non multiplayer story instances) or normal 4 man content (which believe should be doable with the new trusts too). There's still some trials and stuff that will probably need to be done with others but they are rather quick to get done anyway.

I will say playing with other people is quite fun though, the community is encouraging and only really hates on people playing bad when its people who are doing high level endgame content and don't know basic fundamentals they really should have known by the end of the first expansion.

ID: hxq5c64

For me it’s not that I don’t like to play with others, or be in a guild, etc. It’s the crazy time commitment and schedule that brings me down. Basically it’s difficult to bend me life around a game with a wife, work, dogs, etc. I.e. I’m old:)

FFXIV just looks like so much fun, and seems to have the most interesting setting to me. XV and XVI for instance is a bit of a head scratcher in that sense. Plus knowing it’s reasonably solo friendly is making it more tempting.

ID: hxpuqnh

Been playing since 2.0 and solo since 4.0. It's very doable for all progression content. A n extremely small amount of content requires free companies or stable groups to do, but if you aren't aiming to be in the top 10% of players you will never run into it.

6 : Anonymous2022/02/20 15:36 ID: hxpodyo

Thing I am most looking forward to? Less shimmering and flickering shadows.

7 : Anonymous2022/02/20 16:39 ID: hxpxjzj

So the graphical upgrade will come in 7.0? When is it coming? Next year? Cus I plan to replay the game when it comes out.

ID: hxr2jky

In 2 years to 2.5 years. So holiday 2023 or early 2024.


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