AMD Ryzen 7 5700G and Ryzen 5 5600G to launch for DIY market on August 5th

1 : Anonymous2021/06/01 03:20 ID: npkikc
AMD Ryzen 7 5700G and Ryzen 5 5600G to launch for DIY market on August 5th
2 : Anonymous2021/06/01 08:53 ID: h069epd

that 5700G is gonna be the GOAT

ID: h06lqzj

Agreee man! Early reviews are loking good.

3 : Anonymous2021/06/01 12:24 ID: h06p3b8

Wow I'm kinda surprised the 5600g is cheaper than the 5600x!

ID: h072uxg

Its supposed to be, the x variants always have higher clock speeds and cost more. It should be the same performance as the “5600” though

ID: h086kb0

He is surprised because the 4600g and 4700g were more expensive than the 3600 and 3700x.

ID: h079xn7

Less cache?

4 : Anonymous2021/06/01 11:51 ID: h06m2sa

I think 5700g is for me. I need cpu performance cuz CAD and don't really need a dedicated gpu. I don't game AAA and fine with 1080p 60fps. I also don't edit videos that much to need raw gpu power. So and 8core/16thread beast vs 6/12 core + gpu combo, 5700g is more reasonable for me. Also the 65 tdp is like the same with 5600g or 3600 if I'm correct which I also want/need (high electric bills). Might just add a gpu in a year or too or maybe not at all. Overall, excited for this and might be able to buy one when the time comes.

5 : Anonymous2021/06/01 13:52 ID: h06ymzu

Graphics problem solved. If the iGPU supports FSR, then it will perform atleast modestly.

ID: h07tqej

AMD has confirmed it will!

/comments/nplbcd/what_if_fsr_worked_on_vega_igpus/" class="reddit-press-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">

ID: h08quka

That's awesome! These apus look like a real winner.

6 : Anonymous2021/06/01 12:25 ID: h06p40l

This is amazing news.

I want to bag a 5600G while waiting for GPU prices to stabilise which is obviously is going to take some time.

Fingers crossed I'll be able to pick one up and they don't all end up in the hands of scalpers.

7 : Anonymous2021/06/01 15:21 ID: h07a2ed

Vega whyyyyyyyy

Why won’t you die!

8 : Anonymous2021/06/01 15:41 ID: h07ct2p

patiently waiting for the $219 5600 non-X

9 : Anonymous2021/06/01 04:34 ID: h05r0vs

Do you think I'll be able to get one of this from Amazon?

ID: h065b0n

Only if availability is not the issue.

ID: h06krz1

I wouldn’t use Amazon for pc parts. They are known for letting you preorder and cancel months later

ID: h06xj4y

Sure. Why not?

10 : Anonymous2021/06/01 12:05 ID: h06nads

Wish they release sooner, but I am happy its being released sooner than end of the year.

11 : Anonymous2021/06/01 12:59 ID: h06sokb

This paired with FSR and you probably wouldn't care if you're game is just stable hovering over 60 fps. Cause it beats paying for an overpriced gpu

12 : Anonymous2021/06/01 14:46 ID: h075h0x

Any speculation about how this apu GPU is compared to actual GPU?

ID: h07tyng

Paired with fast RAM it’s around 1030/550 dGPU level performance.

Intel has a cut down Xe die for the desktop (UHD 750) due to 14nm so AMD will still be much faster despite the older graphics engine.

ID: h091jx6

I am currently using 1200p monitor, and I plan to upgrade at some point to 1440p. I don't really play modern games (mostly e-sport titles like Trackmania and Rocket League), but I would like to try a bit older titles like Ghost Recon: Wildlands, Cities: Skylines and so on. I miss some open-world experience.

Do you think iGPU in 5700G can deliver on that front on 1440p ? I care more about FPS than details, so I won't mind decreasing the settings in favor of getting more fluid experience.

For perspective, I am currently using AMD Kaveri A10-7850k with iGPU, so I kinda expect a sizable upgrade in terms of performance.

13 : Anonymous2021/06/01 15:29 ID: h07b6vx

do you guys think that GPU might be as good as a Polaris GPU? (RX 480/580) Or it will be worse? If worse, how much worse?

ID: h07kqcy

I doubt it'd be much better than current apus since it's still Vega based

ID: h095l5j

It's around a 1030gt ddr5 in performance.

14 : Anonymous2021/06/01 19:49 ID: h08anhg

Will they work with the b550 motherboards that are out there now?

15 : Anonymous2021/06/01 21:22 ID: h08mu2b

They only have PCIe3 lanes. Why???

16 : Anonymous2021/06/01 21:52 ID: h08qmz1

I'm hoping I can do a (with a bios update) simple drop in upgrade for my ASRock Deskmini emulator box.

17 : Anonymous2021/06/01 23:21 ID: h091kqi

I am currently using 1200p monitor, and I plan to upgrade at some point to 1440p. I don't really play modern games (mostly e-sport titles like Trackmania and Rocket League), but I would like to try a bit older titles like Ghost Recon: Wildlands, Cities: Skylines and so on. I miss some open-world experience.

Do you think iGPU in 5700G can deliver on that front on 1440p ? I care more about FPS than details, so I won't mind decreasing the settings in favor of getting more fluid experience.

For perspective, I am currently using AMD Kaveri A10-7850k with iGPU, so I kinda expect a sizable upgrade in terms of performance.


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