RX 580 4GB Test in 7 Games | Ryzen 5 / 2021

1 : Anonymous2021/05/02 15:48 ID: n3956r
RX 580 4GB Test in 7 Games | Ryzen 5 / 2021
2 : Anonymous2021/05/02 17:05 ID: gwom0dw

You know what's sad about this? Many of us got the card or his 8GB variant on the cheap and there's no replacement card in sight as of now at the same price point.

ID: gwp1kxt

You know what's sad about this? Many of us got the card or his 8GB variant on the cheap and there's no replacement card in sight as of now at the same price point.

and it's been almost 5 years since Polaris gpu release...

ID: gwpfe5j

There will never be.

3 : Anonymous2021/05/02 18:55 ID: gwp4es8

When I bought my 4GB RX 580 back in 2017, I remember people in this subreddit arguing that there were little point in getting the 8GB variant over the 4GB one. Their argument was something like this:

"There's no point in getting 8GB for the sake of future-proofing. 4GB is more than enough for most titles and by the time games will need more than 4GB, the GPU will be woefully inadequate anyway."

Now, I'm not necessarily saying they were wrong! Back then, their argument made sense and I did only have a 60hz/1080p monitor. However, had I known in 2017 that I still would be using the same card in 2021 AND that it would have to power a 1440p/144hz monitor, I would definitively have gotten the 8GB version instead.

Yes, it's been a great card, but it's beginning to show its age, especially in newer titles. I just hope it survives until the GPU marked is sane again.

ID: gwpzgar

Yes,but there are so little games that requare more than 4 gb VRAM, even on 1440p !

And the only difference between the 4gb and 8 gb is the VRAM and the memory bandwidth is a little boosted in the 8 gb version. So you won't have better performance with the 8 gb version . ( in 90 % of the Games )

ID: gwq29kd

Overall it's still a great card for mid to high gaming anyway but definitely not strong enough to power a 144 hz or more in newer tittles

4 : Anonymous2021/05/02 17:33 ID: gwor0ca

Years later, still a great GPU.

ID: gwpx5zb


5 : Anonymous2021/05/02 16:16 ID: gwoeike

Congrats, a 580 can run games that released several years before the gpu came out. (and can't run the one game that came out semi recently at 60 fps)

Now test something actually modern

ID: gwonze4

Doom Eternal, Warzone and Heat all came out well after the 580.

ID: gwovscr

doom eternal runs at 200 fps at 1440p on my 3060ti, it'll run on anything

If the point of the video was to show that a 580 can run games in 2021 they should have tested some games that actually stress the gpu instead of ancient games and games made to run on low end hardware

6 : Anonymous2021/05/02 21:26 ID: gwpn1n6

580 overheats and rainbows pop up... Wtf


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