Outstanding! Hard to believe that polyphony digital did amazing job on GT7

1 : Anonymous2022/03/02 12:15 ID: t4yv4d
Outstanding! Hard to believe that polyphony digital did amazing job on GT7
2 : Anonymous2022/03/02 12:26 ID: hz1hqyi

I'm going to get this when I'm done with Forbidden West and Elden Ring. Probably in a month or so. Glad to see such high scores.

ID: hz3y02e

I’m playing Forbidden West at the moment, but I have this pre-ordered and is definitely the game I’m most exited for this year and will put the most time into. My sim rig is ready for this game, I can’t wait!

ID: hz3groi

Bought all 3, beat Forbidden West Already, playing Elden RN and gonna play GT7 tomorrow. RIP my bank account.

3 : Anonymous2022/03/02 18:14 ID: hz2ugxu

Why is hard to believe? Are they bad developers?

ID: hz3xs16

No they have an amazing history. There games are almost always greeted with amazing scores

ID: hz413o3

Sport was really the only outlier for this. But even then, sport wasn’t criticised for its quality, but the lack of content foremost (small track and car list. No single player campaign. No weather effects). it’s actual gameplay however was solid as all other entries were and it has been praised for that.

7 really looks like sport, with more content (double the tracks, cars and an actual campaign mode and proper weather cycles) alongside some impressive technical feats. Basically what sport should have been. It’s hard to imagine it being received poorly after all that 🙂

(Even if the vast majority of content is from sport (after its updates though). Only 50 or so new cars and a few new tracks really, but still, a campaign making use of these and actual rain on those new tracks is a game changer for many like me 🙂

4 : Anonymous2022/03/02 13:30 ID: hz1ordw

There's so much good stuff out right now. My poor wife.

ID: hz1wnpc

Just sell her.

ID: hz2g7h0

Then he’ll have money for games. I like your plan

5 : Anonymous2022/03/02 22:16 ID: hz3vddt

Wow!! They killed if this year with PS games. I’m already broke n now this month two amazing new exclusive also

6 : Anonymous2022/03/02 12:21 ID: hz1h84y

I'm so tempted but already I'm juggling dying light 2 horizon elden ring lol

ID: hz1hj0t

Just wait then! The game ain't gonna go away

ID: hz2tp6k

The world might

7 : Anonymous2022/03/02 12:51 ID: hz1kdop

So when I can finally finish HFW, cyberpunk, and Elden ring, which for me is probably July lol, can’t wait to play this

ID: hz47wp6

Although i think since there is no "story" this game would be perfect for a "side" game to play along with another one.

8 : Anonymous2022/03/02 19:06 ID: hz32ojv

Fucking hell. I took two weeks off. Beat horizon in just over a week. Currently 30 hours into Elden ring and it’s a monstrously huge game. I’ll end up getting this in may at this rate.

9 : Anonymous2022/03/02 14:03 ID: hz1swe2

Hope this finds its way to pc one day. Don't want to buy a ps for a single game

I realise the chances are slim to none.... But would be nice

10 : Anonymous2022/03/02 20:35 ID: hz3gkk9

Amazing! Just like Driveclub!


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