Jim Ryan on PS5 availability: “We see production ramping up over the summer and certainly into the second half of the year, and we would hope to see some sort of return to normality in terms of the balance between supply and demand during that period.”

1 : Anonymous2021/05/20 18:57 ID: nh8fqb
2 : Anonymous2021/05/20 19:28 ID: gyuy38m

Great news, hopefully he's right. I have to say this is my favorite console since N64 back in the days.

ID: gyv67vd

That’s awesome! May I ask why that is?

ID: gyv8ano

When I was 13 I delivered newspapers every Wednesday and Saturday to save op for the N64 and the rumble pack with Goldenye.

And man the first time I booted it up and felt the rumble. That was sick and it gave so many fun hours with friends. I have had PS1-2-3 and now 5.

Didn't have time for 4 because of kids and work. So when we got this PS5 in December and booting it up with my kids at age 10 and 11. Seeing their faces when playing astro with DualSense was something else man. Later that night when Miles Morales started up with he's first swing. Same feeling.

ID: gyv820a

No you may not young man

ID: gyws7ib

May I ask why that is?

The N64 was released before the PlayStation 5.

ID: gywaob5

And n64 had the perfect number of games.

3 : Anonymous2021/05/20 20:13 ID: gyv4f0b

Hopefully by the time PSVR 2 is out they're plentily available

ID: gyv94ep

Imagine if PSVR 2 has the same shortage

ID: gyv9cvt

I can't deal with the stress , I would just wait it out. You would think demand wouldn't be so high with only a few million PS5 out there and people not wanting to spend another £450 so soon

ID: gyvpv8e

It might but vr is a peripheral.

Psvr 1 sold a few million units. Even if psvr2 sells double what psvr1 did it won't sell out for long.

ID: gyx0ib4

I doubt it won’t. Demand will be much lower and I would guess that not many semiconductors are needed for production

4 : Anonymous2021/05/20 19:33 ID: gyuyq5r

What’s the current state of the chip shortage?

ID: gyv5n33

Bad and getting worse

Lead times on putting in a chip order and actually getting the parts is up to 17 weeks now, and last month was the 3rd month in a row it’s increased

There’s little indication this won’t continue well into 2022, I’m actually kinda curious why Ryan feels things will get better so soon

ID: gyviiio

Where I work it's 30 weeks now (networking hardware manufacturer). I'm being told that there is a light at the end of the tunnel as some double orders begin to cancel and free up a bit of supply. But I'll believe that when I see it.

ID: gyw0jou

What's the cause of the chip shortage? Covid related?

ID: gyv6tcy

Either they have some chip orders that were put in way far in advance or they have found a way to make the PS5 less attractive to lower the demand.

ID: gyv7hha

There’s little indication this won’t continue well into 2022, I’m actually kinda curious why Ryan feels things will get better so soon

Probably because they already fulfilled a big part of the demand.

ID: gyy5dfl

I'm also curious why Ryan thinks things will get better by the end of the year. Sony even said, roughly two days before the article that OP posted, that we should expect the PS5 stock shortages to continue into 2022.

Maybe things are going to get better, but at the moment, it seems like Ryan is just trying to give some reassurance to people who are trying to get their hands on a PS5. Lord knows if I was still looking for one I'd need it. I got mine back in late December and I'm still counting my lucky stars that I even managed to get one.

5 : Anonymous2021/05/20 22:59 ID: gyvpzyz

Cool. Getting a new TV this year so I need a new console to really take advantage of it

ID: gywtqeu

Yeah, I got my LG Nanocell in December. Just love it! And I ordered my console in January, but it's still not here 🙁

But fortunately HDR, upscaling and overall experience on my PS4 is actually decent thanks to my TV so I'm pretty happy tbh

ID: gyx1c0z

What’s the electricity consumption on that thing?

ID: gywrhea

Hell yeah. I borrowed a 1080p TV before i got my PS5. Bought a 4K HDR TV 2 months ago and fuck it looks better.

ID: gyy1eoe

Also coming from 1080p to 4k and can confirm, mind blowing.

6 : Anonymous2021/05/20 23:38 ID: gyvunia

Didn’t somebody from Sony within the last month said they expect supply/demand to be an issue through 2022? Or am I thinking of something else.

ID: gyw8h2v

They did, I don't remember who, but Jim Ryan is basically contradicting what was said last month. Honestly, it's probably not going to get any/much better. Probably just PR Optimism.

7 : Anonymous2021/05/20 20:23 ID: gyv5u89

Definitely want one... Playstation has some interesting things going on not just exclusive games. I'm hoping to try out Dreams, make something weird and funny.

I wanna grind out Returnal past midnight. I wanna invade peoples games with Deathloop. I want to enjoy the backlog of games in the psplus collection.

I wanna enjoy everything that psplus allows me to do now and in the future. I wanna enjoy Sony movies and animated shows, including Funimation. I wanna enjoy a ps5 streaming app where I can watch any of my friends play games.

ID: gywkdn7

Dreams is really good. Learning was easier than I thought and you'll be able to find help and tips easily. It's cool going through all the tutorials and then making a level or music of your own.

And Returnal... I'm loving that game. Currently trying to Platinum. Either which way you'll have plenty of good stuff to try.

ID: gyxd3lq

I honestly just wanna play games without frames dropping lol

8 : Anonymous2021/05/20 21:29 ID: gyveoyn

Ooh nice. Hoping I’ll be able to get one before the new Battlefield launches, love me some battlefield.

Would also be nice if I can get it before the new Horizon and GoW. Never played any of the exclusives though so got plenty of catching up to do (never had a ps4)

ID: gywuvgk

Honestly, why not just get a cheap PS4 slim and catch up whilst you wait? That would take the pressure off somewhat!

9 : Anonymous2021/05/20 20:55 ID: gyva4eu

Meanwhile I probably won't be able to get a new GPU until 2023...

ID: gyvhj2j

mine died in the last week of last year, I somehow managed to nab one at the end of January.

ID: gyvhsyw

Damn that's unlucky but at least you managed to get something. I'm currently using a 1660S in my PC which can at least run new games but I really want to upgrade to a decent raytracing card. I've been checking stock updates a few times a day but no luck so far.

ID: gyw8223

I've had luck with AMD's restocks. Secured a RX 6800 two weeks ago. They are usually around the same time every week, but they are regional. It lacks DLSS, which sucks, but it is a masterclass card for 1440p. Even the 6700XT is fairly solid, again with the same caveat.

Don't waste time trying to score a 6800XT or 6900 though, those two are prime scalper cards, with highest yield for return. Plus, I personally haven't seen AMD restock 6800 XTs in the past month.

10 : Anonymous2021/05/20 23:51 ID: gyvw53q

Fingers crossed.

I had to cancel my launch pre order as my employment status was uncertain. My launch PS4 also just forced me to format/reinstall so i’m sort of itching for my next-gen upgrade.

11 : Anonymous2021/05/20 23:34 ID: gyvu5hm

I failed to get one from Walmart and ps5 direct today xd, I dunno why I keep trying at this point. It's disappointment every time.

ID: gyw5cjz

I got mine through Sony direct last week - don’t give up! I used the Twitter alerts and jumped into the que on multiple devices and got it in 25 min. It seemed like I had a better chance than the chain store stock drops.

12 : Anonymous2021/05/21 07:28 ID: gyx3ugo

Hope some of said supply will come into India.

13 : Anonymous2021/05/21 13:27 ID: gyxvz3o

Press X to doubt

14 : Anonymous2021/05/21 01:28 ID: gyw77rz

I hate to be a naysayer, but this is definitely PR talk. PS5 supply almost assuredly will not be increasing (or I should say getting noticeably better) until 2022 at the least. There is simply too much demand, part shortages, and simply not enough stock.

The one silver lining is that aftermarket prices have been lowering some. If you really wanted a PS5 now, you could get one for $750-$850 depending on which edition and which site you bought off of. That's still far more than MSRP, but it is better than the $1,000 PS5's from last yea

this year. I'm not saying buy scalped, but, at least the scalping market for PS5's seems to have hit a plateau.

If you really want a console, sign up on Twitter to follow one of the stock trackers, like Wario64, keep an eye on PS Direct and Newegg Shuffle, and maybe enlist some friends to help (maybe offer them a couple bucks if they can nab one for you). It's doable, but you have to be willing to try for a few weeks, maybe even a month or two.

15 : Anonymous2021/05/21 07:15 ID: gyx2z7r

Started on Ratchet and Clank and now trying so hard to get the PS5 so I can play Rift Apart. The nostalgia hits hard with games like that

16 : Anonymous2021/05/21 08:10 ID: gyx6r11

I like what I'm seeing about this console. But the availability and the exclusive games being few are still deterrent enough for me to be satisfied with just my ps4. But still, this is good new for those wanting to grab one (hopefully in srp) at least by the Xmas holidays by the looks of it.

17 : Anonymous2021/05/21 08:32 ID: gyx85dr

I follow some guys on Twitter and they announce when the stores are doing Airdrops and I luckily got a PS5 bundle a couple days ago

18 : Anonymous2021/05/21 15:15 ID: gyy9qae

This is good news hopefully

19 : Anonymous2021/05/21 17:46 ID: gyyu4as

Jimbo the Great

20 : Anonymous2021/05/21 03:49 ID: gywmiek

If people can buy them in stores. Until then bots will continue to dominate

21 : Anonymous2021/05/20 19:33 ID: gyuypzl

PS5 stock is already easy to get compared to GPUs.

ID: gyuzo0q

My GPU has appreciated x3 since I bought it.

ID: gyv8q38

Doesn’t matter if it’s “relatively “ easier. It still very difficult to get. The demand for PS5 far out weigh the switch and the switch is selling at 2:1 compared to PS5 for the past few months. Only 220K PS5s are available worldwide per week. I’m sure that amount, if it were available, will sell in one day in a third world country.

ID: gyvpnor

where did you get the 220k figure? 8m/weeks since launch?


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